So you want schools to teach black kids that they're dumber than whites?

So you want schools to teach black kids that they're dumber than whites?

I don't want American schools to teach niggers at all.

at the very least teach them that they have lower iq

no no no

no need for hate

teach that whites are smarter
blacks are stronger

it's only fair

White tax dollars should not go to black schools.

blacks are faster, not stronger

>wanting niggers to remain niggerly instead of contributing members of society

Whites are stronger too, blacks are just faster

What do you want us to do? Lie to them??

How many black kids will be in the school when the kids are mentally capable of handling the facts?

I want education policy to abandon this incoherent hocus pocus about it all being in the mind. All the self esteem in the world cannot replace working through an equation until you can apply it on a test.

Your leftist schools already teach them that they need special treatment, why don't you try just teaching them and see if they learn

if they don't learn then you can give them the full Harambe

Isolate the intelligent blacks from the morons.

no faggot I want them to ship the niggers out

Would you rather them be lied to or given a realistic chance at overcoming their genetic and racial differences. Telling them lies and other marxist nonsense isn't helping them or us.

at the rate they get thrown in jail ya I bet their a lot fucking faster

It starts at the home, schools can only do so much to save a child from bad parents; then the kid drops out of schools and turns to drugs and gangs and gets shot by a cop after robbing a convenience store.


>Wanting niggers to even be around
Just send them back or kill them, any would be better than having them leech off the system and hold everyone else back

>contributing members of society
Pick one

I think the implication was that they shouldn't be in America.

And completely destroy their self-esteem in the process? No, until the gene therapy is a thing, IQ differences among races research should be ignored or maybe even banned.


>what are cars
>what are black obesity rates