TIL that Reagan had the largest tax increase (adjusted) in US history. Why do so many Republicans idolize him?
Reagan Tax Hike
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>it's the lies about Reagan thread again
Hello, alt-right / leftists.
As a percentage of GDP, Regan STILL raised taxes higher than Obamacare (but not the highest in this regard)
Bush even raised taxes higher than the affordable care act as a percentage of GDP.
Probably because the right leaning fucks that praise him are religious cuckolds. I don't see his appeal and I lean on the right.
>>top tax bracket
>lies about Reagan thread
Did Reagan oversee the largest dollar-adjusted tax increase in US history or didn't he?
>Reagan had the largest tax increase
Why do libtards not understand what "separation of powers" means?
Because they are cucks, just like Trumpcucks. Can't wait for Trump to raise taxes on you fucks.
Annnnnnd we are officially reddit
b-but he played a cowboy in the movies...
>Trump to raise taxes
>another libtard who thinks the president can raise taxes
The president has to sign the bill for it to become law (in most cases). Reagan signed into law the tax increase.
There's a reason I also posted a chart which shows the phased reduction in taxes across multiple brackets for the full term of Reagan's presidency.
You know, you COULD just let the data from the charts I posted penetrate and stop trying to use statistical trickery to feed a lying narrative. Reagan's presidency was one of tax cuts to stimulate the economy.
Also, you might also want to consider that obamacare's impact has been much broader than simply how it can be interpreted in terms of taxes, such as the restructuring that's occurred in many jobs in the number of hours they've been cut back to so as to avoid being carried by company offered insurrance (the rates for which are increasingly prohibitive, similar to premium spikes seen in privately held policies), directly and adversely affecting the budgets of the American worker.
But for some reason, you probably won't.
>everything is a reddit or jew
See how Reagan's highest unemployment rate was higher than Obama's.
>I posted a chart
>statistical trickery
oh wait, doesn't this go both ways?
I'm not a huge fan of Obamacare, or most of Obama's policies for that matter. I Do think that insurance companies needed to be reformed but not in the way that Obamacare dealt with them.
>adversely affecting the budgets of the American worker
I'm guessing that the timeline for making such assumptions is premature.
Republicans are incredibly stupid people.
Just look at their nominee.
If anything, the nomination results prove that the two-party system is broken.
You didn't answer my question. Did Reagan oversee the largest dollar-adjusted tax increase in US history or didn't he?
You are deliberately obfuscating the issue in each of your posts.
Reagan cut the tax rates, and tax revenues subsequently went up.
Forbes: "In simple terms, when taxes are cut, Federal revenue has a very strong tendency to rise! And when taxes are raised, government revenue has a strong tendency to fall."
The graph you posted in shows the increase in tax REVENUES that arose from Reagan's tax CUT.
The table posted here illustrates the difference between a cut to tax rates (the red line) and an increase in tax revenues (the green bars).
You are deliberately ignoring the fact that is solely for the TOP BRACKET TAX RATE.
I have no idea what a bingj.com is and when directed towards it, it says that >Our services aren't available right now
So I'm not going to take it as a reliable source.
>links a non-forbes article...
Because most republicans don't know this. Honestly, if Reagan were to run again today (without name recognition), he'd be called a RINO or liberal republican. I don't know that his tax increases were the largest, but I know he had relatively liberal economic policy compared to what people think. He did go retard level conservative on a lot of social issues, though, like escalating the war on drugs.
Because his speeches were based
Because everyone that worked hard in the 80s made a shit load of money