>Be from Caucasus mountain >Give your name to the white race
>You're not considered white
What the fuck is this shit?
>Be from Caucasus mountain >Give your name to the white race
>You're not considered white
What the fuck is this shit?
Sup Forums lets decide this. Is Muslim a race or a religion. Because lets face it, alot of you treat it like a race.
He looks pretty Irish actually.
race when it suits them (so they can generalize)
religion when it suits them (so they can claim it isn't racist)
Are you unironically Muslim?
It's a religion, whose followers are overwhelmingly non-white.
it's a race. They devolved into something inferior
Like Christianity?
Both are decrepit city leeches that just attach themselves to power.
But, since most Muslims are not aryans they can be hated without much distinction.
If we were not in a cucked state of affairs it were like just 10.000 muslims per white nation there wouldnt be a problem. Same with niggers.
I dont really care what they do in their countries, and I dont care if they live here in very small numbers and are actually educated.
Obviously those times are long gone. I am a bit sorry that I wont take the time anymore to distinguish and when SHTF the few good ones will be fucked as well, but the survival of my people comes fist.
looks white to me
Nord caucasians or circassians are not really indo europeans.There main haplogroups on paternal lineage are J and G2a , and some R1a,Also there are a lot of old small nations there.Also I've heard that circassians have the most beatifull women.
circassian woman
Says the jealous brown-haired brown-eyed white-flag.
Indo-European isn't a race, it's a language family.
Holy shit, germany. I thought that we bombed you into not playing the whole "aryan" card?
Not really,Indo eupeans have in common R and I in a large percentage.They are still white.Some of the nations there maybe the whitest.They were called "caucasians" to validate the blatant lie theory that people emerged from Africa and arrived in Europe through Caucasus area.Today it is proven that this is false.
In fact you bombed yourself into the 63% state
you didn't bomb shit
not completely true, they had very good help from our soiviet ancesors to push the liberal meme in the west, it's called subversion, if you can't defeat someone, educate his kids
Well, the I people didn't speak Indo-European languages before the R people came. So it's not like they were the same people.
What I meant was that effects that their bombs have besides killing people.
Like moving refugees into Europe and the US, like fueling the Hippie movement in the 60s because of their vietnam bombing, like creating isis and whatnot.
America shits where it eats. And now its drowning in its own shit.
Enjoy your meal!
But you are right, when marxist realized their economic approach might fail the frankfurt school moved to the US and infested their system as it did infest ours, like a morbid pingpong ball jumping back and forth between the nations
No they weren't. But the genetic trace of these two hapl are markers of every european today
Every European in the migration path from the Steppes to Germany. The others weren't affect that much. For example the mountains in the Balkans blocked much of the R1a.
>didn't bomb shit
Nagasaki/Hiroshima ring any bells?
>inb4 Czar bomb
>used it on own country
Bomb/take over the entire continent. The air-force did render support for the German bombings though.
lol blue eyes and blonde hair only look good on women, they look feminine on men. you're projecting your insecurities.
you were talking about aryans, the nips don't count (aren't aryan, obviously)
even the bongs bombed more than you and they didn't do particularly much
>Bomb/take over the entire continent.
(European Continent)
Still more than Russia ever did.
>you're projecting your insecurities
Nice try, Sigmund.
are you even for real? learn history before making dumb statements
>inb4 b8 m8
That smug Putin in the background couldn't be anymore Pepesque if we made it ourselves.
When did Russia gain control over the European continent?
Doesn't speak an Aryan(Indo- European) language, therefore, he's Not white.
Before you bring them up, Persians intermixed with Semites, while Northern Indians did it with Davidians
why smug? pretty much everyone loves him here
>only degenerates and libcucks will disagree
like everyother time in history? the us didn't get whole europe, it divided it with the USSR. the Russians were in Paris in 1814 for example. In the time of Alexander III Russiafought no single war, the French tried something nasty with Germany, he asked if they "needed 100000 more viewers to their Paris theatre", they called off the military actions. The bongs agitized and sponsored the turks to go to war later with Russia, Alexander III got so angry, smacked his hand on the stone table, breaking it, and said "the whole treasury goes to war!", british spies told the story, the bongs didn't pursue their support. Or when Alexander III was fishing in Finland, there was a conflict between French and some other party, a diplomat was sent to Alexander III to discuss it, he replied "when the Tsar is fishing, Europe can wait". At his reign there was peace in Europe and pretty much everywhere, everybody feared and respected the Russian Empire, he is called Mirotvorets ("Peacemaker") as it's the only time in history Russia wasn't at war
>why smug?
>How to spot a newfag?
That wasn't meant as a negative. Smug Pepe has brought me more joy than any other image on the Internet. I'm pretty jelly that we don't have a leader like that.
That's kind of what I was thinking...
Obligatory Napoleon reference.
>Alexander III got so angry, smacked his hand on the stone table, breaking it,
Too bad his son didn't take over his traits...
Also, how about those Fins?
yes, sadly, his son was a complete degenerate idiot who couldn't reign for shit
and lost an entire empire only to be murdered with his whole family
He would have made an excellent English ruler in hindsight.
haha, yes, I agree
By drunken rebels no less. His cousin in England denied (and even covered up) his request for amnesty. Not that it would have made any difference at that point (he lacked the backbone to actually do anything with the country). His wife did have the gall but she directed her husband towards the wrong direction.
It was suppposed to fail mate.
Rasputin played a big role too. And these "drunken """rebels"""" were sponsored by german, british and american governments
strictly speaking it's a religion, but it has superimposed a 'racial' character upon itself by being anti-European and anti-Western
>Rasputin played a big role too
Very true.
>""rebels""""" were sponsored by...
I think that the rebels were Russian soldiers who had enough with the ruling party and it's history of quelling the opposition with force.
I could be wrong, though.
the bongs helped construct concentration camps in the north of Russia, to "help Russia with it's white (Tsar) problem", which essentially was just to murder Russians so the regime could be overthrown more easily, they thought of Lenin as an ally, he had muliple Rolls Royces, bank accounts in Geneva and London. But they didn't think Lenin would spit on them once in power, fortunately he was replaced by Stalin, which took the country with nothing and left it with a nuke and powerful industry, statewide education, healthcare. I don't agree with his methods but I don't think Russia would have survived and existed today if it wasn't for him
I'll politely disagree. I think that Lenin was a decent leader and Stalin was the black sheep (in Lenin's last journal entries, he basically wrote that Stalin should not be trusted). And then Stalin executed the remaining opposition. I could be wrong, as this was the way that I was taught.
there have been documents published, that Lenin was put out of the picture and Stalin was an agent to relace him, the secret services already knew that there's gonna be a war with germany. in 10 years Russia had an insane industrialization that no other country had. yes many starved and were sent to prison. but there was a lacking in metals and resources, so he let the people starve so they would bring their last silver spoons and metal jewelry so they could construct weapons, tanks, missiles. he even ordered german tech but he knew that spies were watching what he'll do with them, so he ordered his people to dig under the tech boxes, and transport them behind the ural. it looked like the tech was still standing and the spies (and hitler obviously) thought that the Russians don't even bother using the stuff. at this time hidden factories were working overcapacity to create weapons. Lenin wanted his dream to come true, which essentially wasn't bad but he lacked the knowledge of the power of western countries, he would get ass raped along with Russia so hard if he was the general commander in WWII. Stalin even allowed religion for a short period of time to boost morale at war, he ordered every soldier to drink wodka before battle so they would be fearless. There are writings of ss officers and other wehrmacht soldiers as they saw Russians running toward them with forks, table knifes, completely fearless, this is the "Russian spirit" and that's what Lenin wanted to destroy, he thought of Russians as subhumans, worst Slavs, uncapable of learning and thrive culturally
>thousands of years of mongrelization. Face it Tarhunt, you are not Aryan anymore.
Putin controls that guy 100% he even says so. Moscow calls the shots and lets this guy live like a king in his crazy ass white Muslim area of Russia
its just cucked americans, krauts and nordics who want to feel special
if he wasn't there, they'd be killing each other left and right