Sup Forums humor
Sup Forums YLYL
Lol always a canadian poster putting this up
USA 100% black
>saging a reply
fucking dumbass
Go back to 9gag
a girl can't tell 8 inches from her left foot they're useless
>girls can't measure meme
lol, pathetic dicklets and their excuses
haha where did you find this one??
this isnt Sup Forums you faggot
False correlations everywhere.
Did you know that women reported oral stimulation as the number one way to help them achieve orgasm, regardless of dick size?
not kidding, how many girls can seriously tell 6 inches from 8 inches or 4 inches
I don't who or what is in your gif there but I read a long time ago that women can't tell how long their boyfriends penis is. When they thought their BF had an 8" it turns out they had a 6"
Really makes you think.
that gif is fake... she doesn't actually say that
I think it's a confusion. Girls can't into spatial awareness is pretty common. Certainly they would be able to feel that a dick was larger than they have had previously once it was inside their vagina.
keep posting lol, keep believing that to make yourself feel good about your dick
ask women who recently broke up with their bf, they'll tell you they got a 4 inch wonder
>Did you know that women reported oral stimulation as the number one way to help them achieve orgasm, regardless of dick size?
I have to stick my fingers in their mouths instead of their anus
You know this is YLYL thread, right?
I can tell thats supposed to be spoofing the loch ness monster pic but is that silhouette?
Been away for a this some sort of sad, lefty attempt at a zinger?
"Hurr dur, muh women's studies teacher said to attack their penises. That'll teach em."
user don't reply, he's too retarded to understand that nobody cares about his Sup Forums tier posts. If we ignore him he will leave.
>nobody cares
>cares enough to warn others
lol, what a dicklet response.
I actually get off on these. Do you have any more?
Thats fucked up
You are the reason Canadians are hailed as the most annoying and least contributive /pol users. I unironically want Donald Trump to annex your pitiful frozen shithole of a country so I can formally treat you as the second class citizens that you are. Canadians are now officially below the Aussie's in the Anglo Sphere. Congratulations cunt.
The Average size of a Vagina is 3-4 inches. Anything greater then 4 will fill her up. The ideal size is around 6 inches. Anything bigger and sex can start to become painful. Pounding the cervix only sounds good in trashy novels. In actuality, for girls its about the same sensation of getting your balls punched, and the bruising afterwords can be pretty painful.
lel these two are the best
We get that you're mad you live in Canada, but it's just not funny, dude.
>Average size of a Vagina is 3-4 inches
wow, every woman out there must want a micropenis boyfriend
>ideal size is around 6 inches
listen to women talking about dicks to each other, you won't get this answer friend.
keep giving me those (you)s friend
Haha. Is your asshole so loose that you can't tell 4" from 8"? Your mom enjoys my thick 7" more than anything.