France has one of the most impressive military records in history

Where does the surrender meme come from?

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World War Two what a non question

The last 150 years have been very poor

USA butthurt. First when De Gaulle withdrew from OTAN, decided to expel all US bases from France, then in 2003 for the Iraq War.

hmmm i sure wonder who held the front long enough in WW1 for western europe to not speak german today

Actually, France doesn't have one of the most impressive military records in history. It technically has the most impressive one, with the most military victories.

I looked just looked at French "victories" and almost all of them are from Franks or Napoleon basically Germans and an Italian. Daily reminder that French are the most people cucked on earth, they're basically Celts that speaks a Latin language from Italians which is unironically named after a Germanic tribe.

Most important and biggest war in the history of mankind and a world power flopped in akin to a smaller country like Netherlands or Denmark.

hey hey wait hold up my friend what about the glorious POLISH military history from X century to XVIII century

american education

>Sup Forums historians
How can Napoleon be Italian if he was born on French soil one century before Italy became a country and dedicated his life to France to the point his dying words were about it? I know that North Americans like you are obsessed with ancestry, but going by that logic, De Gaulle would be Dutch because he was born in Picardie.
I'm also pretty sure France have a claim to Frankish achievements since, well, many Frenchmen descend from them.

it comes from napoleon 3 not ww2

Be honest though, France would've been fucked without British help

No it doesn't. The Franco-Prussian war ended in defeat, not surrender.

The opposite is also true. I guess that's how allies work.

>to not speak german today
the horror! Arabic or whatever african language is fine though right?

>How can Napoleon be Italian if he was born on French soil one

He was ethnically Italian.

>many Frenchmen descend from them.

Actually no. The Franks were a minority and constituted an Elite. A few thousand Franks could not change the genetics of millions of Celts.

Nobody cares about poopland

>He was ethnically Italian
Yeah, in a country that always was one of the most ethnically diverse in Europe. Most inhabitants of France didn't even speak French at that time. Napoleon did.

>A few thousand Franks could not change the genetics of millions of Celts
France was sparsely populated. That's exactly how it went in the regions that matter.

Canada has never lost a war :^')

I agree and in no way was saying Britain contributed more.

Correct french are fags, germans are blonde haired and have blue eyes = master race heil Hitler praise kek

France had a single innovation (mass conscription) that allowed them to win a number of wars under napoleon
military innovations that give an advantage over your neighours always ends this way eg. chariots, phalanx, pikes, guns, tanks etc etc etc etc
France, apart from their golden period under napoleon have been incredibly bad at warfare, conquered by the romans, germans, muslims, vikings and the british, the only people who haven't conquered the french just never tried

> The British conquered France
since when ?

Since autism

They kicked their ass for most of the hundred years war but never conquered them. Unless he's talking about 1815 which wasn't really conquering.

>thread about France
>non-British(important point) Anglos trying to undermine achievements of a country they know nothing about

What's even the point? At least the British make sense when they criticize France.

>France had an innovative leader, that's why it dominated Europe
Woah, genius.

Gaul wasn't France. Gaul was a large territory inhabited by multiple tribes that hated each other and only had language in common.
Never happened.
Never invaded France, look up the battle of Tours you ignorant fuck.
The Normans were the lords of Normandy. They served the French crown under a feudal system.
They controlled some of our lands during the 100 Years' War. Got repelled.

Hundred years war was basically a war between two French dynasties though, with involvement from Burgundy, which was also more or less.French.

>Never happened.
Are you actually denying WW2 happened?

Wasn't Hitler Austrian or something? If Italy has a claim to Napoléon's achievements because his ancestors were Corsican, then I guess it works the same way!

not to mention the franks

Pretty much this Also Germans had two fronts, they fought against 1.000.000 russians in the western front.

Do you think that France could defeat the germans without foreign help? Specially using those shitty weapons you made, like the Chauchat? Just be honest.

Then WW2 came, and then Vietnam...

Because we fucked them over hard in WW2. Neither poles nor the french were ready for Blitzkrieg. Funnily enough no one here makes these kinda jokes about france, the only thing we make fun of is them eating frogs and snails

France is on the up, We are on the down....




Franks literally founded the country. Are you retarded?
Besides, they didn't have to conquer anything because Gaul was defenseless and Roman supervisors helped them into power.

yea, it was pretty much a French only fuckfest where every kingdom ruled by frenchies was invited.

I didn't say anything about that, just that we held the front. That's a lot of assumptions you're making from such a short post.

>French are constantly chimping out for thousands of years
>one little war
>suddenly Germans are the savages of Europe
It works both ways.

shan't post in this thread nor read a single comment
This is were all the haters spew their hate
poor people they make me sad
Well, not everyone can be the best

if the world were a civ game france would literally have resigned from the game after hitler checkmated paris

the americans made us lose
not fair

>t. Holocaust denier

Don't try to make them think

>t. bullier of germany and razer of mainz, worms, and many rhine cities

So much hate on the French. I unironically like them.

>France is the only one at fault for its historical rivalry with Germany

Aren't brits supposed to hate us

No, because they're not victims of North American education.

Honestly only Americans make this joke.
I'm not even sure Brits/English made it (before being alienated by Americans), knowing that they have been fighting and feared France for centuries. Tbh I would consider it banter if it comes from the Brits. But it's quite pathetic when you see it coming from third-world countries, like Brazil or Argentina.

exactly, glad you're seeing clearly now

don't think anyone here unironically hates the french, except maybe some germans

We civilized Europe. We're like that one father who has to (sometimes) beat his disobedient son.

Anyone that hates a whole country because of what some elites did, before they even were born, are just loser spergs. I also read Dumas and a have a soft spot for French literature in general.

But they're anglo
It's part of their culture

Third world shitholes that never got their capital cities occupied btw

Aftermath of Agincourt lad. The English king became the king of France

And I also admire Napoleon.


France couldn't even make one successful colony, britain made four countries better than britain itself

I never said "shithole", but hey, you know your country better than me.

Are you even british

why would you consider it banter from a brit but take it personally from an american

He was just the de jure king because the curia regis wanted to end the war. Wasn't an invasion.

France was the main character of history for centuries then we showed a few weaknesses...

Because I wouldn't be surprised if the American actually believed it.

Ah yes
Because in every situations countries begin the race at once with the same amount of money and ressources and if a country is doing bad in something it has nothing to do with external or previous problems
Like money, war, or being surrounded by all the greatest powers of Western Europe

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he was beaten. That doesn't mean he wasn't admirable.

Because we know that brits just do this for bants
Americans actually believe it and mean it
It's an insult to truth

>France was the main character
This is what frogs actually believe

And I never tried to ""bant"" you, but the fact that you take this as a banter makes me realize that it actually triggers you.

And it's not what i'm trying to do, to make it clear... I could have been more basic to banter France.

France is extremely butthurt at the U.S with literal communist propaganda being widely accepted in France. (that the U.S tried to organize a coup in France in the 60's and that we tried to colonize them in the 40's)

Dude was made the official king of France and it only didn't stick because he died a few years later and his son died before the age of 6

Because Brits have been our rivals for centuries. They lost wars against us, they won wars against us. That gives them a right to banter us.
When it comes from the US, it's just too hard to understand. They have no valid reason to do it.

Unironically yes

maybe we need you guys to breed out our elites like you guys did to the brits 1066 for you to not feel so insecure pierre

It's because you fell for the same trick twice within 20 years and gave up quickly

Just banter

Hegel considered Napoleon the physical embodiment of the world spirit from his philosophy.

Yes, that's why I said de jure. It wouldn't have stuck either way.

>and that we tried to colonize them in the 40's)
Eisenhower talked about a "peaceful colonization"

>They have no valid reason to do it.
They saved you in WW2. The americans have as much right to joke about you as the anglos.

1.Hegel's opinion is not the ultimate truth
2.Napoleon was Italian


See this is what I mean

The irony is that America only exists as a country because of France. We would have annihilated the so called American 'revolution' if we werent busy fighting France.

>Napoleon was Italian
see: and

>The irony is that America only exists as a country because of France.
We only pushed for the victory
They were already fighting for three years
They could have won without us

I didn't mean you personnally though. I said "Argentina" because there was an Argentinian poster in the thread, regardless of what you said, which was not banter.
It was more like a general remark to say that many posters from countries totally unrelated to France, and with a history much shorter, make jokes about French military history, and I don't really understand why.

and now we can take you both on at the same time without breaking a sweat. doesn't mean you need to get your panties in a twist about it

It's a joke, Pierre.

Do they really?

Culture plays a larger role than blood at shaping a person. Napoléon was born on French soil, received a French education, spoke French and his provincial language, lived for France and died for France. He was quintessentially French.

Your time to fall will come too, all empires decline and fall.

Poland saved europe thrice yet people all over the world berate them

T. Pole

Some people think that unironically, I have no way to know you're ironic. Poe's law, etc.
I think it's technically true, but it's more of a matter of circumstances and the length of our history. In practice, we were only as strong as the other world powers.

Depends if you also take into account the Kingdom of France or not.

>lived for France and died for France
I am sorry, but this is wrong. He lived and died for personal glory. Hunderds of thousands of frenchmen died so that Napoleon could ffed his ego. Had he cared about France, he wouldn't have kept going after Leipzig. The treaty of Vienna left France with one additional territory- the duchy of Savoy. But Napoleon, always looking for an ego boost, returned from exile into a country tired by 20 years of war and again lead the armies against all the countries of Europe. And, unsurprisingly, lost. Oh, and the country lost everything after the peace of 1815.

You don't know much about Napoléon do you

Great men are always the most flawed.
Without Napoleon, we wouldn't have had Tolstoys War and Peace. That's worth something at least.

Because we never felt the urge to move there en masse, ya simp.