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The existing laws say they have to go back you mongoloid. Their enforcement is the issue.

>Being this retarded

The laws are already in place to remove taco, but the white house monkey refuses to enforce them.

Understand dumb cunt?

>implying Obama is enforcing existing laws
Pro-tip: he isnt

If we was. We would not have any illegals in this country. Obama stated he would not enforce the laws in place last year I think. Which just made a lot of us laugh but seriously, what is he even doing as president if he doesn't enforce the laws?

Obama hasn't been... that's the problem

But the law says that they all have to go back already.

What's the problem?

Best Australians.

The existing laws are actually relatively harsh, especially if he cuts some kind of federal funding to sanctuary cities and uncooperative states. I still feel like Trump is seriously flip flopping on this issue and I'm pretty unhappy about it because he's gone from hardline and clear in intent to murky and comparatively soft.

I think he is just softening the narrative for the normies. He understands his base is going to understand what he is doing but it is irritating.

try as you might ctr, your petty attempts to sway us will not work

If he wants to be president he needs to soften a bit to get normies and undecided voters to actually vote for him.

He is portrayed as an unstable extreme lunatic. If his policies are changed to being a bit more relaxed people will be more inclined to vote for him especially in comparison to Hilarys scandals

I'd like to believe that but I'm not taking anyone running for office on faith alone. It's not as if I hope he doesn't get elected, because the worse case scenario with Trump is we get Hillary and conservative supreme court justices instead of Hillary and liberal justices. That still doesn't stop me from being unhappy about him softening positions instead of just taking a more eloquent and measured tone. He could have played harsh but fair better than bombastic and inconsistent.

This. Many Americans are unaware, but king nigger is outright ignoring and breaking laws left and right.


must be a white aussie
those damn abos somehow got nets and are constantly shitposting

following current laws we would technically have 0 illegals due to the fact they are FUCKING ILLEGAL.

>I'm not taking anyone running for office on faith alone

Yes I agree he really could of played his hand a lot better. I sometimes wonder if he is trying to crash his campaign but its hard to tell at this point. All I can do is pray for him.

According to the law, they need to be deported.

So, they're going back? Grand. I love Trump.

why is enforcement an issue when obama has deported more immigrants than any other president



>Existing laws: Deport illegals
>Obama: Not deporting illegals
Wow, that was hard, I agree we should follow existing laws.

The "existing laws" are not being enforced. Trump would actually enforce them for once.

I think he's making smart moves, I'm just personally not pleased with them. Broadening his base by taking moderate positions is probably a good strategy for picking up voters and his core demographic is so deep in his cult of personality that they won't abandon him. I just think he could have avoided playing so many political games if he had just toned down his public persona a little bit. He's great at energizing people and he can definitely play the game of convincing people he knows what to do and how to get it done but he clearly has trouble with tempering his "Trump" persona.

Because this is a FALSE statistic. They changed the definition of deportation under president Obama to include turning away illegals at the border, which is the majority of "deportations". Prior to this it was just called successfully guarding the fucking border.

Temperance doesn't seem to be very high in his personality no but I think that is probably intentional on his part. He probably views that as a weakness. In a way he keeps shooting himself in the foot with this mentality. I guess we'll have to see how this plays out. Its one for the history books for sure either way.

Google "Deporter in chief" see who comes up

The existing laws where they should already be getting deported but they're not thanks to Obongo?
Gee whiz, how terrible

he literally hasn't

deportations are down and prosecutions on illegal immigration are down

kek, nice image, juan.

Because they changed the way they count "deportations."

>In his first term, Obama “hyper-inflated” the deportation rate by counting same-day deportations of Mexicans which prior administrations did not count as deportations.


Specifically a rule they changed; Every Mexican at the border that gets turned around because they don't have paperwork or a passport counts as a deportation. Obama's having them cook the books.

King fucking nigger.

Thanks Roo Friends.


>furture presidends will expand on the king niggers power grab
>hillary said obongas immigration wasnt relaxed enough
what did she mean by this

Slow and steady donald, I will win

Just like how they counted who was employed? Deceitful administration.


Well yeah. The administration is headed by a former communist agitator. Of course it will be extremely deceitful.

I'm inclined to agree he's doing it on purpose but he really shouldn't be. I think it's actually pretty plausible that he sees it as weakness to tone himself down which ironically might be his biggest weakness. He just needs to take his 10 to like a 7 or 8 and he'd sail to the White House but he's not doing that.

>Its one for the history books for sure either way.
True that.

"obey current laws"
means ENFORCE current laws, and border control


Existing laws say they have to go baaaack.

The existing laws require deportation idiot. The past presidents have been ignoring it.

he's a fucking showman. i agree with both of you that he should probably "tone down" his autism, but at the same time, who the fuck am i to question the madman?

Retarded shills.

The existing laws are fine, they're just not enforced.

For once, an aussie was actually a pretty cool guy

Trump is gonna go Full Eisenhower.

Adios, amigos! Humanely, of course.

Hasta la vista!

>O'Rly: Deport?
>Trump: Eisenhower did

>basing your opinions on the first result of a jewgle search

nah, these same laws are not and would not be obeyed by obama & hillary


>tfw Spanish isn't really taught in schools anymore, because there is no reason

A kangaroo not shit posting?!? Must be backwards day.

Thanks diet new zealand.

Based Aussies. You cunts are alright.


She going to complete the Mexican vote farm and use the Left's tyranny of the majority to further consolidate executive power until America is a borderline police state where the elites exploit the workers to the bone.

same way they claim he "created" millions of new jobs and how "unemployment" is now lower than ever before.

By changing the definition of "unemployment" and "job creation."

If you've been out of work for over 6 months and haven't been ACTIVELY USING THEIR FEDERAL JOB SEARCH PROGRAMS... they simply count you as "employed."

job "creation" was just splitting former full time jobs into numerous part time jobs and saying "look! we made more jobs!!"

It's all lies marinated in deception and sprinkled with a bunch of freshly grated bullshit.

but the elites own the bones that are within us, it clearly says in god queen's american constitution 2.0 that we exist only to serve.

If only prior administrations had followed existing law we wouldn't be having this problem in the first place.

when an aussie goodposts