Who else is excited for Ann Coulter's new pro-Trump book In Trump We Trust? Comes out today and is being promoted on Drudge and Breitbart.
Who else is excited for Ann Coulter's new pro-Trump book In Trump We Trust...
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She's a man.
Do people really read this shit?
I support Trump but I just find it silly to write a book targeted solely for a single election cycle.
>literally replacing god with trump
holy shit, trump really is destroying cuckservatism
Yeah, it will have a short lifespan if Trump loses in November.
Who's read the lizardmans new book?
Anyone have an epub copy of the book?
Ann is a dumbass fuck I still want to fuck her!
it'll be relevant to 2020 when based Bernie gets nominated for the dems and wins in a landslade
Easy Money for probably very little work.
Women can't be funny, but they can be good trolls.
Trump is now god to the retards on this board now. Holy shit.
If you don't want to be poor, you take the opportunities when the present themselves.
She is a polemic this is what she does.
She comes out with a book or two every year. Why wouldnt she right the 2016 one about trump
reminds me of "in tyler we trust"
this book title hurts my intellect
sure, her books aren't that long and they are easy to get through. she's also kinda clever and funny at times.
You're literally retarded, this cycle is so out of the ordinary there will be THOUSANDS of books written about it for years.
she has said she would just quit writing if Trump lost, obviously not true, but basically might as well
You're a cuck who imports millions of rapefugees despite your fragile economy, your intellect is 0.
>really is destroying cuckservatism
It's indicative of how far off the rails Trump supporters and 'the Trump wing' is, that when the crash comes everybody can look around and know whose to blame.
Ann conspicuously placing a political figure into the godhead role as might be done is a totalitarian society that puts the Great Leader's visage on the flags and above the alters is case in point. So far off the rails to where individual man's relationship with power ought to be, and so far off the rails from where the side of American politics that claims to be reverential for the country as founded, that it hurts to realize this person has the trust of some people who claim to be patriots.
I know it's supposed to be one of those 'provocative covers for eyeballs' things, but damn, talk about tone deaf.
country: italy
opinion: discarded
I am now
>and so far off the rails from where the side of American politics that claims to be reverential for the country as founded,
>and so far off the rails from where should be the side of American politics that claims to be reverential for the country as founded,
verbs might help
Penthouse pictorial when?
She is the ultimate hatefuck, possibly second only to Sarah Palin circa 2004 and only if Palin is in black lingerie with her hair up and wearing her slutty-librarian glasses. Just imagine that voice as she gets it hard, doggie.
We have had Hollywood actors as politicians and even Presidents. A reality tv star is just another blip on the radar. And no, nobody would care about him if he hadn't been on reality tv.
First, reality tv causes Firefly to get cancelled. Then causes Dancing With The Stars. Now this.
Alright, I only made this thread so someone could buy the book and upload the .epub somewhere
sorry leaf I only have it in .djvu
It's Mexico, genius.
How about trying to unify behind Trump with the Americans like the rest of us?