Deus vult!

Or not?

I am in a real struggle Sup Forums.

>be me, faithul (PROTESTANT) christian, go to church every sunday, i enjoy the calmness and kindness.

>go to church like any other day, see (((refugee))) posters on the wall, where is written "Donate to refugees now" A picture of an full hijab women.

I couldn't believe it at first..but it was true.

Even my fucking church is cucked now.

I thought about just getting up the next sunday and telling them a emotional speech about how there is no christianity in 30 years and what about your children and deus vult etc.

Should i do it? I am afraid that some teen which mother did him to go to church records me and i land on several news site as hateful christian anti semite.

It's a real struggle.

a fucking prottie, you deserve it lad, sola fida, God gave that vision to your pastor.

Muslims will never understand diplomacy.
Suicide bomb yourself onto the nearest mosque or middle east embassy shouting "AVE MARIA!"


>deleted my name
>still shows the other thread name
Fuck you mook.

Nothing wrong with being a protestant man.
You just might be in the wrong denomination.
Look around, there are churches that can still see the truth.

These are the beginning of difficult times, brother.

Protestant is wrong

Most churches are shit.

Practice in your home.

Cath cucks are even more cucked, they organise whole houses for the invanders.

They think it's their "christian quest" to help those poor refugees.

I don't get it, the old testament says " eye for eye, tooth for tooth."

Cath cucks love their old testament so much, so why don't they live by it?

Go orthodox

We love our Church more than scriptures lads, the Church of God has authority, letters don't.

wwwwwww sure thing LITERALLY drinks jesus's blood.

Letters can't command or interpret things, a community structured around the authority and traditions can.

I really like it, are you the guys that let a boy chose the next "pope"? or were that the copts?

Either way, orthodox are based, but non existent in my area sadly.

We don't believe in a church, we believe in the teachings of jesus, and live by it.

Love, compassion, kindness

Sadly this adapts to refugees too for our members.

Would jesus accept this refugee madness? Wild barbarians invading your community? idk

This is the problem, that is your interpretation of the things.

hate the influx and try to stop it, but treat the individuals well.


Everyone did that too

*literally sucks your penis*

What did you expect?
Christianity is a cuck religion

im tired of this, i just wanted to state my current situation and all of the sudden im debating about what is a better way of living christianity.

Sup Forums should make a religion board for you guys, where you could discuss til the end of days.

it's funny how you post random pages of books and act like that's an actual argument here.

honestly if you want to disagree with me type it out instead of citing sources without making an argument.

A few hundred years ago it wasn't.

If islam would evolve as quick as christianty did they would be in the exact same position and get cucked too.

And if they will rule over us in 30 years, they will get cucked too sooner or later, it's a never ending cycle .

It is

They show protnigger religion as bullshit

Go ahead

Prove me wrong

Oh right

You can't

Find bible quotes that don't support invasion. Talk rationally about the risk of terrorism, even support the idea of a coalition safe zone in syria and sending aid like blankets and food. That most of the fluchtlinge in Germany are fighting age men, bypassing safe countries for welfare.

Hell, you could even bring up facts about the Barbary slave trade and the muslim invasion of Europe, Austria fighting them off etc. Just don't scream DEUS VULT GAS THEM ALL.

Honestly, don't worry about being construed in a negative light by the media.

Christians have always been persecuted and will continue to be, we lived in an exceptional time when there was little of that.

Even if your church is cucked, you shouldn't give up.
But going full Deus Vult might not exactly help your case either.