We may argue. We may call each other names. We may be slightly different in benign ways. But we will always be members of the same glorious white race. We are not each other's enemies, we are family.
My White Brothers
Sorry user if your nipples aint pink, you aint white
Check now
Correct. Fuck divide and conquer. No more brother wars.
Kys racist faggot
Anglos aren't white.
Siege heil!
The globalists may get more than they bargain for if we are allowed to move freely.
When all of the Jewish destruction of Europe and the USA is all said and done, our only hope may be joining together in one final white bastion-country.
The fucking Jews weasel end their way into a free country after being discriminated, so when our discrimination finally comes to and end, we will surely be entitled a whites only paradise right?
I mean sieg. Damn auto correct. :(
i agree. you're my white brother. you are my race, my people. we need to be proud of our color and history. fuck niggers, jews, mudslimes, chinks, wetbacks, spics. we rule the world, we cant let it slip away to brown and black people.
What if I'm race mixed with white genes. Can I join in, I hate Jews, niggers, most Asians and spics as much as the rest of you.
im just sitting waiting patiently for the day 80 years of white guilt and imposed white self hatred explodes all at one single instance
That feeling when it's the current year...
As a non-white I agree. The world was much better when white people were in charge and the world wars ruined that. The British Empire was strong, the Chinese were weak, and the blacks and muslims were pacified. It was really much better for all parties involved.
>that ID
This 100%
Love and respect to the USA, UK, France, Russia and the rest of Europe.
We need to work together to purge the semite scum from out lands.
You may not be fully white, but any man of white genes willing to give life or limb in service to the white race is an honorary full-white in my book. You can not help that your parents race-mixed after all.
American Whites unlocked their supersaiyan abilities while Europoors remained in basic form with no monkey transformation.
How do you define whitehood though?
if you love that stinking Jew Jesus you're not white
Depends on what you're mixed with. ;')
OC please don't steal
Thank you friend.
If it's any comfort, I probably won't want to touch an Aryan woman anyway. Just doesn't tickle me fancy.
Except for Slavs
Who the fuck has pink nipples? I seriously don't get this pink nipple meme.
I saw a cute white girl with an asian dude today and it made me rage, fuck you Sup Forums
jews run the world, suck it
Eastern European-Hispanic
Specifically Polish-Ecuadorean
>I'm white pls believe me
I do.
Better than one who cannot poo in the loo. Or a fucking monkey.
>honorary Aryan
>Stupid Goyim
>Why don't we just let them Jew each other?
>Purest whites
>Picture of mudshits with title "Aryans"
>Original whites
Me thinks you've got at least a few errors there buddy.
So this is the color of your nipples?
except the anglos
Hello satan , not that far off desu
if you look white act white and are of european descent your white.
>Who the fuck has pink nipples?
white people
Our enemies are weak and rallied behind a tattered banner which they stole from the broken soul of the West. They can not resist the might of our efficiency, our bravery, and our sacrifice.
>Der Deutsche Student
>Portray a 36 years old looking dude
why? her hymen is still going to be intact
A diligent citizen is a student their entire life. Keep the mind sharp and the wit honed to a razor edge.
When did it become a uniform thing?
Yet not a single person on this photo has pink nipples. It looks more like light brown or ivory.
also check'd
Am I white, Sup Forums?
I do.
m-me, senpai..
I disagree. I have seen plenty of whites even on Sup Forums who think the 14 words are too extreme
>The people in this photo
Heheh... yes! They most certainly are NOT white!
Never forget colonialism! You are still at war! ;)
I do buckeroo
Are your nipples pink?
Wir sind alle BrĂ¼der
I would say mulberry.
Im Persian / Azkhenazi with greyish green eyes and an IQ above 130...
A-am I white?
even I got pink nipples m8
Truth can be buried. It can be stomped in to the ground. But like a seed, Truth will spring up once again.
>could be true...
but you have libtards that actively try to undermine western morals
Hey, I don't mind having a few persian/azkhenazi's with IQs above thirty here and there, but do I want them everywhere? Hell no
Dafuck is this Sup Forums?
Whites can never know peace until we destroy the eternal ARYAN!
You didn't answer the question...
This man is an expert
No. Anything short of absolute genetic purity is a failure. The best fate for you is as domestic labor, before your genes are phased out in the inevitable purification of the gene pool and the emergence of the True Man.
Regardless of whether or not he is a full white, he believes in the cause of the people and isn't that ultimately what national socialism is all about?
lol even Sweden is more white than you guys were two hundred years ago. you will fall a century or two before Europe even comes close to minority status, which will never happen because Europeans aren't cowards like the Americans.
Man, even Hitler didn't believe in the one drop policy, you're asking for too much
Well said brother
People may think I'm a beaner because I post under "Le Mexican flag" but I'm white, I'm basically Spaniard
what the deal with these pics? why do ppl keep posting them as to encourage race mixing shit, even though you brag so much about muh aryan race muh superior genes but yet you keep posting the same pics over and over again? aint this supposed to be a "superior" nac soc thread?
Truer words have never been spoken brother.
fucking lol, how do you even have a computer? Broke ass greece fuck outta here
Help white brothers know which alternative media to trust
Can we switch the spaniards for the squat incas please?
Asian males that get hot white women have to be top tier
White women that are smart enough to go against the jewish media conditioning are top tier
Asian male white female produced Keanu Reeves and Bruce Lee.
There is some real science to this being perhaps a master race if done right. Brilliant, wise, uncucked and strong as fuck.
>my white brothers
Divide and conquer JEWS
Fuck off, Falklands
Pleawe have cancer
You are a coward
Fuck off scum im hebrew
Italians have shit food
shut up argentina
>jewish slave
>might possibly have killed the white race in WW1/2
>"guise we have to unite!"
If you anglos wanna be part of the "family of whites" you better stop trying to kill the white race.
>"stop dividing shill"
You're like a ISIS retard who are beheading my family saying "dude we gotta stick together my man, stop trying to divide us!"
I'd take you more seriously if your people weren't actively killing themselves
and who's to blame for the death of European nationalism?
Sweden weren't even fascist during WW2 and we still had race science and sterilized people to purify our people.
America/allies sure changed that tho
I don't think it was Americans who made the song "Blanda up" or "My country is yours" Sven, stop blaming us for your failures and rise up
Use a proxy next time.