Why is John Oliver so afraid of Donald Trump?

Why is John Oliver so afraid of Donald Trump?

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mainstream media is a social network.

he, his comedy central friends, are infected with fear


Because Trumps smarter and more successful than him. The weak fear the strong

I honestly can't stop watching John Oliver plea to Trump to drop out of the race. It's fucking hilarious.

Because unlike conservatives, liberals enjoy having an economy.

Simple. Oliver is an illegal.

dude leaf lmao


You mean Donald Drumpf?

He isn't afraid. He is making fun of him in every video.

Because WWIII will kill a lot of people.






What you don't get from that graph is it's mostly employers cutting down full-time workers and salaries thereby forcing many to get 2 jobs because Obamacare really screwed the private sector job market up big time, so basically it's cutting the job quality in half and calling it "a success" which it isn't

yeah im sure its what crosses his mind, fucking idiot

Because he doesn't want to get deported back to Britainistan.

Kinda sounds like a Trumpaphobe, and a little bit racist for a "colonial brit" to be trying to dictate to Americans.

Once again, I call for a permanent, blanket ban on leaf IP addresses. If not, the mods are leafs themselves.


>non-ironically pushing the goobergate of political discourse

Stop trying to make Drumpf happen. It's never going to happen.

>Obama creates millions of part time low wage jobs
>Obama destabilizes economy with continual government funded social programs

How come there are no good right wing comics?

I've never seen a far right comedian. Why are you guys so unfunny? I asked a right wing friend of mine and he gave me a retarded answer that I don't want to take the time to type out. I need a better explain.

I ain't no shill. I meant that it was amusing watching this stupid brit squirm

Far right comedians are really funny, but most of the jokes are ilegal in lots of places.

The entertainment industry is filled with (((elitists))) terrified of populism.

>Donald Trump, there's no way this guy will be President
[liberal applause]
>He's not gonna be President
[liberal applause]
>Don't vote for Donald Trump
[liberal applause]
>Please Donald! Please don't be President
[liberal appluse]

Because he's a Brit. Britfags are scared of everything except refugee cock.

forgot to include pic

>This video contains content from ConstantinMediakraft, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Fuck you, ConstantinMediakraft.

Because it shows that he has no power.

Because he might get deported. Seriously, Oliver broke immigration laws to come here, he should at least be charged with fraud for violating his visitor visa.

Daniel Tosh

he's just doing his job, he's just a talking head

Why does he have any say in the US anyways, he looks like a genetical redcoat. Can you just immigrate and harass against your presidental candidate like that?


Didn't read that post.

Because John Oliver is his master's tool.

He's just one half of a Punch and Judy act.

>mfw 2016 man begs

You want Trump to drop out....



why didnt he pick Vince as his VP?

too high energy... believe it or not there is such a thing

His citizenship paperwork is faked and bribed.



Under the word "cuck" in the dictionary is a picture of John Oliver.

The right wing candidate is much funnier off the cuff than the left wing.
Although, regarding policies military, financial and reform, he's to her left.
But she can barely get a laugh, and that's with paid joke writers on staff.
Best comics are the ones who lampoon both sides, bc thats where the truth is.
Telegraphing every joke gets old fast. *drumpf lol. Is Oliver his original name? Was he correct about the refugees? Is Hillary not a worthy humor target? The right does seem to have the better political cartoonists/comics.

Also Don Rickles is definitely conservative. He's easily the funniest guy when insulting politically incorrectly. Every lefty comedian worships his timing, speed and acerbic wit.

Good comedy is meant to embaress the wrong, to socially correct. To expose the bad w humor.
If HRC's war mongering, bribery pay to play corruption, difficulty with the truth, constant investigation problems, and fashion choices don't get called out (except in meme forms), is it fulfilling its potential?

Probably because oliver is illegal and trump will deport him

He wants to fuck him desu

It's a clip from Apocalypto.

Honestly I'm not really well versed in economics, but wouldn't an increase in jobs be a natural effect of recovering from the 2008 recession? As in this would have happened regardless of Obama or whomever.



p..pls quit

Can you imagine the hammer he is going to put on these shows. Not from a legislative side, but he's going to openly ridicule all of them and their ratings will sink to new lows

Agreed. Making the stakes high!
Trump has the chops to take on Jon Stewart who is the vanguard, although maybe lost a step or two or 3.
After Stewart, who dares take him on? Maher? Silverman. Its not really a killer's row of genius comics. Patton Oswalt? Time's have changed. America is too fat & stupid to get jollies from self-righteousness.

If we help our economy grow, we file bankruptcy

His program revolves around virtue signaling, and he must cater to the widest audience.


Because he is paid a lot of money to be afraid of him and to spread this irrational fear to others


Why not make fun of the unseen levels if Wall Street graft/ corruption about to bury us all, the beating war drums/ bloid lust that has ruined continents and zbiyt to ruin ours, the constant propaganda, dare i say jewish media control or at least cia/nsa. Are those not as important as his orange hair and hot, immigrant wife.

Mmm, how I would LOVE to grasp my hands around your pathetic, skinny Canuck neck then squeeze until you slowly faded away into nothingness...


Tonight on News Montage Comedian the topic will be Donald Trump

Next week on News Montage Comedian the topic will be Donald Trump

Be sure to tune into News Montage Comedian's Back-To-School Donald Trump special.

What's he going to do after Trump wins? All that time and energy calling Trump and anyone that would vote for him stupid. Is he going to eat crow (not likely), or continue calling his audience stupid for voting Trump.

Career after Nov., short lived.


You're not weaseling your way out of this one! *CHARGES AT*

>Tfw pro Trump leaf
>All leafs on Sup Forums are cucked
>Mfw the cuckening has gone too far

He fears that which he does not know.

I know that feel, leafbro

Yes. Canadians are pathetic once again.

Because he's a fucking zealot.

>Company outsources jobs
>You get fired from your salaried job with insurance
>Now you have to get two or three subpar part time jobs WITHOUT benefits
In employment census, that's recorded as one job lost, but two jobs created. It's smoke and mirrors.

Make Canadians Polite Again

>he said he wasn't going to do any episodes on DRUMPF LOL because he didn't want to give him any attention
>mfw he has done three, not including the forced jabs in unrelated episodes

gee I sure am glad he isn't mad and worried or something

Looks very Cronenberg.

Because his masters tell him to be.

this movie was so fucking based.

REKT that kike

One of my top ten favorites, thanks user.

Agreed, fucking great movie. The evil of the Aztecs and other dominant native cultures is too often glossed over, and they are portrayed as the victims when really they were the oppressors. Apocalypto and The Wire demonstrate that amateurs can do great acting work, its all about a great script and excellent direction.

Based Mel "The Jews Started All The Wars" Gibson.

If only he had a drunken AMA on Sup Forums

I know you're probably not aware of this considering your race, but you can see the fear by looking in his eyes.

Kek has truly blessed you

I love these media hypocrisy/intellectual dishonesty juxtaposition memes.

He'll have to go back.


Mike Pence makes people feel comfy.

Sam Hyde

...that deserve it.

Hillary is the one provoking Russia for no reason.

Don't torture the noburgers on Sup Forums with the ambrosia of KFC man, its not nice.

There's a reason. Gotta feed war to the war machine so it shits out money.

I like that he drinks his diet coke out of a nice little glass.

I really don't understand why Pence makes me feel so comfy.


I doubt Oliver is.

But his owner, sorry "boss", Jeff Bewkes might be.

He is currently a sitting member of the CFR, alongside such Sup Forums favorites as George Soros (also a financier of this little shindig) and Bill and Hillary Clinton.

If that's the case, why has Obama presided over the poorest performing U.S. economy since WW2?

>Unemployment so high it is no longer officially counted
>No increase in wages in 3 years
>Employment so sparse that home chores are now officially listed as "jobs"

Let them call him Drumpf. They're only acknowledging that he will win. Remember, "Drumpf" is derived from the term for wining at a game of cards craftily at a game of cards.

No, because you haven't recovered from the 2008 recession. Our own lefty fucking treasurer talked about this recently with dismay.

The increase in Jobs is because the Obama administration now, quite literally, counts work that totals 1 hour a week and 20 dollars a week in wages as "JOBS".

Your economy is a fucking mess, and it's a been that way since Bush was in office and Obama hasn't changed a thing, except rack up historical, unprecedented debt to cover the wounds.

This is the one that gets me.

Down here in Australia we get to witness Hillary and Obama's constant provocation of China.

We've seen them push Putin to conflict status in Eastern Europe.

They've torn North Africa, the Middle East and now Europe apart...Just to fuck with the Russians.

I can maybe imagine Trump starting a war by accident.

But Hillary WANTS to start one.

It's all going to get better