>tfw illegal immagrant
And I still fucked your woman Sup Forums, I get the hot white woman while you sit at home and jerk off to anime. Ill be here fucking her while you talk about a presidential race. lmao pathetic virgins.
>tfw illegal immagrant
And I still fucked your woman Sup Forums, I get the hot white woman while you sit at home and jerk off to anime. Ill be here fucking her while you talk about a presidential race. lmao pathetic virgins.
Bitch looks like that tranny Cosmo
Your loss, pleb.
u can keep her/him whatever that thing is. Just don't have children that lower the IQ national average
בריטני לא יפה אחי, היא נראית כמו גבר
מזל טוב על המסלול לגרין-קארד
That looks like a dude. Are you sure its not a dude?
that girl is so ugly we should have aborted her
Wew lad
thats a man
What did you mean by this OP
Dude, she looks like your sister. I don't judge, just observe. Carry on my friend.
that's 2 men
his name is brittney, that's obviously a girl
no me and her
I hope at least one of you is in dental school, cause dem kids goin ta have some issues kang.
You can fuck our ugly women just don't have any kids plz
Id rather jerk it than fuck that ugly thing.
Oh and
You have to go back.
Nah, i just smoke cigar.
Thanks. Photos make it a lot easier.
Ah that makes sense, thought you had some chaw between cheek and gum. She looks like a nice girl with I presume nice jugs, you kids have fun adventures.
FBI too, just for good measure.
Since when did Sup Forums become Sup Forums? I mean they may as well just take Sup Forums the fuck down if there is going to be no moderation
Looks like a dude bro, did it have a cock?
Mods only come out if there's heat on Clinton or something actually to do with politics. I can post pics of my dick here all day long though.
yer from another country stop trying to get in others business.
They're happy
I'm Ok with this
>tfw i get to tap this every time i feel like it.
Stay mad
>photo of two guys
>That nose
ahh, the classics
>thinning hair
I guess the nu male epidemic has spread to Honduras or whatever spic shit hole you're from
careful who u bully. ive been with a lot of white women. it is hot to them when i say im immigrant.
A fat/flat mexican ass? Post more if you want us to believe that cuz right now im not even slightly jelly.
Man, needed 3 tries to report you to the right agency. Please make a thread from the deportation center.
Are you an Ahmed or a Paco?
Nigger please
And for the record, shes not mexican ;)
Not even hispanic.
ah men brother.
i got some news
ur head and neck makes u look like a giant thumb
>And for the record, shes not mexican ;)
>Not even hispanic.
Maybe learn to handle a camera before you expect anyone to believe your stories Paco.
wow brotdha i am proud of u, good job nice expectation everything look gud :)
Holy fuck your kids are just going to be giant, toothy mouths.
I really dont give a shit if you dont want to believe me or not.
I get my dicked sucked by an american white girl anytime i want, while you get to shitpost on Sup Forums.
Like i said before, stay mad.
Thats what I thought.
one ugly bitch.
You're also ugly as fuck shitskin and your neck was fucking made for a fucking noose.
im a spic and you sound like a faggot by putting white American women on a pedestal. basically all my ex's were white and I hate them at this point. There's no appeal because they're entitled degenerate cunts that sold their femininity for careers so you really just sound like a butthurt resentful pleb
Yeah well no one asked for your pocho opinion. So killyourself
You have dog shit in your teeth from lunch bajardesh
Holy shit that's a woman? From the picture, I thought your thread was going to be about a homosexual relationship between a Mexican man and Swedish man.
>those rodent teeth
>Not sure which one of you has worse teeth and hairline.
>Our women
Sure, enjoy fucking loose sluts who wanna "Travel and experience the world".
Cya in 5 years when you have 4 kids and can't get a decent job.
all that pent up monkey rage will kill you, Juan. does it sting your pride knowing you have to rely on a whore's vagina to stick it to "the man"?
>hot white woman
'Pic Unrelated' I assume !!!
wp,user wp.
Im an aryan and just got back from jizzing in a vagina, you are pathetic
Lol pleb
why are you guys being so disrespectful to this fine gentleman, he did nothing wrong except proving he can do good
Whatever thing yoy are i have no clue
You make me puke
>hot white chin
Where is the woman???
>that bitch
Kill it with fire and steel!
Jesus, don't brag about fucking a disgusting beast like that, even if it is white!
>literally brown
Slaying that 3/10 like nobody's business.
Could it be that despite all his rage he is still just a rat in a cage?
Cool story faggot.