>acually liking this fucking troglodyte.
Acually liking this fucking troglodyte
Want to talk about your problem with him? Or are you just going to say he's a racist, sexist, xenophobic white male and leave it at that.
hes a disgusting human being aka a typical conservative right winger
No he is right, his liberal stance on the second amendment means he is cuckservative and will be hanged like the traitorous faggot he is.
Maybe Emperor Trump might just banish him/jail him for life due to his positive view on him.
He's arrogant. He's supposed to report the news, not the news he likes. He's the fox news equivalent of Jon Stewart or Larry Wilmore, in that if a guest goes on his show, they know that they either agree with him completely or get thrown into a witch hunt of an argument, because O'Reilly doesn't know how to properly debate.
Billy's a mixed bagged. Sometimes I agree with him a lot of times I disagree. Trump should have gotten him to be his campaign manager. I think he's the only person capable of keeping him on task.
>fucking troglodyte
nice try, jack abramoff
>He's supposed to report the news, not the news he likes.
I hate to break it to you but there is only 1 network in America which has unbiased reports and that network is C-SPAN™.
God bless C-SPAN™.
I can't stand him just because his show is an hour of him shouting over people. I don't actually know what Bill O'Reilly believes.
idk if Sup Forums has ruined me but he's at least researched his material. stewart and colbert are comedians and ideologues.
That the other person is wrong
Hes been shilling indirectly against Trump the whole general election, and directly during the primaries. Hes a bought man.
Watch his shit show, and then Hannity.. the difference is like night and day.
Hannity has my eternal respect, I wish O'Reilly would change his name, hes making Irish people look bad.
Fair enough, he's marginally better. Still low-tier AT BEST.
He asked Trump mean questions? What's up with all the hate?
it's the most watched show on television.
he must be doing something right.
during his time slot he gets more views than cnn/msnbc/etc etc all combined
but he has a new historical book out?
I read one of his books once.
It was like a child wrote it.
>the most watched show on television
Source: Bill O'Reilly
He's probably a plant. He willingly acted as Jon Leibowitz punching bag for all these years by participating in those stupid scripted interviews and pseudodebates. Fuck him.
He was great for that whole sexual harrassment suit where he was dildoing himself in the ass while talking to his assistant on the phone.