This guy is doing 15 years hard labour in a gulag

How does that make you feel?


No loss. He was probably one of those liberals who don't believe in borders.

Who is this faggot

>it gets me happy feelings inside

But seriously, he got what he deserved.

He was complicit in the regimes behavior by going there, him and other peoples visit only gives their propaganda bureau could shill and pretend that north korea is a functional society and not a giant concentration camp with one big make pretend city

And here's the thing, this idiot could have gone and left with no problems, but he tried to take a poster home with him from the lobby.
When you go there, literally everything you do is recorded.
The hotel staff are all intelligence officers.

Now, the two guys in that pic don't have disdain or anything, the dude broke a simple rule in a Stalinist country and got sent to gulag.
The guys arresting probably don't feel anything.

I bet they've executed people in rice patties for passing out to much from starvation during the harvest, and I bet if they don't do their job they'll be shot too.

Anyway, he deserves what he got.
He wanted to view a communist dystopia from a safe fishtank and then go home and post about it on social media, now he gets to live in it.

God deals justice in the form of irony.

He gets a book deal and probably a fucking movie when he's done. He'll be fine. Isn't at least one year gone already? He'll honestly be fine. My grandad did more years than that in prison.

And no, before you guys say he'll die, he wont.
He'll come out of that shit hole, skinny, emaciated, and broken.

>let's so much as touch Propoganda in a totalitarian regime, this will end well
doesnt mean I don't feel bad for him, but play stupid games, win stupid prizes

He's probably lumberjacking in siberia.

It's shit but not lethal.

Your grandad is a piece of shit

>implying he isn't in some "VIP gulag" where he isn't treated as bad so when norks release him they can claim gulags don't exist or aren't that bad

his life is fucking over

Eh? 15 years in a gulag is death m8.

I know his cousin, his last name is wormbier and his family has a bleak outlook on his situation

he will build character
also nork gulag is probably better than argentinian prison
they don't have cannibalism there

He's basically a bargaining chip with the US now but since his stupid ass got him into this situation and he wasn't there as a missionary or journalist he's gonna be a low priority. If he's unlucky he dies in the chaos that follows a regime collapse.

ur granpappa got BLACKED

can already black men get blacked?

The only reason north korea exists is because it sits between china and the west, if it weren't bordering china we would have fucking crushed them decades ago. We would've won the war, but i mean even afterwards.

Moral of the story: Don't go to Best Korea and fuck with their shit.

This is 100% true

Do we have any information on what kind of person he is? Has he tried to escape yet?

He'll be okay. Asians have little dicks. He won't feel a thing.

I don't know, you're living in a country full of black people, ask around

you better star believing in black people
you're talking to one

>only 15 years
What is this, democracy?

he knew what he wrought




Feels pretty good. Don't go to other countries and break their laws, especially countries known for not giving a fuck about human rights.

Don't steal and you wont get into trouble.

Feels good man goes in all fields.

I couldn't care less.

I laughed in that staged video where he cries

Good for you, now fuck off.

underage b&

storytime, now

It's shitposting time Ponce

He got put into a room with sex starved north korean labour slaves.

Think about only seeing smelly korean male ass and then this supple soft white skin baby face boi comes into your playden. Imagine all the hard dicks aiming in his direction, dat poor little white boi.


>entering a dictatorship run by a known loose cannon and doing dumb shit
it's his own fault really, he should have thought before acting a fool in fucking North Korea

although if we didn't have a pussy like Obama as president we could have easily pressured them into releasing him

I'm honestly surprised the US govt didn't pull something to get this dumbass released.

This times one thousand.

He really embarrassed himself to the world by having a fit in the courtroom.

Western countries should enforce extraterritoriality on barbaric and primitive nations.

That I'm glad I'm not him. 15 years. Fuck.

He tried stealing a Kim Jong Un propoganda poster

Eh. Hillary (or Trump) will send this retarded basketball nigger over to free him.. Happened before.

>quality, constructive post from a leaf
well I'll be damned

He's going to be fit as a fiddle after all that hard labour.

It's better than a free 15 year gym pass.

15 years in a Nork "happy camp". If he gets the full experience at Klub Kim for those fifteen, death will seem like a sweet release. Assuming he survives.

What's fucking hilarious is that the zipperheads probably would've given him propaganda shit to take home
I'm sure they have a few giftshops as well with the same kind of posters for sale

He wont spend 15_ full years.

Little Kimmie will need new roller skates before that

>Tries to steal a propaganda poster on a dare or something.
>Gets fucked over it.

As much as it sucks to serve 15 years in a place like that, he did the crime full well knowing what the repercussions could be.
He's there due to his own stupidity, so fuck him.

Who cares? He was a drunkard and most likely a Redditor. BTW what do you think they're doing to him in the concentration camp? Do they have to go relatively easy on foreigners?

he'll probably only serve 3 or so, will still fucking blow for him but it wont be 15 years

but fuck this guy, trying to pull some frat type shit in north korea, did you really think you weren't on camera?

Yeah, with limited food.

Tired and hungry? Too bad, better not rest or you're shot.

Dude, look up how prisoners are treated in NK. A former prisoner said that roughly 1/3rd of prisoners are seriously deformed from beatings. They kill people over nonsense. I doubt he's fine.

1 post by this ID

I really wonder. On one hand, they could treat him well for fear of him going back and spreading the "truth" about the horrors of N. Korea, even though we already know. On the other hand, they could just say fuck it and make his life hell to deter future offenders. My guess is he's just bored to death sitting in a cell trying to figure out what the hell people in the cell next to him are saying.

underage b&

What fucking American goes to North Korea? American Education baka desu senpai


He went to North Korea and knowingly committed a crime, which is left, in every country.

I'm not saying he deserves fifteen years hard labor, but he's certainly winning any awards for intelligence.

Prison rape is an American thing.

I hate North Korea or any kind of communism but he's honestly getting what he deserves.

Breaking the law and doing vandalism in your own country is shitty enough, but when you do it in another fucking country you shame the rest of us.

>And here's the thing, this idiot could have gone and left with no problems, but he tried to take a poster home with him from the lobby.

I agree with most of what you said but actually there is a giant chance they just made that up to have another bargaining chip with the US.

Who gives a shit? Gas the subhuman gooks. All Communists should die, they shouldn't have the authority of a sovereign state over a single square inch of the Earth's surface.

Not an argument.

They don't treat foreign prisoners as badly. That one preacher was there for like a decade and although they don't feed you spectacularly well and you work a lot it's not the same treatment as what their prisoners normally get. He was separated from all the others and talked to the guards all the time and stuff.

they released the video of him doing it m8

So edgy.

It's time to go to bed

They could have forced him to act.

Having there been people claiming that Americans in this kind of situation actually aren't treated badly compared to the general population? They have to work a bit but they're treated a lot nicer than others for obvious reasons. It's doubtful he's doing hard labor and eating dirt.

Also, I couldn't care less. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

>How does that make you feel?

Spoiled, rich white kid goes to North Korea and vandalizes? No fucks given for what the gooks do to him. He is dumb as hell.

Dude was a retard trying to steal propaganda he could have literally asked for. No shit he could have asked his minder "This piece is beautiful! May I take a copy back to America with me?" I'm sure the Norks would be more than happy to spread their propaganda around.
Classic case of winning stupid prizes for playing stupid games. Dude deserves everything that happens to him

you're right, god damn you'd have to be a cuck to do that, even if they were offering you a deal, there's no way you could create evidence against you

then again, he looks like a cuck

If you go to a country respect its laws. If he punishment for stealing is 15 years hard labour, then he deserves to be there for 15 years of hard labour.

Respect the laws of the land you faggots.


>visit the most oppressive and authoritarian regime in current history, who has a very strained relationship with the first world
>try to steal from them
>expect this to end well

Darwinism in action.

Why would they? He's a nobody.


This, or he never makes it out alive to tell the tales.

You're totally right

but remember he thought it was a good idea to go to north Korea for vacation in the first place

I just don't see another reason for him to go to nk except to bring something back, no family or friends in there, no real tourism or anything, he came in and did what he wanted to do and got caught

Going to North Korea is totally fine. There's basically no crime or pollution. Problems only start when you start stealing shit

The Norks are shirt but look at them. They look scary as fuck.

or if you're an american citizen and the country needs more grain and gibs so they make you a hostage

you have to recall kim jong ill kept some film makers there for a decade and forced them to make his movies

>go to a country so poor that they can't afford food
>steal from them
He was asking for that.

Surprised. I thought they would try to use someone stealing a piece of propaganda as an example of how great the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is, that foreign devils want to be like them.

He (((dies of a disease that the North Koreans tried to cure))).

Going to NK as a westerner is not "fine." You're basically being complicit in the subjugation of an entire nation.

>My grandad did more years than that in prison.
your country's prison is a daycare compared to a NK gulag bro

Either he's a manlet or they managed to find to ching chongs that's been fed kim jong's table scraps.

This is 8 months old. No one cares about this vandal

I wish all the wet backs who came here illegally and committed crimes were treated justly.
That guy ripped down a poster, we should catapult Mexicans back over the Rio Grande.
We'd have so much less crime.

>Smart enough to not go to North Korea

I believe those were US POWs who willingly defected to North Korea during the Korean War.

Can you cite even a single example of this in the past 16 years

Thousands of tourists go to North Korea every year without incident

Are you actually retarded? You think it's the personal responsibility of individual American citizens to give a shit about the living conditions of brown people?

After Trump gets some YUUUUUUGE deals with China, and gets them to stop protecting North Korea, we'll have Delta Force break him out. As the commando choppers are crossing back over the 38th parallel after rescuing him, that's when the air campaign will begin.