Just watched the old MetroSexual Epsiode from 2003. Holy shit how prophetic. At the time it was just innocent laughs.

But consider this. The Crab People's goal was to infiltrate culture and turn all men into wussies (metrosexuals) so they could better dominate the earth. This is because they were too weak to fight against Humanity on their own.


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look i love south park it has always had top bantz but you are wrong op.

The episode was in the middle of a season and they simply ran out of ideas at that point so in the directors commentary they said fuck it lets do crab people and go home. That is the reason they are only doing 10 episodes now its so they have enough material to last all the episodes, because when they were doing 16 there were always several weaker episodes.

Which is why im glad the current Trump is mr garrison as if you watch previous seasons he always asks during christmas to deport the mexicans.

bluepilled trash

Leave his wife's son out of this man.

The tolerance camp was a more redpilled episode.

>you'll never go back to the early 2000s
Feels bad man

The badest of feels

Not really red-pilled. But fairly close. South Park ladles it on when they want to make a point, they don't do allegory. See: anti-smoking lobby, PC, every episode ever

i am in shock
fuck that cuck and his wifes son

>When your dad discovers /fa/ and still cucks it up

They bash on both sides, but since the left is starting to gain power, calling them for their stupidity is more attractive than repeating the same jokes the media gives to the right.
Except for the whole "let's make our best character Trump and have him rape leafes", that was redpilled

Oh come on, the dude is 46 and it's his second wife.

>Your dad


He's a celebrity. He could get a bunch of other women easily.
If you're gonna have a wife's son at least not have a nigger.

The leaf he raped represented the real Trump, and Canada was a wasteland after Canada Trump was elected. Garrison was just a spoof.

The south park guys are libertarians which has hated both sides for quite some time now

Yeah, and Big Bang Theory and Family Guy are redpilled too.

>He could get a bunch of other women easily.

Exactly. So you know he's not a beta settling for her because he has to.

garrison is not a spoof watch previous seasons he always wants to deport mexicans and taking it to fuck them all to death is just his kind of sytle

and i know he said it during the canada christmas special too

Yes homosexuals have acid blood and rh negative is a good thing because we are animals and that is totally "worthless 'monkey'" blood and the polio vaccine dindu nuffin. And you have no dominion over animals because you "are one". And people say metrosexual all the time. And they were totally right on what the meaning of faggot is, and they don't put an ayy in the background subliminally in every episode. And ayys are totally coo

>not an argument
Not an argument.

Yeah. It is one.

He might have a brown fetish

That doesn't take away from any good messages he brings


I'd say that in recent years they've swung decidedly leftist. They've become people who they would have eviscerated and brutally dismissed ten years ago.

crab people

>Crab people are Jews

Why do you think they can't eat shellfish?

Still libertarians, really

They came out to be nicer to trans, but that's a libertarian stance

They called out SJWhore bullying and narrative/argument control, which is also libertarian

They love gunz

They're socially far right with freedom

yeah that's just his character

>crap people

still not an argument

Best south park ending incoming

King of the Hill is objectively the most redpilled.

Then when do I listen to you because now yours is not. There is a sticky. Use it

I was just thinking of how Cartman is Sup Forums incarnate

Your image is bad, he isn't in a electric power scooter. Fatties don't leave their zoom zooms to go poo poo.

I can't imagine Bosnia was nice in the early 2000s...

It's terrible realizing that Cartman is actually the good guy. I can't look at the show the same way ever again knowing that what he was right about the Jews all along.

Pretty much all of Sup Forums is direct plagiarism of Stone/Parker

south park was my first redpill tbqh

Early south park was really fucking good but it got shit around the time of imaginationland.

He's still a beta for doing it. He just has a lower opinion of his self worth.
Still absolutely pathetic cuck shit regardless of the reasons behind it.
And it's not about the fact that she's not completely white, it's the fact that he has a wife's son, and it's doubled by the fact he's black.

no es un argumento

>Pretty much all of Sup Forums is direct plagiarism
No, just the "C'mon guize, insult everyone equally, I'm a proud moderate and everyone I don't like is an SJW" cucks.
It was fun in high school, but the show doesn't live up to nostalgia.

That's been obvious since the beginning. The creators have also said Cartman is the one they identify with the most, which is odd considering one is married to a nigger.

What's the best episode of southpark?

My god, a conservative cartoon in 2003 had conservative viewpoints?

Really makes you think...

I pledge allegiance to your post
to which it stands
one sentance
to which isnt an argument
with all do respect
and fine arguments for all

cat piss

>it's like some kind of britches holocaust
>they start laughing
Shit, seems like Sup Forums to me.



its called cancelled best episode ever

You tried


Maybe he shouldn't of been snorting cocaine while fucking 10 strippers a week without protection when he was married to his first wife, an asian qt3.14

South Park is based!