What are the opposing arguments to this?
Israel Solution
We can just set them up right next to all the shit land Indian reserves.
now we can make sure a holocaust will happen this time
Put them next to Hawaii
>What are the opposing arguments to this?
We put them there to kill muslims (and be killed by muslims) as God (and allah) intended.
You know it's not a bad idea. Interbreed the Jewish floozies, couple of generations and poof, no real Jew left
But 'muh holy land' and 'muh bible stories'. They'll never leave. Its eschatological
Why not send them to Madagascar like the Nazi's planned to do before ww2 broke out?
the map will turn red in 30 years so no to that shit.
>Middle east will be peaceful without Israel
We already have the largest Jewish pop. on Earth
>We put them there to kill muslims (and be killed by muslims) as God (and allah) intended.
They did that themselves, with the middle east being the way it is that would happen to anyone
Figured this would be it, what a faggy reason
That wouldn't fly so good, you'd have the same issue as you have now, only with native Africans
Jews have 3 babies/woman so no.
It'd be a lot better senpai
>transportation cost equal to less than 3 years of defense spending
Yes, let's cease all defense spending for 3 years in order to transfer these Jews from a country filled with war over to ours. I'm sure that will go smoothly and we won't be missing that defense spending at all.
Not to mention the cost of building homes and infrastructure for this 51st state, unless we're just kicking Americans out of their homes to replace them with the Jews.
Anyone ever played C&C generals? Israel is like the secret tunnel for the USA into the middle east
It's too important geographically to give up. Plus israelis actually have lives there now - several generations - with universities, big cities etc. It's too late
Why don't we pop the fault line that Israel sits along and watch as the end war ensues.
>Their mighty wall fails
>Muslims pour in
>Jerusalem finally bitchslapped for their bullshit.
>pope finally steps up
>deus vult intensifies
>the holy land is free from the rabbites
>the world is at peace
move them to somewhere in the Heartland where population is really low.
Get American construction firms to build everything.
Move them and have happy Jews
Why not put Palestine in Saudi Arabia?
They already did this, it is just in Boca Raton, FL.
Or we could be doing that right now for our own people
>middle east will again be peaceful
>middle east
>middle east
rare, and also correct.
we do have bases with the Saudis but nobody trusts them.
Who needs to be mass re-located within our country?
we're going to build safe zones in syria and qatar is going to pay for it
No one. But if we're going to build all this infrastructure, it would be better to use on housing and services for our own people, rather than shipping in a bunch of happy merchants.
Why not Madagascar, as Hitler intended?
Creating a state in a middle of nowhere desert shithole surrounded by enemies is the most retarded thing jews ever done.
why don't we just stop paying the 3 million a year and let nature take its course
shipping in happy merchants would save on money we sent to happy merchants
happy merchants have tonnes of dough and can contribute to the economy
we'd be supporting educated people who will make more money in the future
>3 million
Israel is, like, 75% of the reason why the Middle East is the shithole that it is today. Either because of its very existence or from past events that Israel had a hand in.
I know this gets posted because of the fact that it's retarded, but, for anyone wondering, the whole reason Israel exists around in the middle of a bunch of hostile countries is because the Jews really believe it's "their" land right there...like literally, from God. They wouldn't accept an Israel anywhere else, they have to be kikes and have it out in the middle of the Muslim pain in the world because Jews are stubborn and retarded.
Making money at the expense of literally everyone else, like they literally are right now. Again, yes it would save money, but it would also cost a lot and probably wouldn't go smoothly. It wouldn't take 3 years since you can't completely abolish defense spending. Though at this point I just think you're trolling me.
i have a sudden craving for an ice cream sandwich
I'm not a fan of jews but they're not the ones doing the beheadings senpai
How about we relocate Israel to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean instead? America couldn't handle any more Jews, we have too many as it is
That would be good for Israel, and probably save the US money. However, it would not solve the problems in the middle east. You know what sunni muslims hate almost as much as jews (Israel)? Shia muslims. Islam is just super violent right now, and until the middle eastern governments become secular democracies/dictatorships instead of theocracies that will be the case, the sects will fight and fight, and islam will continue to export hate/terrorism.
1. thats a huge generalization. What about all the cars and clothes they buy?
2. Learned how to not be suckered out of your money. The economy is free so be prepared to face some shit.
Israel has been killing mudslimes for 70 years.
How do none of you consider this God's work?
Israel didn't want to be a state back when Jewish terrorists were removing kebab with stolen WWII surplus and it's not like we'd want them or their terrible politicians.
Have Muslims pay for it.
if we're gonne move to the amercians I would personally love to move to baja california.
-israelis don't want to give up their own security measures, we want to protect ourselves, never be at the mercy of anyone.
-if we're gonna move into america at all it will be into homes of our own
-the total cost will be much higher than 3 billion, you'll need to built homes for 6 million people, it's not a small feat.
-not their land, and they would only create more chaos in it. it's the same thing as saying that if white south africans were to leave south africa alone it will prosper, those people are just incapable of creating a functioning civilization.
-the same mentality of "we wuz kings n shit", the middle east is screwed on it's own, everybody here hates everybody else, they just hate us the most. we are actually unifying them haha.
-oil prices will go up as terror organizations across the middle east would see israel going away as a sign from allah that they should keep fighting the west more than ever.
de fuq, how will inflation go down because of us moving?
whole world would be happy,
cancer will be cured,
the integalactic federation would come fourth from the sky to welcome us into their empire,
jesus christ himself would decend from heaven to congratulate you for passing his final test,
muslims around the world will lay down their arms and proclaim peace is upon us.
(arranged from most probable to least probable)
I...don't really have one. Fuck it go ahead, we can give them their own state I doubt the flyovers give a shit.
How nice would it be though merchant?
Just imagine, you wake up one morning, you walk out onto your porch to see the big open plains of central USA.
No one can bomb you and the locals don't care what you do because they aren't asshole Muslim subhumans. You even have your own state to yourself, you can make it just like the old Israel except better because your not in the middle of a fucking desert. Why would you choose to live in a turbulent hellhole rather than the breadbasket of the west?
The native people's of Madagascar are Polynesian, not Sub-Saharan African.
Though the Africans are quickly growing to outnumber them on their own native lands.
We'll take Israel if Palestine takes the Muslims, and also Liberals
because it would mean the end of us.
yeah we live in the suckiest neighborhood there is, but we don't want to ever be at the mercy of another state or another nation.
if you want to trasfer a bunch of people imo tranfer chinese males into africa, it would be a lot better for the world.
Why don't you just take San Fransisco.
>only merchants can afford to live there
>you still get a coastline like in the holy land
>Your high-tech industry will fit in well
>you can build settlements in compton just like you do in west bank
Personally I'd rather transfer weaponized smallpox into Africa, but the Chinese are doing that work for us.
By the way, you do realize that the way states work over here aren't really what you think. We govern ourselves, hell native americans practically have diplomatic immunity on their reservations. It wouldn't be like "Oh you're all here great, now bend over.". It would be more like "Here's 50 billion dollars, get your shit together or don't just pose for the camera real quick."
If people tolerate the niggers then they wouldn't give a shit about bothering you.
if we're gonna move we'll want to build something for ourselfs, we would probably just go into some desert somewhere and make it a new sillicon valley.
but it will divide us more than it would help us, so i'd rather live here with my borthers and sisters who came from around the world and defend myself, than going anywehre else but leaving some of them behind.
but we will still have to obey the white house and the senate no?
we love america but seriously man your politicans sucks, we don't want to be ruled by someone like obama or hillary
>but we will still have to obey the white house and the senate no?
Not really, especially if you wind up like the indians.
>we love america but seriously man your politicans sucks, we don't want to be ruled by someone like obama or hillary