Bill "KKK" Gates richest man in world hits 90 billion

is bill gates red pilled?

“The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion.(too many niggers) Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.(mostly niggers)"
-bill gates

The net worth of the world’s richest person Bill Gates hit $90 billion on Friday, fueled by gains in public holdings including Canadian National Railway Company and Ecolab Inc. Gates’s fortune is now $13.5 billion bigger than that of the world’s second-wealthiest person, Spanish retail mogul Amancio Ortega, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. At $90 billion, the Microsoft Corp. co-founder’s net worth is equal to 0.5 percent of U.S. GDP.

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>Now if we do a really good job on new "vaccines"
>Lower that by 10%

What did he mean by this?

He's the guy behind common core, so no

Windows 7 is the best OS ever.

XP and linux cucks can stay mad


What's so bad about XP? It was good when it came out and for a long time after.

Its amazing, but 7 is better

nah xp was better since it had true hardware accelerated audio (directsound) as an audiophile that matters to me most

>tfw need $200 right now to stay on my feet but would never take it from someone if I didn't earn it
Am I redpilled or normal

Bill is a globalist tool and a big agenda 21 fan.

The Bill and Melinda foundation in africa with the whole "maternal health" thing is a front for Bill's eugenics research.

Didn't Gates have something to do with genetically modified mosquitoes that carry Zika?

Bill Gates is our only hope for preventing African population from reaching 4 billion by 2100

>Wants to depopulate

That means you, and not just niggers, literally anybody that isn't him when he should be the first to die for his cause if he's that serious

>Made Windows so that the NSA can literally track anything

>Common Core

No, kill yourself and the same goes to his fan club

>through medical advances that prolong and preserve life, we can reduce life
What a fucking retard

>that matters to me most

I totally understand that, for me it's the way 7 snaps windows, and every CAD/CAM software works on it, that's why for me


>The net worth of the world’s richest person Bill Gates hit $90 billion on Friday
>World population is 9 billion

That means he could give $1 Billion to every single human on earth and he'd still have $81 billion left.

Thank you. Finally an user with some fucking sense. Too many stormfront faggots thinking they are the chosen race who will be spared in the great culling.


Unless you're sucking their dick personally, you will not be spared. Get it through your faggot heads next time you look at the Georgia Guidestones and think "hup hup what a good idea lol i dont c a problem xD"

why doesn't he do this?

is it just greed?

>Common core.

Didn't Gates just do a Soros and went long on gold?

Something about him I don't trust

>richest man in world

>Windows 7 is the best OS ever.
it will be phased out in a few years by microsoft

Windows 7 is pure trash even for Microsoft. Both Vista AND 8 were better. I mean come on, you can't even mount images in there and it's slow as hell.

Also there's nothing wrong with running OS X on generic computers.

i have no idea about bill gates, but i work at a microsoft data center

they spare no expense. the coffee is top tier, the network equipment is top tier, the servers are top tier. everything is top tier.

Lmfao. Bill Gates is an ultra liberal, Clinton supporter and close personal friend of Warren buffet (ultra hill shill).

I don't think he even knows what a red pill looks like. Plus he's an atheist.

>implying vaccines are helpful and not just autism injections...

What stupid fucking flag is this? Philippine?

You can mount images on 7

>Both Vista AND 8 were better
>Also there's nothing wrong with running OS X on generic computers
>nothing wrong with running OS X

That's a big bait

Vista was awful with all its software compatibility issues. Don't even remind me of the mess that was Windows 8.

He's a globalist that funds leftists, he's one of the enemies.

Vista supports more of old software than 7.
Don't you have to download some shit or something
It's not bait. Plus, what is wrong with os x then?

richest man in the world

ma nigga

I maintain there is no such thing as a liberal worth more than 1 million dollars with the exception of the entertainment and organic bullshit industry.

They just act like it to keep a good image.

>vista, 8
>any variation of the word good
Russia with some medium tier bait. I chuckled.

Fuck you, It's not bait. Both are faster and generally better. The windows 7 is a meme.

Bill gates, buffet and most of the richest billionaires are mega kikes. The only red pilled billionaires are low tier ones and the Koch brothers.

Is there some magic power to hand rubbing?

He means the white population

Bill Gates is a crypto-Jew. He comes from a wealthy banking family in Seattle.

Pic related are his (((white))) parents


Yes. Depopulation is the only way to save the white race. We should use him for this goal.

What does one do with that much money?

genocide niggers obviously


Gotta make dat dolla dolla bling yo

The hand friction creates static energy, used by the Jew's body to power the "shekel detector", a magnetic sensory organ placed inside the oversized nose.

Fuckin jews...

No, that mean he could give 1 billion to 9 people and still have 81 billion left. Are you this retarded?


Putin is richer. Putin has 200bil.


>Being rich enough to get away with being a boy named Evelyn

Now THAT'S true power.


He privatized all his country's gas and oil, and took major shares for himself.