Basic Economics
You mean, we cant just tax poor people to death?
Interesting that they're showing the Missouri side of KC as "Kansas". Hmmm.....
>a state with huge biodiversity and a giant coastline with multiple ports has more growth than a plains state
Really makes you think
>Actually posting something from facebook to Sup Forums
Someone has to pay for those $500 million dollar elementary schools for illegal Mexicans, OP.
Leftists can't seem to figure that out. They seem to think every single country and provinces/states within those countries are exactly the same. So according to them, the same policies that work in one completely different area in almost every regard WILL work everywhere else.
are we not?
>city on left costs at least $100,000 a year to live in
Why even have jobs? Just raise taxes.
>no statistics or information to follow up with such a claim
This is what you call trash user
hello bernie sandler
California > Drink Dr Pepper > SUCCESS
Kansas > Drink Pepsi > FAILURE
This. That image doesn't make sense at all.
>implying poor people pay taxes
Why have jobs or taxes when you can just print money.
>first budget surplus in a decade
Holy shit, let's ignore Texas and its tax rates and ignore the surplus its had forever.
>The most prosperous time of the US
>The 1920's
>92% tax rate on the rich
And Carnegie was still the richest man ever (even adjusted for inflation).
The thing about taking money from a rich person is that they will do whatever it takes to make it back.
I do this sometimes. It's funny watching people get angry over a picture
toothpaste, didnt you read their header?
its economics 101 dummy...gosh you conservatives are so stupid!!!
Lol actually they just find ways to avoid paying punative race rates.
Also I'm gonna need a source faggot
>Wealthiest State in the nation with diverse economy of agriculture, service, business, and manufacturing, half of it done by cheap illegal mexican labor and also has the highest per capita of spoiled rich people who can afford to be taxed
It's a drop in the bucket, no big deal
>Mediocre largely agrarian state full of mediocre people with the worst governor in the nation and less rich people than fingers that I have on my hands
Kansas is just a shit state, the rich were never going to invest their money into it anyways. Lowering taxes for the rich only works in places with interesting business opportunities like cities or areas rich in natural resources. What are the rich going to invest their money in Kansas? Wheat fields? Kansas University? The flat land? It's a much different place than California, to be sure.
>Shitting on Kansas
I fucking hate it when these commie fucks with there shitty ass cities think they are so fucking high and mighty that they make fun of the heart of the US.
Enjoy your shit roads cali niggers (not north cal just the beaner bunch)
It is impossible to get a job in this shit state.
>unironic shitposting
Stay irrelevant flyover state
says the flyover country
Texas is basically the only red state that does
>tfw its the 2% now
mfw itll be 10+% soon enough
And thats considered middle class
This doesn't work in the modern world where people and wealth are globally mobile. They will just move their wealth to a less oppressive tax haven. See: Dubai. That town exists because of money laundering and tax evasion.
>92% tax rate on the rich
>loopholes can circumvent all that
>effective 0% tax rate
The top income tax rate for the 1919 tax plan was 73%. In 1922 it was lowered to 58%. 1924, lowered to 46%. It was at 25% from 1925 to 1931... The roaring 20's.
What were the tax rates like during the Great Depression?
>Liberals WILL continue making excuses
Literally what part of taxing people would ever create jobs?
Are they talking about the handful of government jobs?
It's called google faggot, look it up. And I misremembered, the tax rate in the 20's was in ~60% and ~90% in the 40's. Still rich as fuck though.
>using California as your model of success
Come back when you don't need our states to eat
England's wife's son
>liberals are unable to think critically and don't understand economics at all
really gets the neurons firing
Lets ignore Texas has the shittiest public school system in the US and highest teen pregnancy rate in the US despite its years of surplus.
>the economies of Kansas and California are identical, aside from the taxation structure
Wow. It's almost as if location and accessibility matters.
Straight up bullshit, California is fucking kaput, I'm 23 years old I weld and fabricate in the central valley, making $12.50 an hour and there is probably only 8 people from my class (of 2011) that have a better job than me, EVERYONE is on welfare or works but still have to live at home with their mom, everyone has been disenfranchised, anyone with money made it in the 90s or earlier and are just riding on what little momentum they have left
>It's funny watching people get angry over a picture
This should be Facebook's motto.
Falsely attributing one thing to another is the first thing they teach you about in any decent macroeconomics course.
Maybe the world is more complex than can be ascertained by individual, greatly disparate, cases.
Let's literally ignore Texas, and maybe they'll go away.
>Making more McDonald jobs is better
>central valley
uh, I don't know, move somewhere in CA where people who aren't farmers live?
redneck detected
Fake and gay.
Tech jobs get every tax break under the sun and that's about the entirety of California job growth.
>tech growth driving job growth
>neglecting teacher pensions worth hundreds of billions is considered a "surplus"
>not bankrupt and dying of water mismanagement
Sorry retard, but i'm a college student
California has the highest poverty rates and wealth inequality rates in the country.
Don't worry, the federal government is making sure Texas will come out on top when the new generation of common core kids graduate high school.
"Enjoy your shit roads" California roads are literally literally the model the rest of the country works off of, because they have some of the highest populations, car ownership, and travel rates in the country.
I've driven through almost every state, and California roads are okay to great in comparison.
As well as very amount of illegal immigrants.
A majority of the Republican states are plain states. If you cut taxes for the rich on those states you get 20 more Kansas-type states. The only states that are going to thrive might be democratic states
It's nice that 500 people can get a tech job, I feel sorry for the other millions who have to work for below minimum wage in the fields or at a McJob.
>shittiest public school system in the US and highest teen pregnancy
I wonder if a certain demographic from a place that shares a border with Texas might have ANYTHING to do with that?
Zzzzziiiiing. Corporations cost you TEN TIMES MORE IN TAXES than ghetto dwellers. And guess what. The heaviest ghetto dwellers are white. Hitler created Israel. Money is not any store of value anymore. And common law is garbage
Well maybe, but we always shot Okies when they crossed the Red River...
I have heard from a few people that have gone to Los Angeles that the city itself is a hole, people are rude, and it's overrated to hell. I mean, the city looks pretty good on TV, How true is this, Amerifats?
what if you only count white texans?
to bad this wasn't first post
That's because every other state literally puts their homeless on busses and ships them to California.
What is payroll, federal income, state income,medicare and social security tax?
Unless you want to give me the quarter out of every dollar the government takes, shut the fuck up
What is the median income comparison
Faulty Logic 101..
Don't forget sales. Also inheritance. Some rich liars pretend to be homeless. Also capital gains. Nobody should care how much taxes anybody pays. Only that everybody gets it sideways up the tear duct by tyrese
This. The smart money has all moved to Texas.
>California: 35 million people and federal subsidies for finance/tech/energy/education/real estate industries
>Kansas: 3 million people, 30% niggers, farming subsidies
/ p o l / B T F O
Why when I can just wait for my $15 an hour coming soon
Counterexample, Texas. /thread
Kansas: $52,504
California: $61,320
ignoring your brain damage
>the Coolige administration
>not friendly towards the rich
Keep on being retarded user
Yeah. Hrmm. I still think the 60s had it based and min wage should be $26 right now
Wow it's even more dramatic than I thought
Bear in mind those medians are for four people houses
Sales tax is more or less fine in my book, all goods move on water that's more or less US naval shipping lanes.
Pregnancy yes, the shitty schools are rampant. Texas ISDs are a nightmare, rheur budget is retarded.
If you can't make money as a welder, you are a complete idiot. Or you can't actually weld. Either or blame yourself
>Post hoc ergo propter hoc
California is booming not because they raised taxes, they raised taxes because they are booming
Kansas is fucked not because it lowered taxes, it lowered taxes because it was fucked
This is hardly economics, just basic reasoning. If people read fucking books we wouldn't have this problem.
Are you serious this dumbnigger doesn't realize that people are fleeing california to states like NV, AZ, Kansas and Texas because the taxes are too high
not sure why. wichita would really drive the recession message home.
...Raising taxes can /only/ harm economic growth.
You can have economic growth /IN SPITE OF/ higher taxes, but you're fucking retarded if you think raising taxes has any effect, whatsoever, in spurring economic growth.
Why are liberals economically retarded?
Proof, mother fucker.
California economy is in the shitter. Businesses leaving in droves. Highest tax rate in the continental U.S. Highest recidivism rate.
You are entirely full of bullshit
CA is going bankrupt from debt
>tfw live very comfortably in a nice part of Kansas City on 50K ($900/month for my 2BR 2BA apartment with lots of amenities in a nigger-free area)
>tfw after paying all bills and expenses for the month I still have about 1/3 of my income left for saving or spending on whatever the fuck I want
>tfw my friends who are still in my hometown in Southern California make more than that but live in poverty conditions surrounded by illegals and liberals
Moving to Kansas was the best decision of my life. Been here almost a decade and things just get better and better while my hometown in California just gets browner and more expensive.
and the liberal hippies who can't afford to live here move to texas and shit it up
Not really
>Only 72% of students have parents who speak fluent English
We have a Mexican problem.
Also not the highest teen pregnancy.
Kansas is nowhere near 30% black. California and Kansas are both 6% black.
That implies too much globalism for my tastes. You guys ban the export of raw crude. We cuck ourselves. We take it raw. Sell it to you for refining. And then buy it back for our own use costing at least two times more in the end.
>If people read fucking books we wouldn't have this problem.
Well, that's the problem famalam. I could make a picture right now saying some made up bullshit about two cities, and everyone would have the biggest circle jerk and swallow it all up without doing research. It's sad, really.
What are surpluses bob barker. Get ahhnahhld to gib more moni
>Highest GDP of the US
hmm rly maks u tink huh
Not to mention a global financial center (San Francicso)