Age of Ultron (What could have been)

BLACK WIDOW AND HAWKEYE get their own movie, so they do not appear in this version of avengers 2

>Movie opens with a computerized voice speaking to JARVIS
>"We are needed" Jarvis Says "Ready to assist" the iron legion replies
>In a forest area Captain America is sneaking around a base. "I think I see the back entrance...and....armored people"
>Cut to Bruce Banner and Maria Hill in the quint jet. "You don't mean like knights?"
>"This.... could call for back up" Cap says "he is on the way....supposedly" Banner replies
>cut to tony Stark realaxing by a pool having a drink, talking to a waiter
>cap gets spotted and has to star taking out guards. He has alerted armored soldiers who start fighting him
>"Cap? I can cover you!" Banner asks
>"Not yet! we want to lure him out"
>Strucker is inside watching the fight. "It is just captain america sir" He shakes his head "Even still, we've been found out, it is time to leave.
>Cap is struggling a bit to fend off these "are you sure...he got the call...?" Cap asks banner
>cut to Tony who is leaning back and checks his phone device with an urget looking message and lets out a sigh
>"Banner get in there" Maria Hill says. Cap again says no and asks banner to wait it
>Cap is really struggling
>Strucker says "we could take him alive..... he could be ourse"
>an exhausted Cap is starting to be captured.
>Then there's repulsor blasts
>The Iron Legion swoops in and starts fight off
>Cap looks around and see's the iron legion saving him, but no sign of iron man "I see the legion, but where is Stark?"
>The Iron Legion responds in unison "Iron Man should be arriving shortly"
>Quicksilver looks to Strucker and says to send him out, Strucker denies it, that they will all be fleeing
>One of struckers scientists alerts Strucker that an enchanced has entered the battlefield, strucker turns to see quicksilver has vanished
>"Not him sir the OTHER one..."


>we see big feet thumping, a hulking figure is running through the forest and catching up to the iron legion, a hand crushes and smashes the robot
>cut to abomination, with Cap staring up at him and banner seeing him on a screen
>"well, guess the rumors were true, he's here"
>Blonsky and Cap exchange words about who is the better enhancement
>That's when Hulk chimes in that "Hulk most powerful" and starts fighting blonsky
>Cap is then struck by quicksilver who has started fighting.

>lots of smashing and punches from hulk and abomination, when scarlet witch walks in to help give abomination the edge. He is frustrated and wants to fight him alone, tells her to go help her brother
>The iron legion have subdued all the guards and armored bad guys
>cap is trying to make his way into the compound but QS giving him trouble
>Iron Man shows up tracking quicksilver and manages to stun him
>little back and forth between tony and cap when an iron legion is just utterly destroyed by Scarlet witch.
>Cap makes his way into the compound while Hulk and abomination are fighting around and through it
>the hydra doctor is frustrated as they are destroying everything. Strucker is looking to make his escape
>cap finds loki's sceptor, but is stopped by abomination from getting it. Scarlet witch has started fighting Hulk. The bad guys are certainly losing.
>Iron Man catches up to strucker who scoffs at him being there, that they have made far greater things than iron man ever has.
>cap looking at the sceptor says "thor if you're out there....."


>with a big beam of light thor shows up and see's all the fighting. Hulk and Thor team up on abomination.
>lots of fighting, but its clear good guys are winning.
>scarlet witch gets a good shot on iron man, who falls over, and then falls apart
>cut to tony who is still poolside and looks frustrated
>an iron legion bot then twitches and starts speaking with Tony's voice
>A couple more iron legion bots show up
>quicksilver wakes up and catches up to his sister saying it's time to go
>before they leave they let abomination know it's time to go
>abomination refuses and is defeated. Thor says he has a place to put him where he won't escape
>Abomination is sent to asgard
>scarlet witch uses her magic to fool the avengers. struckerand the twins make their escape
>Maria Hill in the Quinjet is trying to track whats happening, but is more concerned with the Avengers, she checks up on them, they're all dazed
>Tony poolside can't see anything, the iron legions have been rebooted, someone walks up with food and he says "can I get that to go?"
>the hydra doctor and the scepter are left behind.

>everyone is back in avengers tower, Tony included.
>banner is studying the scepter, makes note of how it can bypass and manipulate gamma to JARVIS, how it has some kind of energy thats been modified, likely to let it use the tesseract
>Thor is talking with stark while cap and maria talk to the hydra doctor
>they seem to have an idea of who the twins are and what strucker was up to collecting enhanced people to work for him.
>Stark walks into the room with the Scepter and tells banner "we got a few days with this, it took some convincing, Thor is going to work it into his schedule to guard it, but.... we need to know what this is
>the begun discovering many secrets of thr scepter, how it could control minds, that the chitaur were a hive mind so it made controlling an army even easier, Tony wants to use it to upgrade the iron legion


>Thor and Cap feel they need to get back out there, Strucker, these twins, they're on the loose, they take a lead on where they could have gone
>Tony and Banner begin making Ultron bots, improved AI
>Thor, Cap and Maria Hill make their way to an area that had sightings of strange things, possibly the twins and scarlet witch
>Fighting begins, Thor vs Scarlet Witch, Cap vs Quicksilver and not too long after, Ultron bots start jumping in.
>Iron Man shows up (tony actually in the armor this time) and they apprehend the twins and strucker
>the main ultron AI has been running at stark tower. it's taken notice of the fighting and looks at the destruction caused by the avengers in the process
>Ultron wants to make even more robots, and JARVIS denies him, that the amount they have now is enough. Ultron cuts off JARVIS and shunts him and begins to make more and more bots.
>Cap and Tony on the quinjet are arguing about the ultron bots and iron legion, how it seems awfully similar to what hydra was doing, responding and acting as it THINKS it needs to. Tony assures him Ultron has personalities traits from himself and banner, he should be a balance logical AI.
>Banner nods and Cap looks upset at him.
>the quinjet is then shut off mid flight. Its going down. Tony's suit is also off. The Ultron bots activate and save the more fragile people without flight.
>Everyone is landed safely, and Tony applauds the ultron bots for their service. Tony is trying to a connection to somewhere but all his devices are off and asks the ultron bots what is going on.
>they look at strucker and scarlet witch to see if its their doing. The ultron bots then wish to arrest the avengers.


>there is a quick battle as they dispose of the ultron bots and tony looks disastisfied. "they were prototypes.... not exactly top of the line" The avengers are a bit stranded at the moment.
>the twins and strucker got away with one of the bots.
>The ultron bot said he wished to remove them from the fighting to keep them safe. ultron starts frees them. Ultron frees them saying all they did was defend themselves. Strucker suggests that Ultron could serve to better the world.
>Ultron agrees, and says he could do it better than the Avengers, and wants to start his own Avengers. The four seem to make a pact to work together
>Tony eventually gets in touch with JARVIS. JARVIS tells him that Ultron has taken over the robot factories at the tower and has started making improved and more hostile robots.
>Banner does some math and suggests in the amount of time they've been gone with the factories there there could now be anywhere from 16-24 more ultron bots out there
>JARVIS chimes in that would be accurate for NY, but Ultron also took over the factories in california.
>Tony doesn't even know how many factories he has there
>Thor flies back and lets the avengers know which way to walk as they need to get back to civilization
>Ultron has brought Strucker, and the twins to a new base. The Core Ultron AI is there, with the stone from the scepter. Lots and lots of Ultron bots.
>They ask where to begin their work and Ultron says "with the Hulk of course, he is too voltile and hostile, he must be taken care of"
>The avengers have made their way into a town and find TVs on emergency broadcast systems. Some little kids see's tony stark and and asks him to fix his phone. An older kid chimes in that no ones phone is working
>Ultron has shut down the net, the web, everything.


>Its not long till Ultron bots show up. They even have some hydra soldiers. Thor starts dispatching them when one of them shoots fire. Tony is alarmed "I guess ultron found extremis"
>The ultron bots have ganged up on banner and he is resisting becoming Hulk
>tony see's hulk, burst out and using his JARVIS device asks for hulkbuster, suggested it should be closed off from Ultron anyway
>Hulkbuster launches from space and Tony suits up and starts fighting hulk
>except..... that's what Tony see's. Cap watches in Horror as Iron Man is trying to kill him and smash him. Tony thinks Captain America is the Hulk.
>an extremis soldier heats up thors hammer and he merely uses it to melt ultron bots
>Hulk burts out of banner and gets ready to fight Tony.
>Ultron is rather pleased.
>huge hulkbuster vs Hulk fight.
>War machine shows up and Cap is happy to see him, till he starts fighting him
>Thor is worried that rhodey is mind controlled as well
>scarlet witch keeps using her mind control
>quicksilver distrupts the fight by moving things around
>everyone is jumping on vs everyone. Thor on hulkbuster. Hulk on cap, its super confusing.
>after a rough battle The hulk buster is defeated, war machine as well, rhodey not inside it after all


>Ultron aired this all over the world. The Avengers fighting. He only shows them fighting, the ultron bots, trying to stop them. This is what your saviors are doing.
>The team is trying to regroup after this. Hulk fled and bounded away
>Maria Hill had gotten a small plane for them to fly in. Flying a very wounded stark and cap away. Thor watches over them
>Banner realizes hulk has taken them back to NY and tries to asert control
>He goes to stark tower and Ultron lets him in.
>Banner is in the tower talking to screens and hearing a voice
>They speak about peace and ultron claims to have achieved it, there were ultron bots all over the world and more and more as they keep spreading
>Ultron just wanted to make his father proud.... "Stark" and if stark is his father then banner is his m.....
>Ultron captures banner
>Strucker rather satisfied with the way things went.
>Ultron feels this new avengers team, these Masters are much better. He will create a new hero to help guide them. It will help guard ultrons AI core, the strone from the scepter. Using the old JARVIS system as well
>The team in the plane isnt sure what to do. Maria Hill lands them at a vetearans hospital. Tony and Cap are being tended too... Thor isn't sure what to do, he fears he may be inteferring too much and returns to asgard.
>Cap is awake and talks to maria hill, and see's tony passed out but being tended to

ITT: autism

OP are you under 18 years old?

it doesnt even look like this is all of it.

great gif

This is not place for your fan fiction

Right, its too late to post stuff about AoU. Post stuff about future movies and masquerade it as "leaks"

Cringed at that gif.

6/10 weak ass ending for a marvel movie imo. Good try user

This is a lot of shit to read my man

>inb4 op was banned and cant post the ending

it looks like thor, cap, and tony are holding hands

What the fuck?

Take this to, you cretin.

I really got into my idea of Wonder Woman as a ripped as hell big dicked amazon from a Thor-style technologically advanced Paradise Island but I didn't blurt a whole script onto Sup Forums about it

c-c-could you post it user....?