What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this image?
Her shirt says "Chinese Americans for Trump"
Twitter account: twitter.com
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this image?
Her shirt says "Chinese Americans for Trump"
Twitter account: twitter.com
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Not bad
Not hot but at least better looking than yoko
Good on her. Most Chinese I know support Trump, mostly because Japan's in the Clinton Foundation's pocket.
Pretty dang close to 10/10 as far as Chinese people go you swamprat.
All non-Muslim Asians should be for Trump
>her name is Kathy
Yeah fucking right.
Ayy gurl can I call you Kat because I wanna eat you, you fucking pussy.
wtf I love China now
Chinese are sub-human so gives a shit.
Hopefully trump gasses them too
i want to cum on her teeth
Absolutely MAGA
Most Asians do not support Trump.
Asians are not even human. Trump should round them up and deport them.
Women get hotter if they have high power levels
Chinese is not a religion
Attention whore whoring for attention.
Why are you dumb neckbears handing it over on a silver platter?
you just want all our asian waifus you tree suckling maniac
The stuff of liberal nightmares.
Liberals enjoy being called wrong by minorites though
You sound all kinds of different layers of retarded.
Asians are committing genocide on our gene pools you idiots. Those yellow monkeys.
This. Fuck the chinks.
If they were a religion they would be on top of the worst.
They arent even human, they're uncivilized pieces of shit
She would look a lot better with Korean style plastic surgery, especially for her eyes and nose.
here she is flying a glider, a day ago.
Hormones. They let their dick think for them.
chicks who shave their eyebrows off completely and then draw them on with makeup trigger the fuck out of my dick in a deflationary manner.
I don't mind if they accent them a bit but pulling that shit really bugs me.
ESPECIALLY mexican chola whores from S.Cali.
I seriously turned down a very eager 8.5/10 hue-sloot because she had her eyebrows TATTOOED on, in purple. Everything else was pretty top notch but that shit is a pet-peeve and I should just say fuck it... but I can't.
Who gives a shit. I still hope they get cleansed off this earth.
Try to defend this. Pieces of shit
Most of the people here like trump more than clinton. Clinton is no friend of china, and frankly america will be a laughing stock if they elect a weak woman loser as president
> Ayy gurl can I call you Kat because I wanna eat you, you fucking pussy.
Niggers and pseudo niggers should not be allowed to use the Internet.
You're a faggot breh.
I hope you die you fucking chink
btfo so hard, he cant even comprehend
no way in hell shes chinese with that face.
they wont change the election one way or another. there are to few of them
also fun fact the liberals dont treat east asians like minorities. they deported millions of chinks under clinton while they lobbied for cubans to be allowed to stay
the fat dike on the view (rosie) said something racist towards east asians the left pretends it wasnt a big deal
i think she said ching chong, it was very racist, but they arent black so
I'd be one of them if I lived there desu
>tfw nogunz
>tfw no land
most Chinese I know like Trump over Killary. They believe they work harder, but are not treated better than blacks.
I bet even I as a boy looks hotter than her
Seems like a cool American girl.
white boyfriend lol, i'm sorry for you asian guys.
>someone said mean things this is the worst thing ever!
calm down you slanty fuck
I'll take all the votes we can get. Doesn't change the fact that she eventually has to go back. America is a white nationalist country that has been usurped by jews. When we finally get control of our country back, she will be dealt with humanely.
Kind of goofy looking, but symmetrical! Would breed.
Both our men and women want to marry whites
Resistance is futile
I was surprised to see I already follow her, but I never see her tweets in my timeline, wth?
I don't care for some chink whore white cock worshipper
Aside from the bug eyes, she's pretty cute.
Would hold her hand.
lmaffo, butthurt asian detected
what's wrong, you can't find a bogan down under to fuck you?
I and many others followed her a couple of weeks ago when trump supporter with a big account asked people to follow her because she was getting bullied. But lately she hasn't been posting as much, I guess because school has started.
I didn't like trump, but then I found out when he's lying and when he's being serious. Trump talks a lot of racist smack to get attention. When he gets attention he talks about serious things like policies.
I support Trump because he said he wanted American allies like Saudi Arabia and Japan to pay up for American military assistance and hinted at a possible withdrawal of American forces from these areas. He said the japanese aren't obliged to defend america but americans have to defend japs. This means easier invasion of Japan by CHINA #1
You've seen nothing you uneducated savage. She is 4/10 by Chinese standards. Behold, Miss China and Miss World 2007 and still many Chinese complained she wasn't pretty enough (though is a perfect example of a hot tanned Chinese).
i think your sister is waiting for you to fuck her in the other room cleetus
Literally who cares about what candidate you endorse in America?
Chinese Australian, you dumb cunt.
It makes me think you need to stop shilling your account, Kathy.
I bet she's Taiwanese
dude I wish she knew about Sup Forums, I bet she'd be on here, engaging like that Wayne Lambright guy.
I lot of 2nd generation Asian Americans from Taiwanese immigrants identify as of Chinese descent. It is a very American thing to do. They are basically just saying their linguistic/genetic identity.
She is pretty, but her mouth is very small. Like questionably big enough for a decent blowjob.
The OP girl really just needs eye surgery and a nose job and she could be very attractive. Send her to Korea and she'd come back a 9. She also needs to stop doing her eyebrows in such a dumb way.
She looks like she wants to get bleached
She has a white boyfriend, so yes
both candidates are going to be absolutely garbage
You are absolute garbage
Go home you smelly chink bastard.
Australia belongs to the white man.
Photos or it didn't happen faggot
seconding for research
She looks glorious.