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Get a better job
Maybe she shouldn't have had 3 children before she turned 25.
Maybe she should have went to school.
Maybe she shouldn't have relied on handouts and gibmedats from various transient nogs and the government.
Maybe she shouldn't have been such a fucking miserable failure.
then you are stupid and 7.90 is better than you deserve.
don't worry you can always suck a dick for $10
>Having children without a stable job
>wahh the government is responsible for my shitty life decisions
>3 sons
>Likely 3 different fathers
I made more than that when I was working part time for some shitty fast food joint.
>TFW you're 1/3rd of her age, and she makes 1/3rd as much as you do.
Don't have children if you can't afford them you fuckwits.
I don't understand what part of that they find so hard to comprehend. Do they think pregnancy is just some random ass thing that happens? Do they not grasp that it's a choice?
considering the following of McDonalds.
all they have to do is assemble food. it is premade outside of the restaurant. all they have to do is just make the burgers and clean up the baby vomit. fast food is completely decidant and unnessarry for a healthy life, you are employed to serve garbage to stupid retards and you are most likely yourself subintelligent, why should your job demand 15 bucks when it's not even a benefit of having around? you work for a shit job, you get paid a shit price, and your job is just temporary as said robots will come and make the burgers much better than you, they would fire you and replace all your paychecks for a competent machine engineer to keep the works going.
just quit
you are payed what you deserve
>work at McDonald's for 9 years
>can't get a promotion
Lmfao why the fuck did your stupid ass get 3 kids with a job at Mickey d's? Are you a retard or something? Sage dis shit yo
>Working a dead-end job for 9 years
>Didn't even think of spending your time on a skill or hobby that is more lucrative or even more fulfilling than flipping burgers
Then again she has 3 kids, and she's probably had them since age 16.
pretty certain whomever she's below isn't just going to quit his job for her ass getting it.
She had 3 kids because it's a bigger payout.
She'd have to make over 69k to match all of her welfare.
Fight for $15 is a real life slide subversion. All these disenfranchised workers aren't focused on the source of the problem, but subverted by (((corporations))) into diverting their efforts on an ultimately fruitless exercise.
>The Peter Principle
>In any company, an employee will be continuously promoted until he reaches his level of incompetence, upon which, he will no longer be promoted.
So this bitch pushes buttons on a cash register for $7 for 9 years, and shes still incompetent at that
>minimum wage minimum effort bruh
>double the minimum wage
>haha still minimum wage so I won't try
Honestly, as a senior software engineer, I can't fucking wait for these idiots to usher in an uncompetitive wage that makes hiring me and my friends more lucrative.
And you just know she's collect big, fat government checks because of it.
So this is why they want a $15 min wage.
$15 * 2000 hours / year = $30,000
So anybody who works full time would automatically get pushed off the edge of that first welfare cliff because they make too much.
This is what happened in Seattle, and the libtards fucking hate it lol
>some one else should pay for the privilege of having my kids compete with their kids.
This is what leftists actually believe.
>sheeeit, gib me mo money fo mah babbies
>gib me dat nigga
>all I's do is flip burgers but I need mo gibs nigguh
>be me, 15
>get first job at Mcdicks
>run the register, getting paid $7.50/h
>one day guy spills drink when leaving and doesn't clean in up
>clean it myself
>boss gives me a raise to $8.00
>another time co-worker doesn't show up to clean restrooms
>decide to do it myself
>get another raise, now $9.00
Entry level work gets you entry level pay. This bitch is clearly a lazy, entitled asshole trying to get free money for breathing.
It's a win-win-win.
Idiots get pushed off welfare. They lose their job because their wages are too high. Then everything gets automated and the entire job market dies overnight.
Then they hop the first greyhound back to Mexico.
Minimum wage is greater than the fake number she says shes making.
Get in a different field. With no experience, I got an entry level job making 12.50 an hour 10 years ago (before college), and this cunt is crying like a fucking retard.
She has 3 kids and she's a "Ms." she's nothing but victim complex.
Get out of a fucking entry level job and go work a real one!
They're niggers. It's what they do; it's their genetic destiny. They will never go beyond that and will forever be stuck in squalor and ignorance
>working at mcdonalds when you're 49
also mcdonalds is a great job for a high schooler to get a car and gas money
you dont work there for 8 and a half more years and try raising a family off mcdonalds money AND somehow dont get a raise that entire time
I love these sob stories. "Bu...But I HAVE KEEIDS!" Condoms are .50 a pop you fucking skank. No one asked you to spread your legs and let some asshole dump him load inside you. Make poor decisions, live with the consequences
Sucks to suck
how much do you have to suck to not get a raise at MCDONALDS for NINE YEARS
Nice trips
She should've shopped around and outright lied about how much she made.
Lord knows Wendy's doesn't contact McDonald's to verify it.
>can't get a raise working a minimum wage job for 9 years
>decide to have a go at raising a family instead
She probably doesn't have a diploma.
God damn im so glad im not stupid
$125k/yr. 100% remote. I roll over each morning and grab my laptop and work in bed.
Dont even have to buy gas for my car
So what!
You're an idiot. Do you think an idiot deserves to make $250,000+ an year?
I can agree that these kinds of jobs are for high schoolers and such, and if you have the same title for 9 years in a Mcdonalds you are either dumb as fuck or lazy and lack any ambition. You could move up in the company, or find some factory work, get into a trade for a career etc etc...
I have no sympathy for the mother of 4 working as a cashier at Wendys for 9 years without getting a raise or moving up, staying with the company and then saying its the governments fault.
Ahh fuck yeah working remote is the shit. I'm doing that myself. Roll out of bed at 8am, clock out at 4pm.
I got bored Saturday evening and clocked in like 5 hours. I'm taking Friday off and a half day on Wednesday... and I have like 102 hours of PTO.
>working for a company for 9 years that refuses to raise your wage
Either you suck or lazy.
if you went slightly above and beyond and just showed up you could be making $12 an hour in like a month
>I'm 58, and I have 3 sons
So...she had them all after she turned 40?
>my life decisions and utter lack of human capital is someone else's problem!
Her sons are probably all adults living with her. Because the loser apple doesn't fall far from the loser tree.
I make $3/h and your fucking lowlives are complaining about making $8/h
Boo nobody cares get off the stage. Muh cucumbers. Running a lemonade stand is very hard. You don't deserve to eat or have shelter after going to work.
LMFAO. What a worthless piece of shit. Mcdonalds is highschool tier employment.
Wew, in Germany she would make 8,50€ at Mcdonalds (before minimum wage was itnroduced last year I knew a girl from my class that made 6,70 at subway).
And taxes/cost of living is higher in Germany.
Just proves that niggers are lazy scum
I make $15 an hour plus sales commissions as a high school graduate (comes out to about $1000 a week on average), which isn't even relevant because I could've gotten my job as a middle school dropout. I just started at the bottom worked smart, solved problems, and had customers constantly praising me to the owners when I would handle their invoices and sort things out. I will probably stick with this company too and continue to make more and more money and have to do less and less actual work. This career shit is piss easy if you aren't a fucking moron with zero social skills. There is a 56 year old nigger who works the exact same job in production that I did when I started, he has been working here for 12 years and the owners have to explicitly tell him not to interact with clients in any way because it might leave a bad impression. I've been working there for a little over a year and I'm essentially the face of the company now and make 3x as much as him.
Learn a trade nigger
Cook your own fucken food. Oops. Robots. Time for cars to kill us
Become a woman
Im sorry how much are they suppossed to pay a chimp that soon they will replace with a machine
and they didn't make her head chef by now?
>and nobody eats there!
That's what you get for being a retard who works at a shifty fast food place.
What are bad life choices?
I dont eat there i order food and spit in your face. Don't spit in my food
>gets 30k a year in child support and 5k a year in welfare benefits.
>Working at McDonald's after the age of 20
>Working at McDonald's for 9 years
Anyone that meets either of these conditions should consider suicide.
Like eating mcdonalds
I know that the lack of career advancement and promotion sucks but having children is not an excuse.
You plan having them or not according to your career. Its the same as some gambler saying that he loses money constantly and owes some loan shark, and therefore he should get paid more or a drug abuser complaining that meth is expensive.
And mcdonalds gets 10 times more
>tfw made fun of my sister for ages for working in McDonald's
>Tfw she worked there for so long she was put through university for free and is now working for them in finance making good money
I feel stupid
Ugh it feels so fucking good.
Learned something new today. Thanks bro
>head chef at wendys
>10 inch dick
>130k a year
>mfw people like her don't realize that, completely ignoring automation, McDonald's will simply hire vastly better qualified workers if they have to pay their employees $15
Rhondell and Shonteesha will never be able to find work again
>Little less than half her age
>Make 6.25x what she does
>Probably 10x counting my wife's income
Even if that was true why the fuck would she shamelessly bring that up as if it was a valid talking point?
Nah that's just the private sector. Aka the privcuck sector
One of those is true
>It's not the 2nd or 3rd choice
i don't get these people man
when i got out of high school i picked up a part time dishwasher job. got a raise a month later, got promoted 3 months later to line cook, and 2 months after that i now make $16 an hour as main chef at 21 years old. i live in a really small town (9k ppl) how do these idiots not move up or improve themselves?
Working for 9 years and didn't even ask for that 25 cent increase per year almost every person in college does
probably deserves it.
McDonalds team members make approximately $8.00 - 8.50/hr. Is she just not asking for her bi-yearly assessments?
What a fucking loser, I'm 33 years old, work as a chef at Wendy's, 9 inch dick and I make 125k a year, she can't even get more than $7.90 per hour?
Did no one tell her that you're expected to move past minimum wage? I mean shit UPS had something like a 1$/hr-per-year raise and that doesn't take like any skill.
I have never heard of the happening in the land of burgers.
They don't put you through real university, though, they put you through their own management programs like Hamburger University and help you learn to franchise their company.
What a fucking loser, I'm 33 years old, work as a chef at Wendy's, 9 inch dick and I make 125k a year, she can't even get more than $7.90 per hour?
Oh no, I'm aware it's their own system, it's just how she decided to stick with it and is now making good money.
Not exactly, because someone may be already working at an higher rank.
First come, first take. But the real problem with most people is the fear. Thats what stops them from seeking other jobs and improving themselves: the risk of prolonged unemployment.
You fucking liar. You don't have a 9 inch dick.
no joke, you could work in a call center for 9 years and at least get a 10 cent raise every year
The last person who called me a liar ended up collecting his teeth off the ground
What a fucking loser, I'm 44 years old, work as a chef at Burger King, 8 inch clit and I make 290k a year, she can't even get more than $7.90 per decade?
If you want more stop getting my orders wrong you dumb ass bitch. Can you even read? You deserve BELOW minimum wage!
9 years is a hell of a long time for anyone to be at any management position in McDonald. I don't buy it
they shuffle around mangers to different branches all the time I seriously fucking doubt that the management or higher positions were not a possibility while she worked there..
I worked at a small movie chain and we went through 2 mangers in 4 years. Staff leads and shift leads make at least $8 or $9 and she couldn't get that? sounds like a lack of own self interest to me.
I mean shit I had a straight up Trayvon martin MSM gobbling grown gehtto ass black woman and she was at least an assistant Manager and I know for a fact she at least made salary instead of Hourly wage. and she wasn't even that good at it, miscounted the drawers plenty of times even got privileges revoked once
You have to apply yourself and do the fucking work if you want better pay, yeah its scary to ask but they will keep paying you shit until you do something about it.
Oh no I'm so scared. Fuck you faggot.
If you want more stop getting my orders wrong you dumb ass KEK. Can you even read? You deserve BELOW minimum wage!
nice try wang theres no way you're 9 inches, i would have believe 6 or even 7 but 9 gtfo
nice try wang theres no way you're 9 inches tall, i would have believe 6 or even 7 but 9 inches tall? gtfo
Maybe you shouldn't have joined the work force at age 57, you lazy ass nigger.
Usually you establish a career at a young age and work your way up the ladder. Of course when you join the game late in life, you're going to be shoveling shit until you're dead.
Don't make poor life choices.