Really causes you to ponder...
Mark Bryan BTFOs Trump?
>Trumpers will defend this
wtf i hate trump now
i can do that too
Why is he stepping on the Italian flag?
what the fuck did trump ever do to italy?
why is there a Turkish flag
and why is the guy in the cage waving an Italian Flag
and is trump standing on an italian flag, it does not have the mexican mark
Ben forgot the poop stain
i want to Trump to win but that's a pretty great comic
goes to show how desperate to label the majority as the villein the real villains will go.
drumpfers are such retards
Who could even vote for that egomaniac unless they were poorly educated? And he's a racist piece of shit, too.
I like the Hillary version better.
He DID include the diaper so no stains necessary.
>that Bill
Because the cartoonist couldn't draw the Mexican eagle reliably
>samefagging on Sup Forums
s a g e
It's really telling when an evil carnival barker Republican candidate is more popular than the Democrat candidate.
It is a Mexico flag tards
All 3 trump rallies I went to had black people there supporting trump.
This cartoon has one chimp face in the crowd. Racist AF.
poo for you
Why is Marco Rubio supporting Trump in the crowd?
Wait, so, criticising Islam will make Muslims want to join an Islamic terrorist organisation?
Doesn't that just prove Trump correct?
>And he's a racist piece of shit, too
Are you sleeping? What board is this?
anyone notice this is the same comic
Did you even try?
Just noticed Hitler in the crowd. This is truly a great cartoon.
Drumpfsters on suicide watch.
Christ, this is Ben Garrison tier subtlety
I can't even tell if this is a shill or aussie banter.
zoom out a bit on the monkey then it'd be perfect. Lil too pixely
What do they mean by this?