Ben Garrison's website has been taken down for attacking the corrupt HRC. See for yourselves:
What is the appropriate response for us to take? He's a result and source of many of our memes.
Ben Garrison's website has been taken down for attacking the corrupt HRC. See for yourselves:
What is the appropriate response for us to take? He's a result and source of many of our memes.
gubmint can't ban free speech, but corporations may. but corporations (incl LLC) are public domain. SO ENJOY THE PUBLICITY OF RENTING SPACE TO PEOPLE WHO BAN FREE SPEECH.
we're going up against a internet web host, not a luddite. don't connect to their shit, dont get involved unless you're already running ip tablez.
lets get some uh, not dox, going. (NO PII (SSN, etc))
here, i'll start
hosted by
Jumpline Inc
Org Handle: JMPL
City: St PetersburgState/Province: FL
JMPL Address: 111 2nd Ave NE - Suite 620 (NOTE SUIT, NEXT PART MAY BE WRONG)
renting the space in suit 620 from: KALYVAS GROUP
111 2ND AVE NE STE 702
TLDR: KALYVAS group owns the building at 111 2nd ave NE, FLORDIA. they rent Suit 620 to the WEB provider JUMPLINE. Jumpline hosts ben garrisons website.
but it gets better. pic related. so this mcmansion faggots, KALYVAS, EFTHYMIOS V. anyway this faggot owns the building that rents space to the web provider that shut down ben garrison.
so anyway, i'm out, gota prep for gettin v& by killary. oh btw, merry christmas.
Holly shit it's happening!
To war
For Zyklon Ben!
I guess spread the meme that got him banned to the far corners of the earth and show him who his real allies are.
Bump for based Ben
Colostomy bag did him in.
It's time lads. To do right by Ben. We kinda owe him one.
American anons should email news groups and tell them Hillary is shutting down political cartoonists like she is ISIS
>piss puddle
>sleeve 6's
>supporters shirt color
>grim reapers scyth
>hillarys stool/Hillarys a tool
That's all I got. What I miss?
Hillary may have just awoken the sleeping giant. You don't fuck around with Zyclon Ben.
They're messing with OUR Ben now?
How successful is Ben now, thanks to us? That's a pretty snazzy looking website.
Embracing us was the best decision he ever made.
site works fine.
I think he legitimately became redpilled
Spread it far, spread it wide.
Ben would do the same for you, he would do much more. For all of us.
Nope. Pages are missing. Try the cartoons section.
Sharing it on facebook and captioning #HesWithUs
Good. His cartoons were so biased and always one-sided. Same formula every time.
>Trump good, Hillary bad
Zyklon Ben will prevail!!!
Uh oh the Jews have really fucked up now....
Oh my God. The members of the digital hit squads are too stupid to realize that Ben has only been adopted by us. He isn't a threat to them.
Damn Hillary, more collateral damage.
This one is my absolute favorite. It makes me laugh every time I look at it.
One of the lights in the row to the top right is missing
Always gets me
Where's the original?
>that's the joke
praise kek
>What is the appropriate response for us to take?
Complain on the internet just like you always do?
I mean, no one actually expects you to go outside and fight for your rights anymore. That's too difficult.
No rights are being taken away, you fucking ninny.
hmmmm....they have a live chat m-fri 9am-6pm
>No rights are being taken away,
So the company that closed Garrison's site would've done the same thing if Garrison drew a picture defaming Trump?
They're trying to ruin the guy by taking away his livelihood because he said something they disagreed with.
Again though, not that I expect any of his supporters to actually do anything about it. Other than complaining.
Where in the constitution is the use of that company's website guaranteed? Go read it, I'll wait.
>Where in the constitution is the use of that company's website guaranteed? Go read it, I'll wait.
Where in the rules does it state otherwise? You seem to know, that's why I ask.
site is up 30 minutes after it did say ACCOUNT SUSPENDED
Where does it say they aren't allowed/wont remove content they don't like?
kek, is that a happy merchant grim reaper?
also, Sup Forums destroying ben's cred then coming to his aid when he needs it most would be absolute poetry
This wasn't even the first time his account was suspended after posting an anti-Hillary picture.
We tried to warn him but he didn't listen and now it's too late.
RIP in peace Ben "Put Colored Kids to Sleep Permanently" Garrison.
Heavens, look at the time.
Honestly, though, Ben really sperged out on us for a while there. I'm glad he finally just came to us directly so we could explain to him how to deal with us. I'm glad he took our advice.
They're going to regret the day they crossed old Ben "Spikes the Kikes, Even the Tykes" Garrison. You know that shit's true? I was there with him, 17 years ago, on a top-secret ethnic cleansing mission in Kosovo. He led our team of six into the deep woods, but by the time we caught up with him (he reaches sprint speeds of 90 MPH, and he tells people he does it to fuck with cheetahs) at the extermination site, it was already over:
Everywhere in this small Hebrew hamlet were makeshift pikes, carved by hand out of the surrounding trees and homes. And it didn't matter if it was Albanian or Serb, it was stuck on one if it looked even remotely Jewish. Most of the ones stacked to the bottom were dead, but the others, even the women and children, were still squirming, somehow. Out of a small, rusty sheetmetal hut to our right, we heard a deep, Aryan voice singing "Rocky Top," and Garrison emerged, stooping, with three Jewish kids over each arm. "Bout time you fucking worthless cocksuckers got here," and he was right, we were pretty redundant. I wet myself a little, but I managed not to shart or die, so I'm still proud. He dumped them all on the ground at our feet, grinned, and said, "Go ahead, take your pick, gentlemen. Then you can't say I did all the fucking work for you." It was clear what he wanted us to do with those kids, and I didn't want to, but if I disobeyed a direct order, he'd rip my cock off and make me eat it, like he did to Mikey. So I did what I was told.
He paused long enough to light a cigar, made his way over to the pile, and stacked two between both hands, like little kosher Pop-Tarts. "Watch this shit, girls," he said, before leaping twelve feet to the top of a nearby pike and alley-ooping the two Jewish lads onto the tip. He landed with the grace of Hitler reincarnated into a swan, cigar still clenched between his teeth, before plucking it out and snuffing it onto the dead kid's eyeball. That's how he got that name.
>Pee down leg
>Hillary's a Tool
>Death Spinning
>Missing Light
>Supporter Shirt Colour
Ok, what are the two I missed?