Why do all things good and pure have to die?
Why do all things good and pure have to die?
Because his parents never got him the therapy he needed.
So he finally did it? Sad.
what's going on with this kid
why are people posting about him a lot
I'm familiar with his reviews and tosh.0 appearance.
what is going on
The absolute madman!
because they were based on a lie and as well as your mind molded into thought process where you see only sertain things as good and pure, even tho there is much, much more of them
He said he's being gangstalked, then some shitposter have a few rare pictures of him and claim they're stalking him. Now he's hiding out/sleeping in his car because he's going crazy. My guess is that he has some kind of paranoid schizophrenia.
i watched him taste-test two different styles of regular water. im not sure why
nobody broke into his house
with great knowledge comes great sadness.
Well, at least we now know what's wrong with him. Too bad some sicko priest had to go and steal his innocence.
>Asperger's is a disorder, and not just a neutral order
the post
Heretics, get the fuck out of my universe.
Schizophrenia is a terrible illness.
too much red pilling too fast
IF you hurt him, I will end you.
You know who you are.
I hope he gets help before he loses it completely.
I've been an avid watcher of his channel for years and not just someone who jumped on this stupid meme bandwagon and I'm genuinely highly concerned for him.
posts like this. Just shut the fuck up
He's doing fine as of two days ago
mad that someone didn't respond to your shitposts?
Who is this? Link youtube
He will have to hit rock bottom before he gets the help he needs. At the moment he actually thinks people are stalking him, he fully 100% believes it, nothing will change his mind about the delusion until it completely shatters him.
Can't be bothered to listen to the entire thing. What's the tl;dr?
Are you able to talk and think in anything but memes?
nobody's gonna spoon feed you faggot
>He's considering taking legal action against a 'gang' of people stalking him
We live in a fallen world
>t. canadian on proxy
fucking rustled as shit, kek
He's not fine, he actually thinks people are stalking him.
Eat shit you cancerous shitposting Aussie.
Stop fucking stalking him.
he's like a classier moot
Sup Forums is responsible for this t bh
he seems to have taken alot of ironic shit posts about him seriously and its affecting
yeah. This is why I'm angry at the fucking idiots spouting these retarded memes that the canadian started
Why is Review Brah being stalk in the first place ?
I grew up reading shitposts on FYAD until I 'got' the ironic humour and in fact I think it may have just made me schizophrenic
Godspeed David Lynchian Energy Drink Review Boy
What's even worse is all the youtube comments are supporting his delusion about being stalked.
he's not
cause in his new video he explicitly states about people making lies about him on the internet. but i dont think he realizes people were just shitposting in that Sup Forums celebrity shit post irony style where they blow things people in the public eye do out of proportion as a joke. ive made a couple of them posts about him myself. saying he's the saviour of the white race and shit but i was just joking
hope he gets the help he needs.
What's crazy is it's not just he thinks that he's being stalked NOW. but that he believes he's been stalked by a group for the last few months.
That's enough to tell me it isn't real
>Aussie in denial
constructive and eloquent post
literally who?
>'gang' of people stalking him
creepy tbhnest
It is probably just some people from the internet who want to mess with him.
dats pretty sad
did he do something to any one?
cuck one of the guys or something?
they are
he's eccentric but he's not a schizo
All he does is review food in a gesture manner I don't know why anyone would stalk or mess with him
Doesn't sound fine tbqh.
Even in his nightwalks he doesn't usually sound that exhausted.
There is literally zero proof anyone is stalking him.
He's being super ambiguous about the whole thing as hasn't gone into any specifics at all.
There's like a 5% chance he's actually being gangstalked in my mind. What you have to factor in is, if you've followed him for a long time he's been paranoid as FUCK forever.
Tripfags get out of my Sup Forums
That's his genius.
Die pls.
What happened to him?
Why would his parents want him out of the house if it were fake? You can see his mattress in the back of his car.
Did you lick nigger feet yet today like a good little choir boy?
Any screenshots of the Canadian fag?
His parents didn't kick him out, he's trying to lure the stalkers and get them to follow him so he can gather evidence against them.
He's completely delusional.
opinion discarded
he left on his own volition
Get out.
I think he is schizophrenic, he is going to end up like terry davis.
Asperger's is a personality disorder caused by bad parenting and a lack of strong community ties in an early age.
It's no different from borderline personality disorder (A.K.A. crazy bitch syndrome) or narcissistic personality disorder (A.K.A. Donald Trump syndrome.)
the stupidest post I've ever seen on Sup Forums
great job
So, him saying that the guys in the green van rolled down the window and started filming him was a hallucination? I sincerely doubt that.
repeating digits means he evades the stalking gang
There's a grain of truth to the first sentence
Why the fuck would he drink his soda using a wine glass? i get a mug but that blue shit isn't fancy at all.
Kek. someone should make a fake obituary for him.
>Aspergers is no differant from Borderline or Narcissism.
Leo Kanner guy that discovered autism noted the cold behavior of the mothers, and autism is caused by nurture became to be known as the refrigerator mothers theroy. It has fallen out of favor massively, with Leo Kanner himself recanting it, and discovery of a genetic basis to autism in things like twins studies has caused mdoern consensus to shift to the idea that it is heavily caused by genetics and in-vitro conditions in the womb. However, there is still a passionate small minority that believes nurture has been discounted too much as an explanation for autism because of political correctness, although it would still be one of many causes of autism.
He needs to just man up and confront these stalkers. Cmon brah be the alpha male you are, uppercut those fools.
What if he does play you?
Found the butthurt autist.
There's some edgy people on Sup Forums desu, it wouldn't surprise me if he was being messed with by some cunts who enjoy ruining lives.
does he not live with his parents?
i thought he was like 15 at most
>tfw I'm paranoid as fuck but not deluded like Reviewbrah, just more obsessive and anxious than anything
Hope I don't become as schizo as him but this paranoia is killing me man. It's over the simplest things but it feels so pertinent to me.
He doesn't mean gang stalking in the typical manner. He knows that word is bad but there is a gang of people harassing him. It's not that he thinks the mail man is stalking him like that one women
I'm not even joking, I have a family member who had schizophrenia. The symptoms were the same. It usually starts off with this paranoia that he thinks is absolutely true. It's true that the one Canadian faggot kept posting his shit, but I doubt he's actually being stalked.
He probably has onset schizophrenia and he should be aware of it, that or his family should.
>he knows that word is bad
Fucking language police.
I'm paranoid but I try to grapple whether or not my fears could come true rather than being full blown deluded. Is that schizophrenia?
he had onset symptoms like a year ago before anything happened
it's just they were very mild and subtle that unless you were paying close attention you'd miss them
I'm not a doctor, I only know it's a common symptom. If you're still aware that your fears are unfounded then I think you're ok, but paranoia is an early onset sign of schizophrenia. You'll probably be ok but just watch your beliefs. Delusions and hallucinations are usually what comes after, mostly hearing things.
I haven't watched him for that long. But I wouldn't be surprised. As you said it's sad because if he really has it his delusions are strong and without a loved one intervening it's just going to get worse until he has a psychotic episode. Oh well.
>Is that schizophrenia?
Psychological diagnoses are intentionally described as vague spectrum to be as inclusive as possible, so if those fears are causing "problems" then you could very well be diagnosed and medicated.
The reason he started doing reviews in public places was because it was some kind of therapy for his paranoia around people.
And even when he did it you can see in his eyes he looks petrified and he's constantly scanning the area as if someone's going to stab him at any second
>Delusions and hallucinations are usually what comes after, mostly hearing things.
i hear aussie shitposts IRL when i wake up from sleep sometimes, it's always the faintest phrase like "you poofter" or "get stuffed" but i don't know where it keeps coming from
this is all a clever scheme to remove the veil of anonymity in the potential domestic and foreign terrorist threats this sort of segment of the internet attracts.
i haven't followed it at all, but sounds like there could be some truth to it. unfortunately, it's triggering him hard and may mess up his mental health. hope he has some friends
He's 22
I'd suggest he maybe contact the police or something, maybe get pepper spray and a knife for self defense.
But it's probably all his delusions.
He needs a dog and curtains.
I just watched a few of his videos in public places and I don't notice any of what you're talking about.
Watching this guy is bizarre and fascinating
Terrible joke mang.
me too
That sucks, I hope he gets better. I remember him from the misc years ago
Fuck you it was all the rage in 2007
Why are you degenerate faggots so hostile to one of our own?
Why don't you spend your time harassing Hillary supporters or trying to red-pill the libtards that might exist within your limited social circle?
Get your priorities straight, people. There's a war on. Wake the fuck up. Politicians (Hollande, Merkel and Renzi) are scheming at this very moment to decide your future (and it will be a fucking shit one) and you are dicking about over reviewbrah.
How about you faggots start brainstorming ways to assassinate those traitors instead of stalking and harassing a friendly frogposter?
He thinks he's gangstalked, which is the biggest crock of shit on the planet. Only valued targets are surveilled by the police, and it's really expensive. No one is watching the dude. He's bugging out and even looks bugged out.
You bloody gahla
to say gang stalking doesn't exist is what the members do.
ABC Reported on it.
>Man took legal action and won.