>tfw you're one of the few millennials who is concerned about climate change
It's literally staring you right in the eye. The greatest happening of all time. Climate change is real and it will destroy humanity.
>tfw you're one of the few millennials who is concerned about climate change
It's literally staring you right in the eye. The greatest happening of all time. Climate change is real and it will destroy humanity.
Other urls found in this thread:
What kind of gigantic happening
Many millennials are concerned user. Don't take the anti-science cucks on Sup Forums as a barometer for millennial thoughts
many millennials are concerned but have absolutely no desire or capability to do anything. Don't kid yourself, they're just as inert as anti-science cucks, the only difference is they're also sanctimonious about it
You speak the word of Kek. It's sad but true.
I've decided that it's best that we fuck up the planet beyond repair.
Might motivate us to leave, and if we can't it's probably for the best. Either way, my life is the same.
>tfw you're one of the few millennials who is concerned about climate change
Are you an idiot?
Millennials are the only generation who is concerned about climate change.
No, you're just mentally fucked for falling for the climate jew, congrats for being a total sucker.
If you are truly worried about climate change, be it something caused by humanity or not, then building a wall right fucking now is something that must be done. When south america and latin america fall apart from financial crisis, we will want a strong border and proper manufacturing systems to stay alive. We won't have the ability to protect ourselves when we start starving. It will be hard enough to feed our people, everyone else can fend for themselves.
>Worrying about the weather from your parents basement.
>Climate change is real and it will destroy humanity.
Don't fret, globalism will destroy it much sooner than that.
climate change is definitely real on both large and small scales but is only really a problem now on the smaller scale
there's obvious examples like dumping into rivers poisoning water or people needing to wear face masks due to pollution in china that are problems but on a large scale there's really nothing horrible yet
I don't think the waste from human industry just magically vanishes and that climate change is a myth but to say it's "staring you right in the eye" is a huge over exaggeration since people have been saying the world's going to end in a few years due to global warming and or climate change since the 80s and nothing serious has happened
the biggest issue with trying to regulate companies is that free market industry and free trade will in its own way solve the issues of climate change as it's not economically sustainable or feasible to run all the oil wells dry and destroy the planet with toxic wastes
when pressed with rising prices and damaged ecosystems in time free market will lead to a shift in demand to more sustainable and cleaner energies and production methods since nobody wants to wear a facemask in a big city every day or get poisoned by heavy metals in their water supplies
>Revelation predicted massive ocean fish die off
It's literally on the Russians and Chinese to stop it. The biggest Co2 producer lies in Siberia. Russia and China both want the timber for themselves but those trees are what host the most Co2. Look it up.
>it will destroy humanity
I'm relieved OP, they keep telling us it will destroy the earth.
what about when we run out of fossile fuels?
hooooly shit nice bait man
you almost had my angry
Lol youve been saying that since the 90s. We were supposed to be underwater by now
That would be based off of proven reserves that were economical at the time this was made, if price of fossil fuels goes up or undiscovered reserves are discovered this becomes a useless prediction.
Fossil fuels are forming as we speak, its not like the processes that made them in the first place stopped happening, it just takes a long time, start to finish to form fossil fuels.
In a way they are renewable, the energy they store ultimately came from the sun during the time period the biomass was alive.
>and it will destroy humanity.
Lol no. We've survive multiple ice ages, we've survived massive volcanic eruptions every 30k-100k years that cause periodic ice ages, and we've survived sea levels going rising 390 feet over the course of less than a few thousand years. Stop being so retarded.
is that a rare pepe?
We grow trees. Lots of trees.
Don't you mean global warming?
They were gonna dump a trillion muslims and africans into the western world anyway.
Global warming is just another excuse like "aging population".
That's a lie. Alberta has lots of oil. Buy Alberta oil. Support ethical oil. Alberta! yehaw!
>implying we won't have solved all these problems by then
[spoiler]Of course we won't, shit will only get worse as the third world gets more populated and instead of improving the world we'll fuck up our countries and impede advancement to pander to niggers.[/spoiler]
It's more like climate change in combination with other factors like the greater degradation of phytoplankton in the ocean (i.e., they are the main producers of oxygen in the planet). Climate change exacerbates ocean acidification, and it will lead to the dying out of marine biodiversity. It is predicted in 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean.
NASA has some theoretical approaches to reversing Ocean Acidification with stuff like the OMEGA project:
However, it doesn't get enough subsidization.
Desalination may also help us deal with peak water. They can be powered with solar energy, floating small nuclear reactors (SMR), or offshore wind.
We most certainly need more marine protected areas and an integrated observation system:
Finally, I think stuff like the die-out of amphibian biomass may have bigger impact than we think, considering they are an integral part of the ecosystem, but there is promising research in that direction.
>you're one of the few
>who is concerned about climate change
Internet slacktivism does strike me as very concerned, what concrete steps have you actually taken to improve the situation?
Nobody gives a shit about the climate, least of all the people that say they do.
Stop giving aid to niggers in Africa then. There are 2.5 billion of them there, they are breeding like rabbits, and are causing more harm to the planet than 500 million whites are.
>hurdur climate change is bad, save the planet, whitey! stop your middle class lifestyle!
>DON'T TELL AFRICA TO STOP MAKING BABIES! THAT'S RACIST! They have every right to pop out another 10,000,000 blacks every day! Their massive rise in pollution and meat consumption is nothing!
Truly, liberalism is a mental disease.
None of your examples are even related to climate change.
Anti-abortionists are a huge hinderance to stopping the inflation of niggers. We need abortions and birth control to be free. Should sterilize criminals too. Then the demographic problems will be solved.
oy vey, better buy some carbon credits before the water drowns you in your basement.
no it wont. you know what plants have to do daily? adjust to temperature changed beyond 1 degree
you know what would be expected over a long time ? temperature changes of 1 degree average. we dont even need most of the plants or animals to survive as a species. its the end for various fish sure and some birds and tons of flowers but not us
>your race is dying and homelands being invaded
>you're worried about the earth becoming slightly more watery
You are never going to convince chinks to stop poluting the sea or overfishing, you are cucking yourself over nothing by taking these policies.
The US military is by far the greatest polluter on the planet and from what I've seen, Sup Forums loves everything they do. Would you like me to recycle my paper towels?
Pretty much. Necessity is the mother of all invention.
well it doesn't help that climate change itself has gone by different names since personally I'd say a climate changing because of human intervention would count
Does anyone else find it ironic that the left who used to be the only ones who gave a fuck about climate change now shove it aside with meaningless identity politics BS and "diversity" and "privilege" now being the hot topics? fucking hell
whatever bro too late to make that much of a difference and anyway China won't play ball so who gives a fuck
"The Left" also used to be against foreign intervention and interference. Now they're war mongers who can't get enough. Not that the right is much better (except for Trump, but he has other issues.)