If your goal in life was to wipe out the human race entirely, how would you go about doing so?
Hardmode: no nukes
If your goal in life was to wipe out the human race entirely, how would you go about doing so?
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Super form of zika
Continue to watch.
nuclear is terrible way to wipe out human race.
bio-weapon is your best shot for this scenario.
I don't think that as a person I could create something that could do that.
It'd be nearly impossible to spread to madagascar, it'd end up the last bastion of humanity, but it would still have humans.
Discourage white people from having white children.
All Genes.
I'd rip off the do not remove tag from my pillows and mattresses.
promote leftism
Poison the water
This DESU.
Weaponized smallpox
Buboes, phlegm, blood and guts! Boils, bogeys, rot and pus! Blisters, fevers, weeping sores! From your wounds the fester pours!
I agree. It would have to be some sort of innocuous retrovirus that infects everyone without notice, and then has some sort of a kill switch. If there were symptoms, people would fight it/quarantine themselves. A virus that makes people infertile wouldn't work either, we'd clone ourselves. Say you made this virus in a lab. Now what would be your transmission vector?
Introduce chemicals into water supply to make females infertile.
The American model seems to be working; make one party, then convince the sheep that it's two separate parties by throwing our distractions like abortion, "race" issues, LGBTXYZ...
Put sterilization chemicals in all food trade.
Biological warfare is shit if your objective is to wipe out EVERY last human, random mutations mean there will be some asshole surviving whatever supervirus/bacteria is unleashed. Plus really isolated motherfuckers (lighthouses in Alaska, some pacific islanders) mean it would take a long, concerned effort.
Nuclear is ass, unless you go full yolo and drop the world's collective nuclear arsenal on yellowstone or some shit. Even then there'll be some assholes in australia left alive.
Probably the best way is the equivalent of a meteor strike - pull a big one into earth, or set up heatshields on a small one and slam it down. Still might be tricky, don't know if we could do it with current tech.
Zombie virus, infected would live for a month after being bitten and then finally die, those that survived will rebuild the world in their image
Basically a fair eugenics theory, if you aren't smart enough to survive in a world without electricity and aren't physically fit why continue living?
the dude looks like a pretzel
always go with a bio weapon
I would first find some fag to give me aids, then I'd go around jerking off in lube factories and wherever they make vaccines.
Inducing natural disasters with nukes seems like a crapshoot, why not just use HAARP. People who are dumb enough to live in flood planes will drown and the ultra low freqs will drive most to suicide within a few weeks.
Not because >hurr durr I hate women\, but because males continue to produce sperm, whereas females only have so many ova.
Cloning would be pointless though, since it would heavily reduce the lifespan of the clone, its intelligence, and it would catch the infertility anyway due to a shittier immune system.
Vote for Hillary on Nov. 8 XD
Someones played pandemic
Hormone disruptors while promoting "alternative lifestyles"
Arsenic in water supply
>Build straight line of islands across the pacific in north--->south direction
>massive artillery all pointing in the opposite direction of the earth's rotation
> fire until rotation stops
half of humanity would freeze to death for lack of sunlight, the other would get cooked
that or just slam the moon back into earth.
Engineer the common cold to attack the brain, spine, and reproductive organs.
You start in Madagascar
Spend my life trying to combat child mortality in Africa like Bill gates.
Seriously. When their population inevitably explodes, the world is going the way of Haiti and South Africa.
That would be my way to speed it up I mean. It's going to happen. First Spics are going to end civilization in the US, and Muslims are going to end civilization in Europe. Then the Africa population will explode and end civilization everywhere.
I'd really want to try to get the moon to crash into Earth.
Blow up the moon
Why settle for just humans? How about we destroy the entire planet?
perform samaels turbine ritual
A virus I would imagine.
Make a diss rap directed at some martians calling them out on being a bunch of pussies for not invading us.
Short term: bioweapon.
Long term: Intentionally releasing large amounts of ODS.
Encourage the gross overuse of soaps,sanitizers, and antibodies causing antibiotic and antiviral resistance while simultaneously encouraging intertwining economies, encouraging nations to break down their borders, and tell the youth that "traveling" a life goal. At that rate, a plagues of drug-resistant virus and bacteria would hit the Earth in about 60 years and when it hits almost everyone probably doesn't make it. Hospitals will be overcrowded the chances of you getting treatment are slim to none(aka be connected is the slim hope)
Cultrual Marxism
Wait enough time.
release a virus that causes severe over production of insulin
But then Greenland... :-(
Dimethyl cadnium. In the water, in the cities parks and buses, in the superstores, ect. Plain and simple. And much easier to make than one could think, just hard not to die during making it.
Repeated and repeated doses and eventually everything will be dead, including yourself. Almost like a roach extermination.
Water pollution.
Bees and trees keep us alive.
Put fluoride in all the water, were talking about 100's of gallons of the stuff.
That or you could just shutdown all banks and delete everything, so making everything reset to zero.
Remove most drinking water from the planet, and let who's left fight over the rest of the water until they die off too. Though that kills off the rest of the species on the planet, so if you just want humans an incredibly strong virus or brainwashing the masses with religion is better for that.
I don't want to kill everyone though. I wanna create an ideal world with very few people. Maybe just leave a billion or less people to live on this planet and kill the rest. Obviously only perfect people would be allowed to continue living. Perfectly healthy people with high IQ. Metally and physically healthy. And only heterosexuals. Obviously no pedos or homos would be allowed to live. Extremely violent people would also need to die. Huge procrastinators and weak minded uncreative people would need to go as well. Only the smartest, most creative, peaceful and perfectly healthy people with high morals will be allowed to exist. My guess is this currently makes up about 1/7 of our population.
>water borne transmission
>very low lethality
>cold resistance
>once you get Greenland and Madagascar, full lethal
Or just target Canada
I don't give a shit about what you want faggot. This is not the utopia thread. If you can't follow the rules, go make your own thread
Create an artificial super intelligence that sees humans as a threat.
Oh, did something I said trigger you? Am I ruining your "perfect" thread? Well too bad I do not care about the rules you made.
But look at everything humans built with nothing but their hands and imagination.
>how would you go about doing so?
I'd vote for Hillary.
A very powerful and permanent version of the zika virus.
Because the entire world would crumble on itself.
Look at Children of men.
Take away the ability to reproduce.
Takes away the hope for the people.
Society crumbles.
You would get the population super big and release 6 different viruses that spread throughout the population
I would alter the bacterium kleibsiella planticola to produce ethanol, while allowing it to spread naturally and aggressively replace all other root bacterium.
It almost happened already.
Find a way to destroy the electromagnetic barrier around Earth.
Wait for the sweet solar winds to turn us into Mars. It'll be quick.
are you bootyblasted that no one cares about your eugenics paragraph? Undoubtedly you consider yourself in the upper echelon of people not to be purged, you arrogant faggot.
I'm not sure if giving advice here is a good idea...
This is 100% effective.
This will absolutely kill all plant life on earth, by the way.
This isn't some farfetched idea either.
This almost happened. We almost died a slow drunken death.
nonsense, anonymous poster. Please impart to me all of your potentially seditious thoughts and ideas
Wait 10000 years
jesus you're a gullible gaylord
This. I never freak out about "epidimics" but this is an exception.
We already know how to wipe out a species effectively. It's called antibiotics. And The way an antibiotic works is not by killing off bacteria, it's by preventing them from reproducing. If you can invent something that is distributed among a population and prevents them from reproducing, then you can kill them off in a few generations. All the better if it shows little or no symptoms and is easily transmitted. Shit's terrifying.
very nice, user. Good read
Easy shit OP. We just need self replicating AI programmed by a malicious individual. It's not even hypothetical, odds are it'll happen in the next 50 years or so.
>being this triggered
You are giving me all the amusement and attention I could wish for. If you don't like my ideas then perhaps you shouldn't focus on it so much and give more attention to other posters. You are being ridicilous, user.
burn the crops and poison the water supply
no but seriously I would irradiate the water supply
campaign for voting rights for women globally.
make sure they can vote in every country.
get everyone in the world addicted to meaningless technology while saying its okay to yield to their temptations and passions. Also turning the sexes against each other and making them hate on another and breaking the family down to its hinges only relying on each other for monetary support and financial gain
>wipe out the human race entirely
>Breed niggers at ultra speeds (so much not even spics, chinks or muslims can compete with them)
>Nig army chimps out and kills everyone else (including some niggers)
>No more humans (or even the smallest trace of it), just niggers
Who are you gonna embrace once the Tangification begins Sup Forums?
Vocal Chord Parasites
This isn't a Debbie Downer thread, it's a how would you kill everyone thread.
And the answer is Exterminatus.
Chemical weapons and drones.
Check em, I am Skullface :^)
I love this game for the visuals and gameplay but this is a fucking retarded plot point.
>wipe out the human race entirely
Are you fucking stupid or something? I would destroy everybody but whites. I'd send blacks back to africa over-sea and let them die from starvation, disease, and natural disaster. Then, i'd get all the mexicans and illegals who have crime records and get them the fuck out of my country, however, hard working ones who have been good ese's can stay and do shit work like construction, fast food, ect. But only keep those ones in, after I deport all the dindu mexicans i'd let no more in, then all the edgy teens will replace the other mexicans, bomb canada.
Problems solved
>prove me wrong
>pro tip: you can try, but wont succeed
Airborne HIV
Genetically engineered flu virus. One that transmits easily before showing symptoms in or killing the host. Then it hits hard and kills the host in a day or so.
Manipulating molecular structures is becoming easier and cheaper. Eventually, a few decades or so, some sociopath will create one in his college bio lab.
I laughed way too hard at this.
Get rich and create a serious competitor to SpaceX, then get scientists and engineers insane enough to help you nudge about three dinosaur killer NEOs. Anything else you're guaranteed to get enough survivors that will eventually put the whole thing back together.
Make anime real.
Humanity dies off in a few generations as men and women prefer to be with their superior waifus and husbandos over other humans.
You see, everybody in this thread is fucking up by trying to kill off humanity with something hostile. It is humanity's nature to fight back and SOMEONE will succeed in finding a way to cure the disease/secure clean food and water supplies/etc.
The key to killing us off is to make us willingly choose extinction.
Vote for Hillary.
water and food
You should probably think of a plan that won't get you locked up in a nuthouse, bug chasing faggot.
more like 10
t. Plague inc.
>tfw the first time I started in Madagascar they closed borders before I could spread
Weaponized pneumonia
>fighting back against relativistic kill vehicles
Human instrumentality project