How do we save Western civilization from degeneracy Sup Forums?
Why are so many white women getting tattoos?
I dunno but it's ugly as all fuck
>complain about white women
>picture of an Australian woman instead
who the fuck does this?
I can only fap to met art and old playboys because I can't fap to bitches with tats
so you know which ones to stay away from
My wife has my initials branded on her back. Is that "degenerate like tattoos?
I think at that level it shifts from degeneracy to dedication. Any bitch that committed to something painful is pretty admirable.
Does your wife live in the barn with the rest of the cattle?
That's not degenerate, it just means you and your wife are redneck hicks.
Heard the story years ago. Boyfriend was a tat artist, found out his whore gf was cheating on him. A week after he found out, she wanted a narnia tattoo and he gave her that instead. sounds fake the more i think about it, but hey, i dislike canada the more leafposts i see on here.
this is mental illness
>branded on her back.
would a loo consider her sacred?
I've fapped to that midget a few times before.
She could do without the tattoos, and the fake tits though.
Dwarves aren't people
She belongs to Pajeet nao.
No, she's just really into the whole "being owned by me" thing. It's how she was raised. Her mother has a brand of her husband's initials so she wanted to get one too.
this would be ok on a prostitute, I guess..
White people have been painting themselves since we were barbarian tribes matey
Women with tattoos are at least honest that they are just looking to be used and passed on from man to man like a bag of potato chips. It's like they are wearing a giant sign that says "fuck meat". It's fine to fuck one but If you date a girl with tats you are a cuck.
you act like this is new.white women and tattoos go back to the 90's
your a few decades to late to save them
Tattoos in general seem to be a sign of autism. Last time I drew things on myself to make myself feel cooler I was in 7th grade. Unless they're used for communication (gangs/convicts) it's pure autism.
Bridget would be sexier without the tattoos, for sure; I'd still do all kinds of nasty shit to that sexy little dwarf though.
All these tattoo threads. Must be the new slider.
Not sure, but I wish it would stop. My guess is suicide girls, and that kind of scene. It's common to see girls with full sleeves now and every guy has them too, they're everywhere, it's the new lower back/ tribal tattoo.
Who is this Semen Dwarf?
She went to my high school. She's not Australian.
To cover up their white skin. It's oppressive to POCs.
Less degenerate than you not using quotation marks correctly.
Back before smart phones, people had easy access to scratch pads, and they could doodle to their hearts content. But now that scratch pads are so hard to find, people have to do their doodling on their skin.
primarily the trash
its almost doing us a favor in signaling who has poor judgment and should be avoided
Anyone have that meme that compares women with tattoos to abandoned buildings? Says they're both dirty and easy to enter etc...
Holy shit guys. This thread is a lot of fun.
>live in Colorado where 90% of attractive females in their 20s have tattoos
It breaks my heart to see a cute 19 year old "good girl" who's covered in tattoos. I just think to myself, "wow, her self esteem must be so low, she's damaged goods'
I'm damaged goods myself so I know it when I see it.
not really into tattoos but this is mildly interesting to look at and activates some uncanny valley response even though she's human
It's a warning sign on women. Red flag, inflated ego, probably a low self esteem trashy attention whore.
Sex was under the covers for a reason. No it didn't lead to a society of poor guys about to blow a load every four seconds, or more importantly, women depraved of non-white dick; it was just all tucked away. But it's not the sex that's bad, or even the amount (it's still bad don't get me wrong), it's the idea behind it.
Yeah, go out and have sex! Fuck as many guys as you want! Pregnant? We allow abortions for you! Trying to prevent it? Here's plenty of birth control. You see these hot people in the movie, they're having SEX! This could be you!
It's basically no responsibilities. Why focus on my life ahead when I can live in the now? I mean, don't completely focus on your future, but think of the repercussions of your actions now. Those tattoos will get that girl nowhere, until she and her feminist friends start complaining about tattoos in the workplace then we're at the point where face and neck tattoos are allowed in the military. I understand slippery slope, but were spiraling down that slope right now.
was she actually good? it's a free placard saying "crazy"
you just saved yourself some cash, time and worry
My wife and I are heavily tattooed she doesn't need to work I'm the man I provide and all my tattoos are unseen in professional attire and meet the regulations of the United States air force
>Pro tip Judge people on the quality of their tattoos and where they are
Face tattoo degenerate
Cheap tattoo degenerate
Expensive back chest or rib piece that you needed a steady job to pay for
Not so degenerate depending on subject matter
this Pikachu eating a taco belongs to a guy i know. rate?
Does your wife love anal?
The drawing is cute, but only an imbecile would want to have it on his body for any extended period of time.
Or on his body at all for that matter.
this is the only acceptable tattoo
>No thigh gap
I bet she's a fat cow that abuses the word "curvy" to describe herself.
he is an imbecile obviously don't worry. it's not even his worst one
I can confirm she does
Are they still degenerate if they have good meaning despite the cost?
Cause they hate being white.
They are for low lives and turbo-normies trying to convince themselves they have meaningful lives
If there were a marry, fuck, kill with this chick as an option I would pick only one.
Why not...? I
I like my seasonal bitch branded my my NAME
is his name jeremy
Is that an onion?
Neck tattoos are already okay in the military.
Make up for a lack of personality and need for attention
People with tattoo in obvious areas like the neck or the forearms literally scream PLEASE NOTICE ME FAMPAI
She's not wrong. Im sure her pussy has popped out a bunch of melanin enriched criminals.
Hah yeah, supposed to be.
It's another element of the psychological effects of overpopulation and more specifically social media which is bringing it home to these women how insignificant they are in the endless sea of humans. This leads to obsessively seeking defining individualism to stand out from the crowd and as they are to lazy or stupid to separate themselves from others by developing talents they settle for the narcissistic practice of altering self image whilst failing to grasp how uniform they are actually behaving. It's all to feed the illusion of being "individual" in the only shallow way they know how user.
Tattoos on women are fucking terrible. About the only acceptable tattoo on a chick is maybe a small one around the ankle and even that's pushing it.
>art is degenerate
>getting garbage inked on your skin is art
i'm sure you think shitposting is an art, too
Been kind of thinking that if I decide I don't give a fuck anymore I'll shell out for a full back tattoo based of Gustave Dore's Inferno demons. Dunno if it would actually work with how dark they are
>implying 95% of women don't just walk in and choose a tatt off the wall or copy a friend/celeb.
The tattooist does the art mate not the dumb slagbag and in the rare case that they do just do it on any canvas that isn't the human body because it looks shit.
For the same reason people are drinking, smoking or even harm themselfs on purpose.
This degenerate lifestyle has a tremendous impact on their well being. A kind of coping machanism including pain to hide pain.
The line work is shitty but the idea is a bit funny
I would gauge the tattoo poorly but it's not tribal or barb wire or something tough guy or 3deep5me so that's points for him
What we do in our bedroom is our business and we don't share it with the world like a bunch of blue pilled narcissistic snowflakes who think people care
But since no one reads this Cambodian birdwatching image I'll let you guys no that we don't we've tried it but it's just not as good in our mutual opinion
Yes it's there forever make sure it's good
looks like he went to a shit place to get it done.
>that line quality (mfw)
he should probably just cut off his leg
my fucking sides
keep tending those memes friendly farmer
worse. it was literally done as an apprentices' first tattoo, he let an apprentice ink him all fucking over since it was free
Unfortunately the mentally ill can scrape enough up for shitty ink
To attract black me apparently.
On the thumbnail it looks like a vagina.
That is glorious.
Tatts are trashy if they got them for the sake of having tatts, this bitch had vision.
Fucking gross. Also
Is she fucking cattle or something?
>Been kind of thinking that if I decide I don't give a fuck anymore I'll shell out for a full back tattoo based of Gustave Dore's Inferno demons. Dunno if it would actually work with how dark they are
Don't skimp on getting a good artist. Pay the price and commit to sessions. It's a love time commitment. Save up and make it count if it means something to you.
Problem with people today is it's all for popularity signaling and sex signaling.
because they're like cattle and go wherever the herd goes
this post is full of win
Her face just looks like a bunch of watercolor stains on a paper
Drain Bammage.
The Yakuza do tattoos right. Pretty much everyone else is a scummy degenerate.
No actually those look like shit too.
lmao is that guy even five feet all?
Do there even exist women who don't have tattoos, would never ever get any, and would never date someone with any?
lmao did he even pick how tall he would be?
I've got one I think? But would
date someone with any
That's not a real thing. There are very very few never ever.