Really causes you to ponder.
Really causes you to ponder
what did trump ever do to italy lol?
What did he mean by this
What's wrong with turkey
That is a really packed stadium goddamn. Even managed to resurrect Hitler.
i dont get the turkey&italy part
>I've never seen any of Trumps rallies or know any of his policies, but CNN tells me hes a racist, bigot, homophobe, klansmen, and sexist
Why are there only two black audience members?
The """artist""" likely doesn't even realize this is an obvious implication.
Fuck off you God damn fucking leaf
Looks like he also managed to score the Robot, Skeleton, Emoji, and Black votes as well.
>skeletons side with Trump
Good, I want to avoid the skeleton war this year
Drumpf's supporters are SKELETONS!
>that crowd size
>tfw Trump will lead the skeleton onslaught against Washington
he got the crowd size right anyways
What do they mean by this?
wow someone spent a long time creating a picture that is fucking retarded
Just replace the Mexicans with Syrians and Libyans, and you'd have a comic that could actually apply to Clinton.
As for Trump, absolutely nothing "hateful" has come out of his mouth (unless your name is Rosie, in which case, fuck you, Rosie).
Fucking retarded cartoonists can't even make the distinction between the Italian and Mexican flags. And the Turkish flag? Does he not know that's a flag of a specific country and not the whole religion? And the not even remotely subtle Hitler in the foreground?
Jesus christ Zyklon Ben needs to go do a number on his fellow "Political" cartoonists.
It's Rubio!
>stepping on other nations's citizens (which arent ours)
Whats wrong with this?
leave italy out of this you fucks
Italy and Turkey deserve to be stepped on. Fuck those guys.
Good thing they reprogrammed him.
Harambe goes trump
Hues confirmed for voting trump
What the fuck is this skeleton doing here?
A clown in the crowd hmm.. seems about right
Dicks out
Post original
Obviously all I correlated at first was Harambe.
I just thought it was the left saying blacks who vote for Trump are monkeys.
Trump's been saying the same stuff since the 80's. The only difference is his tone is more angry.
Yeah it does. It makes me think, how can some faggot make a cartoon like this and not feel sick to his stomach about how much of a disingenuous lying, ironic sack of shit he is. This is more fear mongering than what trump does. Once again, liberals and double think, constantly contradicting themselves on an endless loop.
'hi mark bryan
i unironically thought the same thing
>Even political cartoons show Trump having more people go to his rallies than Hillary
>hating Trump so much you spend hours drawing him spewing hate
>hating Trump supporters so much that you characterize them as skinheads, clowns, and apes.
I think the only person spewing hate here is the artist.
>Humas(?) Dress.
>Ill Bill
>Pissed leg.
6/10 found, that good enough Sup Forums?
666 on sleeve-> 66
Rightmost background lamp is missing
And I lied, there's only 8 differences ;)
Do I win a prize?
Found all 8. Not sure why you circled the scythe.
Watermark doesn't count.
When you flipped the reaper, you removed a light from the second row. On the top there were five on the bottom image there are four.
Good catch but that was unintentional. It was a rush job is a previous thread to get it done before the thread died.
Holy shit user.
You got some strong tism.
>Implying it isn't George Washington's skeleton
He's even got the same hat
Somebody needs to edit a shart in her pants.
1000 years in the abyss.
Truly the candidate for all.
The average Canadian.
OPs pic needs a 4th reich button
Notice how all the drawings are of white people they fucking hate us and they don't hide it.
>Has sex once a week
Wonder how often the Bull does.
Ben "attack the black" Garrison shows the mark of a true artist here.
Notice Hillary's cuff buttons. They also resemble 666
This might just be the smuggest Trump I've ever seen.
Nothing really, but chicken is just liked more. More protein per gram while being tastier
My Canadian gf posted this on her facebook. She is also for Hillary. IDK if this is a deal breaker brahs. How could I have such a sick mind raising my kids?
Do these stupid cartoonist that Hitler was a socialist and Italy and México are not the same?
Slowly redpill her here and there until she questions the media entirely then show her how to actually look up sources for events and polls.
>not Your election...
Now go shill somewhere else.
You shouldnt shrink and give up at the first resistance. slowly, step by step redpill everyone around you. It is working for me and it took me just 2 years to kill 25 years of conditioning, because the truth is stronger. Now most of my friends and lovers will elect the AFD. A girl I know even starts to redpill others now.
>harambe in the crowd
But people supporting him sure are racist, sexist, and homophobes. Wouldn't you agree, user?
>one is a literal fucking monkey
they can't even stick to their own agenda.
yeah, yeah, just took me a min, that's all.
You stole my OP you fucker
Kill yourself
What's this narcissistic meme I keep seeing? I don't fucking get it, he's trying to bring power back to the people and he's being narcissistic??
damn near shart myself laughing
Protip if you can see cross-eyed stereo pictures, use the same technique and the differences light up
Trump is at least talking about real issues, like illegal immigration, religious terrorism, etc.
The Dems are full of fear mongering, hatred, lies, bullying, bragging, ...just the same, only they attack Trump and his supporters personally.
>go to make a thread with this image and "really makes you think"
>duplicate file exists
>find thread
haha top kek you beat me to it canada