How do we fix today's "men"?
How do we fix today's "men"?
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We cant, we are just going to have to replace them with the latinos and ban anime
Man I would love go outside and do that shit without getting robbed/kidnapped
we don't, there are the pinacle of evolution
Hi there Mr Goldstein.
I want to give him an ear flick so bad.
>when women can't compete with childish video games that are almost always extremely repetitive and not much fun at all
>b but it's men fault
Shove this shield up your dick hole
You give them debts, drugs and more amusement media. Eventually they will break and commit suicide.
Ban video games and anime
More militarised schools
I would also have to say that parenting does have an impact too, Stop giving kids everything they want when they ask for it
If you teach a kid to work for his shit, he will grow up with the mentality that he can have whatever he wants as long as he puts in the hard work for it
Delete this website
This. Bring back adequate levels of parenting, stop coddling kids and let them make mistakes. Also keep the fuckers physically active, lets the ADHD retards burn off some energy and stops the fatties being fatties.
A year of mandatory military service would also do wonders for soft cocks who are afraid of guns and don't eat meat.
Man you guys must have had really shitty lives, I'm so sorry.
Nothing, this is the world women and leftists wanted.
Maybe if the real world wasn't such shit that literally everyone wanted to escape in their own world of fantasy (Sup Forums included), people wouldn't be so willing to hop on and pay money for tools to aid in that quest.
The world is fucked. Sup Forums has said this numerous times. Borders have no power over that statement, it's simply a universal truth. Why not enjoy your time here instead of being miserable, trying to fix what is ultimately broken beyond repair?
Call me a shill but fuck yall, i'm going to enjoy my video games, die single, and if I lived a good life, maybe help out in the manned mission to mars.
Are you trying to say that video games, anime and pussified parenting is helping the manchild problem?
get fucked cunt
doesnt he feel vulnerable being cut off from the world while on a public bus of all places? that's ground zero for brown pickpockets
What a faggot. It's kind of good to know that would never happen in my country, he would just get mugged.
No. You don't endulge in any of those things and look where you are.
Most don't have a realistic chance with hypergamous state funded single mothers/sluts. Sexual inquality gap is reaching worse levels than the wealth gap.
What are they supposed to do?
Fix society.
what kind of retard uses that in public?
what kind of fag would have a pricy ass VR shit on a fucking train or bus. you're begging to get mugged by inner city blacks
If you ban anime, all the weaboos will start going outside.
For once I agree with leaf
>Guy doing what he wants because it's a free country
>Doesn't give a fuck if people care
>Sup Forums wants to tell men how to live their lives
>Mexican in thread is jealous of freedoms
>Sup Forums wants to remove these freedoms
Fuck man when did Sup Forums get so anti liberty
Can't wait until niggers start stealing these things from rich faggots stupid enough to bring them out in public.
they're trying to take away our freedoms so we have to fight back
i mean ya he's a faggot but you're not really proving much other than what a shithole your country is where walking around with 500 dollars worth of equipment is grounds for being violently attacked.
Conscription and prussian military doctrine
dear god no.
This guy gets it. You whites have gotten fat and weak. Face it. You need to have your jimmies rustled a little to become great again. Oh how the might hath fallen.
my fucking nigga
>While most states have an army the Prussian army has a state
>Ban videogames and anime
Fuck you freedom hating jazz stain
I hope you get shot by someone who loves and appreciates their rights
2 years mandatory military service when you turn 18.
Its nice. Thats why yall need to go back.
Who is? The gov? Why is instituting law that further limits freedom gonna help us break the chains of a govt that tells us how to live idiot
Is this even proper vr? It seems like shitty goggles you put your phone in so play memegames
it hurts to live
As a gen-Xer this makes me happy. I really thought you guys would come along and take my job by being younger and more full of energy and brushed up on new technology. Turns out your generation is just a bunch of whiny do-nothing consumers who think being technically savvy is playing Pokemon Go. I really appreciate it, I will have no problem holding on to my good position with no competition.
>Weebs love video games and anime
>how do we fix the manchild problem?
>ban the video games and anime?
Fuck... i'm sorry if I offended you with my retarded suggestion
Not really. The head tracking, framerate and resolution are all shit and cause nausea for most people, and the only remotely interesting game is Hot dogs, Horseshoes & Handgrenades.
Fuck off kike
Sick projecting
>thinking conscription does anything except waste time
This is how they hide the losers and undesirables, video games, easily pirated TV and welfare. Japan has been doing this for years, it's so effective it gives the illusion of 10 extra points of IQ since they only test university students who are strictly not these losers.
But then the money for this welfare state runs out and then there are homeless people everywhere.
The actual solution was to incentivise small business to the extent that any average person could get a job hacking code, even if they don't do an amazing job. Unfortunately, our governments are controlled by massive corporations which aren't too enthusiastic about the massively syndicated free market of the myriad of small businesses. They like it when there's high unemployment, it means they can pick and choose and even hire with diversity policies without too many consequences.
Unfortunately, everyone needs a job, trade or skill. It's disingenuous to expect everyone to create their own job, 9/10 times that's ignorant about industry.
Restricting freedoms is always retarded you upside down kangaroo fucker
Not that anyone would expect you to understand what freedom is
Inb4 leaf
I'm not a leaf
I have a problem with the initial premise of "How do WE fix..". WE don't fix anything, because it is none of our business.
As fun as it might be to point fingers and label problems to be 'degenerate', it doesn't matter in the end what you say because... it is none of your business.
Nature will take it's own course regardless. You just focus on being the best Weeb you can be.
He looks like he's having fun. What's the problem?
NATO exercises betting your military against ours say otherwise.
PS Nice to see someone saving those comics i've translated lazily.
No, there are actual problems in the west. When there are intelligent people not utilising their ability for the betterment of all society, rather than the ~10 people reading some board they're posting on, that's a waste.
Better would be if they had jobs and could slowly climb the ladder until they're designing machines that cure cancer. For that, there needs to be enough jobs and for that extreme anti-monopoly policies must be enacted.
Having 3/4 large corporations drowning everything else out is not sustainable. It is one of the causes of extreme youth unemployment.
>You just focus on being the best Weeb you can
Sometimes that's not enough, we need careers to be the best we can. No careers, no projects to work on, and we end up wasting time till our eventual deaths.
No thank you.
>ban anime
>ban anime
Finally someone else who understands
Unemployment doesn't = Death or stop progress.
Some of the best things in life are done outside of the employment/paycheck paradigm.
I love all of the current problems today, unemployment ,lack of housing, inflation, food shortages etc because it brings up the question in peoples minds... is this the best path to travel on as a people? What other options are there.
Myself and a group of 25 are for example, building our own village - for free - and producing free electricity. Communism doesn't work, Capitalism leads to inevitable collapse, it is time to give contributionism a really good shot.
So according to you.. banning video games and anime would mean you lose part of your "freedom".. top fucking kek, be fucking grateful you live in a country where you can eat good food and wipe your ass with fancy toilet paper..
You don't even understand the meaning of Freedom
Naw mate, listen you and everyone else around you is actively ruining society. Everyday you do not talk to the opposite sex you are letting the Jew have his way. This situation we are in is due to men degenerating into pussies. Especially white men. This is why women are going after other races. They aren't infected with the pussy.
Yeha that's cool and dandy but guess what all the men that have been going to war even in the last 20 years are already good men and we send them to some fucking sand dune to get fucked up and become broken(some) and for what ? To protect some doritio eating and mountain dew drinking faggot?
The doritio eating fag and the pillow "waifu" having nerd will never see war. The only way they will is if war broke out in the western world(US and Europe), will that happen ? No it won't. They have simply lived for too long comfortably to man the fuck up.
The amount of people who know what is going on and know how to stop it is very low compared to the total population. All we can do is sit and watch this fucker burn to the ground if Trump doesn't win.
>i have transcended this reality
Capitalism in the state that it is absolutely doesn't mean eventual collapse, there are actual republics that have lasted hundreds of years without devolving to feudalism or going sideways to fascism/communism (there's actually little difference).
What actually does happen is every 10-20 years there's a depression and sometimes it flatlines for another 10-20 years giving the illusion of collapse, but not a true collapse.
Capitalism in its current incarnation is new, kind of like Roman law feudalism after 476CE. It needs work but doesn't need removal.
You want to believe the "employment paradigm" has alternatives because you don't want to imagine contributing to a wider community unless you know all their 25 faces. Wide scale society requires a free love for all, it involves many willing participants who simply want to contribute, compete in a friendly fashion and earn their spot in the world. For that, we need more competition and therefore more opportunities so we have more competitors.
Because let's face it, one of your 26 is going to be a loser. How are you going to deal with them?
Wojak couldn't get a gf so he went queer.
>Andrew Tong
God your retarded
Pretty much every white man I know is a solid 7+/10 on the masculine scale. Not sure where all these girly boys and degenerates are hiding? Must be in the cities.
Thats because you surround your self with people like yourself. These limp wristed cocks are everywhere.
Can't wait till uni starts again to see all of these non binary transanimalists walkking around. I already made up a game called boy or girl to play with my self
Well the fact that we all have to work hard should sort out any 'loser'. Back breaking labour makes men as it pushes their limits. Any because we all truly rely on each other, there is basically a zero bullshit policy.
I certainly haven't represented what we are all about well, as we do wish to see widespread contributionism within current society help each township and community thrive. Even is 1% of Australians gave a few hours a week towards common projects massive amounts of work can get done with little to no financial limitations.
A good, old fashioned european war. With all the goodies which come with it. Like shooting enemy combatants, hunting partisans or rounding up civilians. Bring back military tradition and militarism, and take back what is rightful german clay.
Back breaking labor breaks backs or builds lats... You could do that with a gym membership, it's a good thing that automation removes those jobs but it's not a good thing that there are 3 or 4 genuine programming jobs advertised in every major city a year, especially when there are hundreds of programmers graduating every year and when HR understand "black woman good" more than "wide range of languages good."
I care about widespread contribution as well, I want to see opportunities for all. This is not what large corporations want. They want high unemployment. This is the problem, it's actually more related to injecting Marxism into corporate policies than it is a symptom of capitalism.
But Australia, your country is afraid of guns.
Anime is truly cancer
>Tfw you will never be a cowboy carrying around a six shooter in your dust town.
If only I can live long enough to be a Space Cowboy...
doesn't work unless the culture lauds it and people who take part in that lifestyle. otherwise, just like how girls with the most hardline parents are the freakiest in bed, kids would just rebel against it hard and in bad ways
Sure, but at least we are not afraid to live without a gun.
I want 90% of the population consumed by this so I can have the real world to myself.
What is the original pic? It looks so comfy without the nigs
fuck this hit home too close
Don't worry Mr.Smith i'll take good care of your women.
Start by gassing nu-males.
There is no 'fixing' anything. The United States will be a white minority country within 25 years. Look at France. Look at Sweden. Look at Germany. Civilized society will fall. Whites are a race of beta cucks who deserve to die off.
I fucking hate my kind.
Well thats what I mean
war in the western world and consequently mass conscription
Yeah... you are probably hanging around the wrong people.
You dont.
Man are the masters of this planet.
No fixing needed. We do what the fuck we want.
The simpel obly manly rigth.
Enforce military conscription of 3 years for every male between the ages 21-49, ban pornography, anime and shitty food like burgers.
There the western civilization is saved, you don't need to thank me.
Thanks, know the artist?
Thanks for the advice chile
My boy. Too many degenerate food ingested by brainless university students
I was talking about the way his face looked.
God *YOU'RE retarded.
Not all heroes wear capes.
Thanks user.
We need more bullies
Hey man just cause I'm not a shot skin doesn't mean I should let commies take away my freedom
Why don't you go fuck and kill yourself you shitty commie freedom hating manchild
Just fucking take a hammer to your own face cause you can't use a gun
You freedomless cuck criminal kangaroo fucker
They did a good job on you
you fix women
bring single dads back
any other answer is just trying to work around this problem which is too far away from being resolved
Wtf I support TPP and globalism now
No conscription gives you a army dubbel and or trippel the size you can have.
It replaces the most worn element of a army.
The grunt.
As long you have a steady officer and sargent core to lead you got a good base.
Ban anime
Conscription(soviet style preferably)
Murray (((Roth)))bard