>works for lousy biased regressive turd channel that constantly attacks trump and any idea that isnt left wing
>instantly age 10 years
what the shit dude
is this the curse of kek or something
>works for lousy biased regressive turd channel that constantly attacks trump and any idea that isnt left wing
>instantly age 10 years
what the shit dude
is this the curse of kek or something
Yes. Everyone whose ever done wrong to me ended up having their lives ruined. They got fat, aged quick, lost their friends, even died. Kek is the God of destiny. A long time ago, I was driving down the highway and I saw an obelisk with kek symbols on it and statues nearby it in perfect condition, on the side of a highway in the south/midwest. I asked the others in the car about it, and they said they saw nothing. This was a few months after Trump announced his run for president. We were chosen.
fuck off, post traps on /b you retard
>works for lousy biased regressive turd channel that constantly attacks trump and any idea that isnt left wing
sounds like you... but opposite mr. alt right reactionary?
>armenian american
>works for a news agency called the young turks
>works for a new agency run by a known armenian genocide denier
>Ana Kasparian
>botched nose job
>utterly devoid of original thought
>worthless journalism degree from poverty tier school
>works for Armenian genocide denier
>show is named "The Young Turks" after the group that genocide the Armenians
>complains about the Red Skins name being offensive
>purpose in life is to rimjob Cenk and stroke his ego 24/7
>complains about fat shaming
>fat shames
she hit the wall hard.
there are channels that do --fair-- reporting and also attack trump and the right, i have no qualms with those
but TYT is just rubbish at this point, they only call out the bullshit on 1 side while piling on virtue signalling
they were far more watchable 2, 3 years ago
I just wished that she had fappable material desu
I fucked her sister in the ass after a youtube event last year in la.
I would love to brutally beat her up, knock out a few teeth out of this armenian whores mouth.
fucking slut.
her disgusting untrained chicken arms trigger me every time I torture myself with TyT.
any pics of her sis?
Is this fresh pasta?
It happens when you make the liberal cunt face too much.
>works for Armenian genocide denier
How does her bimbo head not explode from cognitive dissonance? I don't get it.
Roaches don't age well.
No it's called being a woman and hitting the wall. She'll start to get fat soon, watch.
Women don't have a spine
>a welcome change, from Cenks dried up brown turd of a cock
oh god great post and all true
> poverty tier school
U wut m8? Half of my friends go there and it's pretty chill.
> Also Glendale checking in
>acceptance rate of 52.9%
>ranked #70 in Regional Universities
>poverty tier
I like her. She's stupid from time to time, but has changed many of her opinions as she aged and has moved more to the center. She's still says stupid shit but she's the best female they have there. The others are way way worse. Ana can admit she's wrong too, where as Cenk goes insane and throws huge tantrums when he's losing an argument. He will not compromise any of his beliefs and thinks he's 100 percent right. Ana is more like she has stupid views, but she's a woman in America so it's expected. She's become more conservative as she's aged, so Im mixed on her. I can't hate her.
I think you're conflating price of tuition, with quality of education. CSUN is recognized as a good bang per buck school, with a good faculty. All the CSUs (i.e. state schools) are poor-fag schools, but they're not all created equal. There's no glamour in spending 40k in tuition on a Princeton or Harvard in out of itself. The education is not 10x better-- it doesn't scale like that.
I know employers who would laugh seeing CSUN on someone's resume.
You sound like a trustfund kid, that's justifying his parent's tuition cost. Your anecdote can be technically true, for some employers, for some job postings, but it's not necessarily applicable to the wider population of applicants.
I live in San Diego, and our CSU, SDSU, is renowned for its business school. It's seriously like top 30 or something. The local tech industry (Qualcomm and defense) do job fairs right on campus.
But yeah, in your mind, that degree is toilet paper and no one from those schools can ever make it.
Too much makeup + bad video compression. I'm still a Lee Ann McAdoo man.
Underrated. Sex only sells for so long, lol
This. CSUN is shit but for anything except Business. Their business program is pretty good
The bitch needs to apologize to Alex for fat shamming him. He has been working out lots lately and has lost lots of weight
I concur. She definitely owes him a blowjob or two.
>Be armenian and activly tries to spread awareness about the genocide
>Works for a show that is naned the young turks
>Under a man that denies that the genocide even happend
Women should not have the vote