Any germans here who can explain what's happening?
Germans being told to stock up for a disaster
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huh. maybe we should stock up as well.
its a plan to stock up food and supplies for around 10 days (water,canned food, batteries, medicaments).
very clever to say theres no higher terror threath due to migrant crisis but also publish this nealry 1 month prior to elections in berlin :^)
dont die pls
really makes you think
also, checked
Hitler 2.0 on the horizon?
What kind of nigger needs the government to tell them to think ahead more than the next meal?
Non-meme answer: This has been discussed for many years now, and the real background is that almost all bunkers have been shut down over the last decades. The timing however is peculiar.
what bunkers? ya'll had in case of nuclear war bunkers?
goverment allways was saying this, but nobody listen. Now media hype it.
I don't care. i started preeping when the zypern bank stuff happend. the day i was buying 30KG noodles for 30$. The cashier was like, oh another crazy world goes down guy. but i don't care. supermarket will be bought empty in 1 hour or less when shtf.
Our government reminds it's citizens to stock up once a year and it does do wonders for non-niggers.
The banking system is going down.
Do Europoors normally make a special shopping trip for each meal?
You need someone to tell you that you'll be hungry again tomorrow?
Yeah, bunkers which were prepped during cold war and shut down after it ended. Now there's too few centralized facilities left to deal with disasters and the gubment says be prepared to help yourself for a couple days.
It's merely a reminder to stock up in case of a union strike / internal strife / natural disaster / Russian invasion, most households have a hätävara.
We can't all be as smart as Americans - who carrie 2 years worth of food on them in form of body fat.
preparing for civil war in germany 2020
and by civil war i mean muslims vs. germans
muslims starts war
Last reminder was during the cold war according to this article
Last big public one yup.
Cityfags here probably don't plan any better than Euros, I suppose.
I live in the mountains where you have to think more than 30 minutes ahead.
I have two years worth of firewood put up; what I cut last year will be used this winter, what I cut this summer is drying for next winter.
If I could only manage to think ahead a day or two, my home would be damn cold 4-5 months a year.
why goy? keep playing pokemon go and masturbating to there's no need to pay attention to the geopolitical climate.
Even as a suburbanite I've got enough canned goods and non-perishables in storage to last for at least a month. Seems like common sense, life is unpredictable.
Always nice when we get a big snow and I'm home comfy in front of the fireplace while everyone else is raiding the supermarket at the last minute.
How do I into Finland?
Specifically, how do I into Innawoods in Finland?
How many Russian lads must I snipe to learn your language?
>Seems like common sense
Maybe that's the problem.
How so?
Population is getting older, older people dont consume that much. German Industriy whine about lower profits. Goverment start fearmongering, if they wanted to help the german people, they would legalize guns.
This is all in all just why to ensure more consumption.
now that turkey has gone back to russia since the EU wont give them membership in the EU. this destroys the attempt to overthrow asaad and cuts off any direct by land route to the ukrain from the middle east
as a result nato pulled some faggotry and turkey detained tons of nato forces. obama had to pay 6 tril to turkey for them and the nukes to be handed over
turkey isnt handing over all the nukes even after getting payment. just like they took germanys money and still sent more refugees through to europe.they are keeping some nukes and they are welcoming in russia to make a base
germany is going to push a new proxy war in the baltics which will spill over into germany because russia is going to have anti EU people in the EU turn against their governments with military hardware
Most people seem to lack common sense. Things like foresight and planning. Might as well be chaos theory.
Fair point. I pretty much had to drag my brother and sister into the woods one weekend to teach them to dress, skin and cook things as basic as small game and how to fish.
I mean they never go, but at least they know, next I need to teach them, and my mam, how to change a tyre.
>merkel's religion of peace friend poisoned the SHTF supplies
Only white people will stock up
Good on you for that. I've tried to do the same for my siblings, but most of them can't be bothered and I'm not going to bug them about it.
My father managed to impart the basics on me when I was young. It's been a while since I've been hunting but I'd snap back into it pretty quickly if I had to. It's good stuff just to have in the back of your mind.
Well that's nice
and to back up my claim
Germany has been hoarding food for years, we now have over 800000 tons of food hidden in stores, wich would last for months if something would happen.
It looks like basic emergency preparedness and not much more. Pretty standard for anyone in tornado valley or the midwest.
Are people so afraid of the notion that they can't rely on daddy government 24/7 to wipe their ass?
>German politicians
>need money for summer vacation asap
>Buy bunch of grocery stores' stocks
>scare German citizens by telling them to buy bunch of groceries
>Stock rise
There are no tornados in Europe. Barely any earthquakes too.
But user, we should already be prepared.
Dad was pretty good with all of that but basically turned out to be a sex offender so I had to learn all that stuff myself, now as the eldest I view it as my job to make sure my brother sister learn to fend for themselves.
tfw no wife
tfw no kids
tfw cannot show kids to be self sufficient, encourage sports and martial arts.
>bought empty
you mean ravaged by feral Somalis
if only! I'm usually not one to care about such hysteria, but this thing smells suspicious and I don't like it.
>Any germans here who can explain what's happening?
Euro chrash incoming, mate
This. It's like watching a nigger walk to a liquor store a dozen times a day to buy a single cigarette and a single bottle of beer.
In niggerhoods, single cigarettes are usually sold for $1 each, and a single beer is $2-$4.
Quantavious is spending $12 for 12 ciggies when a pack of 20 costs $5-$8; He's spending $24-$48 on 12 individual bottles of beer when a 12-pack costs 10-12$.
AND, he's walking there 12 times a day because he doesn't have the brain power to understand that he'll want another beer and cigarette in an hour anyway.
The white version of this is whining about starving to death 3 days after a blizzard.
You eat every goddamned day, sometimes more than once!
I'd bet you've been doing that most of the time you've been alive.
So, how can you be so shortsighted as to fucking be starving, in your own goddamned home, after 3 days?
>no increased threat
There are travel warnings for Germany all over foreign governments websites. If non-pol Germans really don't see what is going on, the Lügenpress is doing a hell of a job.
>what's happening?
>inb4 german authorities know of an imminent muslim terror attack and are refusing to acknowledge it beyond warning their citizens to stock up on lube
>yfw their solution to that is more immigration
They were telling us this same thing after September 11th, even telling everyone to purchase duct tape and plastic sheets to seal windows and doors from chemical weapons. Most of yall were probably kids so don't remember it too well. I wouldn't worry too much about it, just precautionary stuff.
well played, sir
what kind of terror attack would you need to demand stocking food for an entire population of 80 million ;)
without immigration germany will be no more.
You mean economic growth won't be able to continue endlessly.
Endless economic growth is an unsustainable concept. If you have to import foreign people to replace your own it's probably a dysfunctional long-term goal.
Germany consumtion is spare compared to yours
I'd love to know when and where he said that.
He said similar shit about protestants, catholics, skeptics, and mystics.
He was a pretty deep thinker and also a politician. For either reason he might hold a strong conviction on Wednesday different from a strong conviction held on Sunday.
Does the German government regularly tell their citizens to do things without offering an explanation?
Doesn't matter. The end game is "infinite economic growth". It's stupid for them to even try.
>skeptical of gov't
Choose 0
Everyone with self-respect, credulity, and integrity left by 1910.
they explained it:
nothing new actually, only some elections next month in Berlin, but thats just a mere coincidence.
you've been frequenting Sup Forums lately, I'm assuming it's just one of ya
I fear for you, Hans. I truly do.
there are burgers at page 14 O.o
Watch your back.
On mobile, that image looks like a duck.
anything other than catalogue view is for plebs
>I wonder what it says about my country
Everything is spot on and i've grown so used to it that i regard it as completly normal
most Germans and especially families can't even afford a 10 day food stock
70% taxes
you got sources senpai?
That's what I'm thinking.
You could have prevented this, Schneider.
Not sure i have two weeks of water and a month of food before we are on just rice. Rationing will be started immediately. Then i have my garden. Assuming i can defend.
Top kek
Wasn't there news that Isis nay have a bomb with nuclear material ? So this kinda makes sense considering that we have an open border because borders are racist.
used to walk between German/Swiss border in Konstanz and it boggled my mind that no one ever checked us/asked for identification or anything. I guess it's the same in the states, but it's two different countries
Or just for oldfags who refreshed through pages for years.
The german volk prepares for war
DB is going to fail soon....
Its because the schengen zone worked back then. Now you have millions of shitskins that entered the EU and simply walk across the borders. We didn't have the problem back then.
it just doesn't make sense. how does the average person feel okay with having a bunch of foreigners walk straight into their nice peaceful towns. I remember taking the train from Frankfurt down BW and at all the stops I'd just see Muslim families in burkas getting off the train and walking into the beautiful little villages. fuck that
The Schengen Zone never worked you tool.
Whoever had that idea shouldn't be allowed to have any more ideas.
A sack of rice, a sack of beans, a bunch of ramen, and 5 packets of flour. Fuck ton of varying sauces to make it all taste different each day. You could go the route of cans too and have different soups with your bread, make tuna/chicken sandwichs with your bread, throw some tomato sauce into that ramen, etc
You could eat like a king off of that and you wouldn't even need a freezer. Even if you have a just small freezer you could easily freeze 20 chicken breasts or fish filets and have plenty of room left.
How can canned food be useful in case of terrorist attack?
not since the cold war
if that terrorist attack should be serious and fuck up the power grid of the city. I realize that muzzies are stupid and don't think big picture, but they could accidentally do it.
What if there's no power?
I like you friend. Please don't go to Brandenburg gate on Thursday. :)
They need tons of bombs and many resources to shut down power grid of city. How can anyone call this 'accidentally'? I think they prepare population to collapse of Deutsche bank.
estonia with the bantz
Should us Australians stock up as well? Australia is pretty chill right now but I can't help but think it might just save my life if I kept a bunch of water boxes and dried long life food in case of an emergency
everything is finee dont worry
im going to level up my mage
Standard NATO stuff, not to be worried about.
Once again, surprise, it's all about profit.
Disguising war stockpiling
I suspect the first doity bomba will happen in Germany. Good luck with that EMP.