what's Sup Forums's opinion on the minimum wage increase to $15?
Minimum wage
This explains it pretty well.
It's better to increase individual income tax rates for higher brackets and abolish corporate income tax
get a real job
increasing the minimum wage would halt job growth.
freaking Seattle city proper jacked it up to $11 an hour.... so many people lost overall working hours it's not funny.
Gov't needs to stay out of the private sector when it comes to min wage, and instead focus on getting rid of Illegal Aliens taking American jobs...
>just talked to a "framer" in construction the other day... *overwhelmed* by Mexicans working 10 a shift for $200 / day.
that video uses awful, discredited economic ideas. the only studies that back up minimum wage harming the economy rely on undeveloped countries quadrupling the wage and shit.
you should be embarrassed for believing that terrible video is right. this is like saying "you car needs gas" and then some faggot posts a gif of someone just continuing to fill up their tank after it's full and gas goes everywhere and going "see what happens when you fill up your tank?"
I think the goverment should just print lots of money and give it to eceryone. Then nobody will be poor.
Here in Australia we use minimum wage jobs in high school, then we use the experience gathered to get into a slightly better job to work in an office or whatever part time while at university.
Why can't burgers get this through their thick skulls?
Stop blowing your money on weed and video games, and start saving it to buy something worthwhile like a piece of land. I'm 20 years old and I'll probably own an investment property by the time I'm 25, rent it out and then reinvest the funds to increase the value.
Exactly. You can't force a demand. You have to control the workforce itself. Small workforce, great salaries and good employment.
I was thinking if minimum wage got raised even higher than that. Not something like $1 million dollars an hour or something ridiculous.
But why not raise minimum wage to say... the same amount a manager gets.
I think people being paid minimum wage should be paid the same amount as the lowest paid person who holds a degree thats working for the company.
So if you have 12 new employees with no college education, they should be paid the same as say the manager who is college educated.
It should be fair pay for fair play.
That's actually a very good idea. We should also print 3 gorrilion ollars to build a fucking warpdrive.
It's not like the economy is limited by TANGIBLE assets, right? That would be silly.
You should really look to try and qualify yourself (through education or training) for jobs that do not pay min wage rather than beg/whine at the government to raise the min wage.
There are lots of jobs that you don't need to go to college that pays lots of money. Garbage men, janitors, construction workers, plumbers, electricians, police, etc all pay pretty damn well.
>everyone else is wrong, my awful discredited ideas are right
>relying on talking to literal construction workers
you are a disgrace to this country.
not going to happen. cost for companies is double what it currently is in some states in others its still a few dollars more and companies are not looking to spend more for nothing
all last year they cut spending. corporate spending dropped abruptly and hasnt risen this year. you raise minimum wage they will shut down locations and a lot of the labor market is retail and fast food
wall mart closed more than a hundred stores last year and others relocated out of blue states
This endless buying and renting isn't sustainable. You aren't creating shit.
For the thousandth time, Sup Forums thinks that only retarded leftist Bernfags can do the mental gymnastics needed to justify a $15/hour minimum wage without accepting the consequences of such actions.
SeaTac is a great example, but of course, leftists will pretend that whole situation didn't exist where businesses either relocated outside the $11 minimum wage zone or ended up going under.
Now, put that to $15, and guess what happens?
itt: people who live in NYC or LA who think that the rest of the country has the same income levels and can do the same things that happen in major cities without collapsing in the process
Sup Forums on minimum wage:
>want more money? work harder
>there is no such thing as too much competition
>those without initiative and ability deserve to suffer poverty while the rich get richer
Sup Forums on inviting black men into country to flirt with your women:
>I'm single, but shouldn't have to work harder to get a white woman!
>Getting a white woman is hard enough already, whites shouldn't have to compete against black men
>I deserve a white woman despite having a shorter penis than the black fertile men around me
Nice rebuttal m8
truly a Q U A L I T Y post
Quit making America look bad with what you shart on Sup Forums.
Most studies show that it's just inconclusive in most cases.There are studies about it in NY and Pennsylvania, Seattle, LA, and other cities,a ll with different results.
In Seattle, for example, one focused on restaurants. A group of them ended up banning tips to compensate for a price increase and still have customers. In the end, a lot of the workers made than they were making before it was increased because of the lack of tips.
>paid the same as the person that went to college
How is that fair?
more people with more money means more spending and larger taxes collected from them (not an increase in rate). If people can afford to spend more money, they will. This means strong economy and strong america. Just give tax breaks to small businesses to help them afford the increase and let bigger companies (like the fortune 500s) eat the costs.
I don't give a fuck. Australia isn't a producing nation. We have valuable real-estate.
>tfw working for the government at a hospital cleaning dead bodies and talking to the deceased's relatives
All the benefits of free healthcare(which everyone gets mind you) and priority in the long ass queues to get it and a guarantee that i'll never lose my job is just too good to pass up. I laugh at the engineers and other oil employees in Norway losing their jobs. Good fucking riddance you rich fucking bastards.
Private sector can suck my balls. I've worked in various private retail stores and i don't like how much power the employer has over his/her employees.
I think pic is a nice idea for an urban outfitters hip tshirt.
I call dibs
made less than they used to I mean*
All rates of pay would necessarily increase from the ground up.
The problem with minimum wage is bankers and manufactured inflation.
Wha I am saying is that this shit in the US and Canada made our property prices go through the fucking roof, and now the "basement dwelling neckbeards" simply can't fucking afford a house even with a STEM degree.
>Not an argument
You are a disgrace to any and all intelligent beings. :^)
You mean like, if a manager is making, for example, $15 an hour, all the lower ones should make 15 and the manager should make more?
why work a min wage job in the first place?
>Minimum wage tries to help people
>Ends up hurting people instead
Why don't people open up an economics book? That was literally one of the first things I learned in business school.
I just want to see liberals who push the increase in minimum wage, push it to the point where their degrees they are in debt for become useless.
I hope it happens only to see my liberal friends get fired from their shit jobs.
>This endless buying and renting isn't sustainable. You aren't creating shit.
anyone who owns an apartment complex might disagree. retards pay more in rent than an average house mortgage would cost.
the managers rate would go up because he would demand it. No reason to do more work for the same rate. Everything would follow and see an immediate increase, even if you already were beating the $15/hr rate.
What the fuck are you talking about? Lowering the supply of labor will increase job prospects and salaries, that's basic economics.
This has to be the stupidest thing I've read all day.
why not just increase minimum wage to 1 million dollars then everyone is a millionaire
It's fucking stupid.
Let them do UBI if they want but the minimum wage should not exist whatsoever its fucking stupid
Of course they are profiting from it, doesn't mean it's not harmful for the market as a whole.
What my fellow leaf is saying is the prices need to max out or drop at some point because the whole "the building will appreciate" means the price will eventually be at infinity dollars.
It should be left to the States, like it always was.
$15 an hour might actually make some sense in places like California or Hawaii, but it would literally bankrupt employers in the Midwest states.
Why does everything have to be nationalized? Why do random people 3000 miles away from me have any say in the governance of my state?
Do not spend more then you have. Our consumer society in america is fucking stupid. Stop spending on shit you do not need. Be frugal with your money. High End shit for clothes is dumb unless you are a fagget who needs to boost his ego.
Buy quality brands that last for a while.
in reality, people with useful degrees and take advantage of their benefits will always make more than a peasants $15 an hour. the only people who have to fear the "fairness factor" are people with shitty degrees and in reality they should be punished for shitty choices.
minimum wage should be 3 hots and a cot, these lazy people should be thrown in jail
$15 sounds really high to me, the minimum wage is about $8.5 here in Japan tbqh
Or economy is shaped on mass spending, if everyone was frugal shit would collapse.
This, $15/hr would devastate my Southern city. I can see some sort of increase, but something like that would completely fuck over every locally owned business given how poor we are.
as an economist, this guy is chatting pure shit m8
no, when you raise the costs they cut back. the manager can demand more but there are plenty of other people who can do it for the same.
what really will happen is the wage goes up, people get fired, more work falls into the laps of those who stay behind. now they have to work even more and have less benefits in exchange for having a bit higher pay. sure the few people that can handle the much higher stress of doing shit (which they definitely would struggle because they put themselves in a shitty life position anyways instead of handling stress and succeeding) will have it a bit better but unemployment will then dramatically jump as many more will be fired.
raising the minimum wage a lot or in general is basically a function of how much you want to raise wages for current workers vs how much you want to increase unemployment. the people who do manage to keep their jobs will be taxed more for more welfare for those who dont have jobs. all you do is remove more money instead of giving it like you want to pretend it does.
don't /thread your own post fellow leaf.
Then get a better job.
Most people I see working these minimum jobs barely qualify as having agency, like 2 steps above retarded. Can't get your order right, can't stock a shelf properly. I laugh at the thought of your average McDick's employee working as a claims adjuster or something.
People have inelastic demand for loads of stuff. There is also a world of a difference between being frugal and living way beyond your means.
Much obliged. But remember, as leafs, we are not subject to normal standards of conduct. Rules are for other flags.
It's not fucking supposed to be enough, it's supposed to be not enough so you lazy fucktards will get off your ass and quit your job at mcdonalds and apply for a job in a factory, join a trade union, or attend college and better yourselves. Democrats are fucking stupid lazy entitled retards who think they should be able to raise a family of 4 on minimum wage using welfare to subsidize their lack of creativity and overall laziness. At least drug dealers have the drive to succeed, Democrats are really below criminals in the heirarchy of society.
I see no problem with it.
As is most minimum wage workers qualify for government assistance programs that offset their low income. A higher wage would just put more pressure on the corporations instead of the taxpayer. It's ridiculous that Walmart and similar places can profit from hiring a minimum wage worker and then getting them to sign up for welfare.
It would also create a good excuse to finally make some welfare cuts.
>would just put more pressure on the corporations instead of the taxpayer
This never happens, m8. You seem to think the corporations are greedy and evil, but apparently they're nice enough to simply eat any artificial costs imposed on them?
What happens in the real world is that they pass on the added cost onto the consumer in the form of higher prices. Or they cut the amount of jobs available. Or they cut training, or hours, or benefits, or any combination thereof.
it should be raised to reflect inflation
that's it,
15 minimum is preposterous
>any minimum is preposterous
where tf is min wage 7.25? it's 9.60 here in CT
It will never work unless steps are taken to force the increase to come out of shareholder and company profits, while also denying the corporations any ability to pass the new costs to the consumers as well.
Minimumg wage in Germany: 8,50€ with a lot of exceptions.
Introduced this year (or last year ? ) I think, and economy still bitching about it.
"progressive europe" is a meme of the liberals in the US.
Price floors cause surpluses, Price caps cause shortages. This is basic economics. When a price floor is established on labor, there will be a labor surplus, aka unemployment.
I support increasing minimum wage in order to keep low-skilled niggers and mexicans out of the work force.
It worked for the apartheid-era white nationalist unions of South Africa, so it should work here too.
if we just give everyone 4x the money, people will have 4x the buying power
this is indisputable so don't even bother to reply
We should raise it to $25 an hour like it is in Denmark.
the national minimum wage today, adjusted for inflation, actually is almost exactly the same as it was 20 years ago
I'm going to assume that the fact that I have no idea what this image is supposed to mean is because I'm white.
Yea sounds good you are really set up.
Im an army mechanic and pretty much on the same boat I.e. nobody wanted the job when I got it but with the overwhelming numbers of engineers (that can't find a job because there are to many of them) now starting to regret going by daddies foot steps and should have went with grandpa's foot steps.
..I dont get it. Are the shoes being worn more valuable than the shoes being stepped on, or am i supposed to be triggered by the shoes being stepped on.
kill yourself faggot. minimum wage is fucking us if you haven't noticed.
how about you learn some BASIC economics before your embarrass yourself, and more importantly, your country again.
>from youtube cooment
Excellent video. For those worried about big corporations notice that MW and general intervention in labor market also benefit most of them as it makes competition from small businesses harder.
Well funded big corporations are happy to employ workers at an initial loss (these workers will eventually provide benefit, with training and experience) in exchange of destroying competition from new and small innovative companies
Stop immigration and get rid of the minimum wage, when we hit peak employment everything will be solved.
More income = More spending = more profits
It's the stimulus package we should of got the first time around
Why does everyone here love (((rich people))) so much?
The problem isn't the wages. It's the workforce. They either choose a life of crime, dependency, or worthless degrees, and wonder why they can't get ahead. They didn't take their futures seriously and practically plan ahead. If they had, they may have gotten a trade, instead of a felony or a Bachelor's in Feminist Biology. They could have done STEM. They chose to be paid minimum wage. Those places used to be staffed by fucking teenagers, not single mothers of 5. That was the point: They're ENTRY-LEVEL positions. Meaning, babby's first grind. I can't ride a tricycle from St. Louis to KC in one day, so why would I try to pay a litany of expenses - ranging from electricity, to rent, to feeding a family - with an entry-level position?
This in itself proves it: They're just fucking stupid, and selfish. They made self-indulgent decisions to place them at disadvantages later in life, then demand the people kind enough to take the risk of hiring them and putting money in their pockets, plot their payscale to compensate for their generational shortcomings. People that stupid do not deserve, nor are they qualified enough to warrant paying, $15 an hour. Tell them to shut the fuck up and get a trade, lazy little pricks.
>we should raise the minimum wage
>but we also have to worry about automation
>fuck it, let's increase immigration of low skilled workers because white countries remaining white triggers me
Do the world a favor, nigger, and end your bloodline.
Why not just go back to the gold standard? Median wage in the US would be about 35 bucks if you never went of it.
It already is in Oregon. I'll probably lose my job when minimum wage overtakes me. In the mean time, I just lose spending power as inflation starts to set in.
The """gold standard""" that was around since the Depression was basically an illusion. As soon as government paper stops being redeemable in specie by the common man, the gold standard is effectively dead.
>More income = More spending = more profits
That's not the economy works.
If it were, we could set the minimum at $1 million per hour, and everyone would be super rich because they'd have so much money to spend on shit, and profits would be sky high!
The problem with poor people is not that they got a shitty hand dealt to them, but because they are almost always stupid, which is precisely why they support these kinds of schemes.
>Increase min wage to $15
>Open borders
Liberals will pick both and expect not to be out-competed
People do realise that if the minimum wage was higher, the cost of goods and services would increase too?
They'd still be poor even if minimum wage was increased.
But those first 3 mos will be glorious!
Less jobs. Thats all it is going to mean in the end.
How do we solve the problems that minimum wage is causing in Australia?
how about you check the video's citation?
it's not much but I could get by on $7.05, and I live in California. It's all about budgeting. Also I don't have a kid.
Yeah, the Breton Woods thing didn't work out anyway. It's not a market currency. Anyway it wasn't dead all over the country during the GD.
$7.25*, whatever
You're probably one of those sociopaths who really tries to sound like he knows what he's talking about, but as soon as you scratch the surface you find out that you're absolutely hollow.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
underage b&
You're so fucking dumb.
I just thought you should know that.
I own a bunch of fast-food stores: If it goes to 15, I will only employ 1 person per hour at each store (a security guard);
robots do all the jobs I need for around 10/hr/robot.
15 means I am paying 5/hr out of my profit.
It would be great, it would kill millions of jobs for low income minorities (500k losses at $10.10 up to 6.6 million on the high end at $15). Fuck them, they need to learn hard.