Superior Court judge in Rome last week completely lost it on the bench during a hearing in which a murder defendant shouted repeated obscenities at the judge and then threatened to kill members of the judge’s family.
to get a different public defender devolved into heated and nasty exchanges with Judge Bryant Durham Jr. At one point, Durham told Allen that he “looked like a queer” and even challenged him to masturbate in front of him in the courtroom.
Within minutes, Allen told Durham he would “hold myself in contempt.”
“Listen to me,” Durham interjected.
“(Expletive) you,” Allen told the judge and then continued saying the same thing.
After Durham found Allen in contempt, Allen responded, “I don’t care.”
Durham then sentenced Allen to 20 days for contempt and said if he said anything else, he’d add another 20 days for everything else he said.
“(Expletive) you,” Allen said.
“Forty days,” Durham ordered.
“(Expletive) you again,” Allen said.
“Sixty,” said Durham.
“Go (expletive) yourself,” Allen said.
“A year,” Durham said.
“Your mama,” Allen said.
“Ten years,” Durham ordered.
“(expletive) my (expletive),” Allen replied.
“You know something, this is going to be an interesting trial,” the judge said.
A transcript of the hearing shows how an attempt by defendant Denver Fenton Allen
full transcript: