If you had any idea of how much it hurts being red pilled in Brazil watching all the fucking degeneracy you would end up taking the blue pill too.
Times were fun /pol, farewell.
That's it, I'm taking the blue pill
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You can't go back
Ok. See you tomorrow.
You did this.
taking both will just end up in late term abortion, don't do it user.
Good luck with that.
We don't like niggers here. Good riddance.
Watch Imperium. It serious btfo every pathetic conspiracy theory on this site.
It's like every r-tard on this site has their own character.
I am 24 years old.
Been red pilled from 10 to 16 then got myself really fucking blue pilled (I needed constant social interaction but I did it), now I'll try to blue pill myself until I get attacked by a random fucking low IQ nigger in the streets and it all starts again.
I did, Imperium was jewish propaganda. The guys were so close tho lol
Hah check mah flag m80, some of us have it worse
Yeah I am very disgusted.
If I do not take the blue pill I might end up suffering a heart attack because every white girl from my school is now culturally enriched and I'm not even kidding, they were like 18 in my class, at least 12 got culturally enriched.
Oh boy this country went to hell so fast you would not believe it.
That cultural enrichment will turn to fucking crime in 12-18 years, this will get ugly. Ugly graffiti doers everywhere, are we in Purgatory or something? Because it seems like it.
For a person to be weak, given person needs to have power over that something to be weak about.
Harry Potter and the Final Solution
Ha ha ha.. funny little man.
You cant go back m8, you just go foward more and more till the 5th dimention hits you in the face and nothing else matter.
>He thinks you can just take the bluepill after taking the redpill
I remember when I was that naive
Well Germany did it, I see no reason why I cannot also.
Maybe you we not redpilled to begin with.
Please educate me on what to do when you need to have as a defense a fucking time machine.
Germany is not blue pilled at all... is just paying the price of losing the war. Just wait and you will se the krauts going wild.... they are voting to ban the burkas now. Is just time till they remember that they dont need to take shit from no one.
Just relax my Cachogo quenchi-user.
Wait a minute.
You are an Italian descendant right? I am too.
Well there is still hope, Argentina is still whiter than the US. I am coming, at least your problems there are with Bolivians right?
God bless you Bruhzil.
Yeah well I don't think God is going to do something about it.