Arizona and NV won't go blue.
VA is a good chance at going red as well.
NH is def red, and ME is going part red.
AZ is red but NV probably will go blue and VA, NH, and ME are staying blue forever.
VA might as well no longer be a battleground state.
PA should be grey. Can easily stay blue.
Florida, IA, OH, NC WILL go red.
I keep on telling you, MI is going red this year.
CO = Blue
ME = Part Red
>its a trump supporters deny polls and go based on their intuition thread
Here's the reality
Its literally not even that hard to guess who's going to win this one
Clinton is winning by double digits on VA and PA. CO is not going red all of a sudden, especially when there's hardly any campaigning going on in that state by that state
Lenient for dems
Only if there's a big Latino turnout though, otherwise Arizona would stay red
What isnt certain is MI going blue.
This race is sided torwards hillary, I agree, but its not written in stone
Trumps best case scenerio.
After spending a couple days in new Mexico, I'd safely assume you can put is as Trump territory.
Yeah, probably. Though add Michigan, New Hampshire, and Nevada.
I live in New York, and I'm yet to meet a single Clinton supporter. They hate Trump, but they won't vote against him.
How is NH not winnable?
WV, Utah, and OK confirmed for god tier states
>That much blue in Alaska
If you think Clinton will win less than 400 EV, you're delusional.
Trump is on track to losing Texas as we speak
This, especially with tim Kaine
According to current polling
Trump can improve from this current electoral but it'll be tough.
Fucking kek. Even most the mexicans here are voting Trump. Get fucked CTR
Not CTR, just stating facts.
Clinton is up like 10 points in NH. There's no coming back from that.
She's leading by huge margins in a ton of swing states m8. In 2012 romney and obama were tied in ohio. now clinton is winning by 6 points
Trump clearly doesnt want to win. He's campaining where he's lowing by almost 30 points
No. No you're not. Sorry bud here's another you for some CTR money wasted.
thanks for the anecdote
Even though most these polls have been exposed to excessively over sample Democrats. Y'all niggas are earning your hot pocket money tonight.
>.01 Shekels have been deposited into your account
thank u for correcting da record
>these polls have been exposed to excessively over sample Democrats
You don't know how polling works do you?
>uh oh facts.. I guess you're a shill!
He already has FL (R voter registrations and OH (today's unweighted poll from Monmouth). But yeah it is still looking tough for Trump unless he gets PA.
Refer to image and fuck off.
It's been all over right wing media sites bub. I know you don't lurk them but the left ain't covering it up so well. Some sloppy motherfuckers
>not looking at the trend of polls throughout previous elections
Almost always the Polls in august predict the election outcome with an outlier of just a few elections
>PA going red
in your dreams, republicans have had this fantasy since 1988
Why don't you explain how it works for us there totally not CTR Shilly shill.
I'm here to help you get paid and make some sort of living. Have another you desperate shill. I know it must be rough nowadays.
CO is gone. For that matter PA is too. Everything else is at least plausible.
It'll be a 269 tie
Screencap this niggers
Chances of OR going red? Its swinging between Trump and Clinton.
>hillary getting the largest democrat landslide since Roosevelt.
If this were to happen fuck it all, time to take up arms.
As you can see by my poll which isn't rigged like the Clinton News Network and (((Bloomberg))) the election is in the bag for Trump. It's just that the media is too scared to report the truth.
Lel okay bud. Yeah, that's totally true! Most people don't even watch the presidential debates so yeah, now it doesn't matter xd
Florida is only 65% white
OH is accurate according to 08 and 12 exits
But you don't 'over-sample' democrats.
Party ID is fluid and it's not something objective like race, age, etc.
Pollsters weight according to demographics that are objective, not subjective like when it comes to party ID. It's like saying "there's too many hillary supporters, we need to weigh it so there's less Hillary supporters"
>"Everyone I don't like is CTR!"
Trump manbaby supporters people.
Sorry, but it's true. Get used to it and accept reality for what it is.
Its almost as if Michigan was a democratic state
How hard is it to have a good presidential race conversation without getting called a shill. Im using proven data while all you do is name calling
>400 EV
nope, you are a shill.
Reddest states in the country, will never flip.
New England is out of reach for the GOP as it currently exists. Too many social conservatives.
They are better off targeting the Mid-West.
>work at majority liberal job
>hey, wanna partake in this poll?
>now out of this sample produced by other majority liberal jobs we can produce a (((pol))) that isn't so biased!
Here bud. Another you
>People giving a shit about their senators
Most people don't even know who their senators are. Kaine being on the VP ticket means nothing for VA
Dodging the question with usual bullshit. Explain to us simple minded Republican folk how the polls work, I'm sure what you said wasn't pseudo-intellectual bullshit.
It's not desperation, it's realism. You're the desperate one, kid.
Well be prepared for it.
Thank you. All they do is call us names. We're electoral realists, not fantasists like Trump manbaby weeaboo fucks.
>losing an argument
S-shut up ctr
I'm just saying, 1988 was one of the only elections in over 60 years where the person down in august won
I mean I guess you can keep believing that the polls are skewed like Romney did in 2012
Don't be shocked when Trump loses
>social conservatives.
Where have you been, the social Neocons have been purged.
About as likely as KS going Blue.
>Well be prepared for it.
prepared for armed conflict
pick one you fucking loser.
Eh. Close to what I have. I think Colorado will go Blue, Nevada Red. PA could go either way.
>Florida is only 65% white
Romney lost it by 70,000 votes. Since last year there have been 200,000 new repub voters and 100,000 less dem voters.
>OH is accurate according to 08 and 12 exits
OH is downright split evenly among Repubs and Dems. Go check the gallup. With them voting +9 to their Republican senator, no way they let the state go to Hillary. Monmouth's poll release today that gives +4 to Hillary went to Trump before the pollster applied the "weighting".
lol, stupid fucking idiots
just like with romney and whatever the fuck that skewed poll guy was saying, right?
at least with voter id, you fags are doing something about it instead of sitting around in denial lying to yourselves
Chances of that CIA shill and Romney blocking Utah from going to Trump??
and this is the nightmare scenario.
Donald winning that many states? This might as well be a map of skyrim.
Yeah thats one of trumps better scenarios but definitely plausible
LMAO, are you mentally retarded? Kaine and minority populations have it a shoo-in blue.
Asking you Drumpfkins to be prepared for armed conflict because apparently all you fantasize about is that.
You mean actual people coming out to rallies? Cause from what I've seen, Hillary has had major issues in people showing up to her rallies. Trump has had major issues with over filling his. It's realism and going by your logic, he's winning huge. How much have I made you tonight?
NH has
- more GOP party afilliations than DEM
- more independents relative to other states (a category Trump usually dominates)
- Went red for Bush
Trump has talked about the state specifically many times, particularly about being the first state he won and solving their rampant heroin problem (largely solved by the wall and being pro-police).
Averaging polls isn't the best scientific method to go about looking at them. They all have statistical significance but are very far off. What's more correct is to take the ones with the best methodology. Reasonably this means not the outlier at +17. It's likely within 5 points, which is very winnable.
pa goes either way if 10% of the democratic population dies tomorrow
what the fuck denialist planet are you cuckbags living on
Refer to the 2012 election, and fuck off.
It's the exact same scenario, only Clinton will get more population draws.
The underdog wins here i.e. Trump. Congress is repub controlled also.
Rallies at pre-election attendance=/=Who is winning or who has the popular vote.
What I don't understand is how it benefits Trump for all of his supporters to lie to themselves like this. If anything, they should be accepting of the truth, and deciding to work harder. Instead they're pretending everything is great, while their candidate campaigns in states he can't possibly win. It's baffling.
>trump taking PA, OH, IA, FL, and NC all together
How about no.
Democucks on suicide watch.
lol. CTR out in force tonight I see. Usually around this time I can post in peace. Someone must have upped the OT budget.
NO a fantasize about living in a nation not controlled by the corrupt plutocratic elite.
Hopefully there is enough sense and honor in this nation to allow this. There is no way on earth Hillary can win unless the election is completely illegitimate, which it may be.
A Hillary victory simply confirms any and all suspicion that our "democracy" is a sham.
At that point the only reasonable action is to overthrow our corrupt government by force. Thats why the 2nd amendment is here.
>Trump winning FLA, PA, OH and CO
get real bitch niggas
>OH, IA, FL, and NC all together
This will happen. See Also FL is voter ID state.
Trump needs a collective of other smaller states because he won't get PA.
But that's realism. More people in real life have shown up for him over her. To the point where he's not been able to let everyone in and she's begging people to come. So realism. But I'm gonna let you fish for more (You)s from others. You shills are rather monotone.
idk senpai...
I can't understand it either, I would be so frustrated if the candidate I supported continued to behave the way he does despite the obvious impact on the polls.
lol u mad because you're poor
It was a fun ride guys. But Trump ain't winning :(
>Fags and shills citing past elections and manufactured polls after an election in which everything they "knew" was proven to be wrong.
Where's Nate Silver, Le 2% Man?
kek nigger, no Im actually quite well off.
Not really, polls after the conventions have been shown to be very, VERY accurate historically. If this was 2-3 months ago you'd have a point, but at this point, barring anything extreme happening, hillary has it in the bag. Trump needs to sweep too many swing states AND keep some red states that are in danger of going blue as well,like georgia or arizona.
Something to keep in mind - Basketball-americans are not going to pull the same shit for HIlary like they did for first magical gay nigro presidet Obama in 2008 and 2012
Trump is also not McCain or Romeny. Trump voters are high test and want to vote badly for Trump.
Trump alienated a shit load of republicans though. Romney and McCain didn't have a political exodus when they were nominated.
Hillary is the dems Romney,
She isnt qualified its "her turn" no motivation from the base to vote, turnout will be huge for whites, particularly males, turnout for minorities and libs will be low.
Dear Argentina user, our elections aren't real and haven't been for a long time. The United States government was usurped in 1963 with the Kennedy assassination. It was a show of power, that the men behind the curtain actually called the shots now and that they could get away with anything, including killing a sitting American president. The elections are for show and to keep the peasants split ~50/50 to virtually eliminate the possibility of a mass uprising. As long as people hate each other more than they hate the government and the men behind the curtain then the puppets on stage and the puppet-masters are completely safe. It's not real.
PA hasn't gone red since 1988. Does it even matter anymore?
Democrats alienated more berniebots than Trump alienated neocons.
And fuck neocons we dont need those backstabers anyway.
Yeah, No.
You're forgetting NC struck down early voting restrictions. Hillary can pretty much just take IA and win, since she has PA and VA locked up, and is likely to win NC too. Even SC is teetering closer to blue. Sorry but the odds are massively stacked against trump. The very same polls that predicted he'd win the primaries are predicting he's gonna get clobbered.
We can very well see republicans on the verge of being the new whigs and dying out if he gets demolished.
Why is Nevada red? Its California's little brother. That state is blue.
Trump alienated a couple hundred RINO insiders. At the same time, he brought in millions more.
And where were you in 2008 and 2012, kid?
Fair point. This election is going to be decided by people voting AGAINST the other candidate rather than For one.
Why am I caring about the american election now again?