How does Sup Forums feel about STEAM?
STEAM: Sci. Tech. Eng. Art & Maths
it's an excellent platform for communicating with friends, buying videogames at a discount price from big retailers (in some cases), sharing artwork, stories, discussing about Sup Forums related news, and playing with friends.
I recommend anyone who plays pc games to use steam rather then shit like desura, origin or cuckplay, unless you are going after the exclusives.
Aussie shitposting at its finest
good way to heat a building
The sales are nice but I still prefer physical when it's available
It's one of my favourite ways to prepare a fish fillet. Sprinkle a few spices, squeeze a lemon, and plop it into the steamer. 10 minutes later, you have a scrumptious, soft and moist morsel to go with your rice or pasta.
Honestly, after they added S, T, and M it was already shit.
>mfw I know a cali slut girl who's 250k in debt at a film college
fucking retarded self-insertion by useless Arts majors who realize they are being purposely left out in STEM because STEM implies objective, marketable, technical degrees that make money
adding in the "Arts" gets rid of the original intent of the distinction in the first place, STEM is its own thing within academia
Is it a government's obligation to foster the arts? Or simply allow them to exist?
If the government can make no direct benefit from supporting the arts, why should they?
A surprisingly fitting acronym. Shoving art in where it doesn't belong turns it all into hot air.
It's just another example of the goalpost being moved so that girls can stand a better chance of winning the argument.
You should try cooking it en papillote i think it keeps its moisture better than steaming
go back to you cu/ck/s
stop trying to subvert our education you fucking piece of shit liberal cucks.
STEAM is literally STEM but with focus on applied mathematics instead of pure theoretical classroom math.
It's STEM, not STEAM
The A does not belong
No thanks i dont need to learn how to make instant noodles 50 different ways
Uhhh, it's retarded, since the other are based off of actual things and arts are just based off of feels. Art fags just get jelly when someone says they have a degree in STEM and make a lot of money.
New meme for a new generation of cu cks who fall for the memes
saged a million times
Wonder what shower dweller is trying to weaken STEM.
Engineers are some of the most autistic people I've met, nothing is more powerful than an engineer with some sembalnce of social skills
Can concur i am an engineering grad student and my hobbies are linguistics and botany.
sounds like a bunch of hot air
Is that a game to guess which one doesn't belong?
Because it's Art.
there needs to be a MEME edit
The 'A' actually stands for autism
editfags now's your chance
Art actually has some practical use with CAD and the like, graphical design, drafting, architecture,
>one of these things is not like the others
>one of these doesn't belong
please I'm waiting
Well done my friend. 10 Points.
Kek of truth
t.Engineer that also took an Arts degree on the side after graduating and finding a job
Can confirm. We're anti-social as fuck. If I didn't grow up doing labor I'd probably be really hated at my job sites by the grunts, but I can relate to them so i'm not such a math headed prick.
I think you're thinking of Perspective/Measurements-Scaling
Not art as a whole.
The painter that knows less than calculus is a pain in the ass to deal with when he tries his twist at architecture and fucks up and calls in someone like me who's gotta spit and crush his stupid little dreams that you can just paint designs.
The art in architecture is more math than freestyle art like a lot of meme artists would like to think it is.
>totally stealing that the next time multi-media tries their STEAM bullshit
>More mathematics
>Engineering again motherfucker
MEME like Archimedes