Batgirl & The Birds of Prey #2 Storytime

I know its not great, but my dream is to storytime all 2 years of Rebirth on Sup Forums so that we may read the promised mega-narrative.

Lets go.





Hey, that's also how I usually begin my threads when storytiming a comic no one else wanted to.


I actually really appreciate this !

its the burden we must bear

glad someone does! I myself am reading all of Rebirth out of company loyalty faggotry.




It was better then the last issue.

I am optimistic that this comic will grow into something great.


I hope so, I have a soft spot for team books, and I love Canary's power.

Alright this page is funny.


wait Jim knows she's Batgirl but not that she was Oracle wat


Canary looks like a tranny hooker in this.

Yeah. Seems like a book that just needs some time.


There has been an absolutly absurd amount of babs in rebirth so far so given how large the field is the writers should be honered that this is my favourite babs page so far.


did the art just get a lot better?

They must have took to heart those complaints about Helena looking too light. Also bringing up Dick already?



> Babs being cool


I dont think he said he knew who she was.

I do have a problem with gordens portrayal here though.



Huh. Good job getting the trust issues out of the way early!

And thats all she wrote. Remember, support the official release or trade!

Thanks for the Storytime!

he never says those things (notice how he calls her Batgirl next to others, but not when they're alone), but just look at the context, he full-on knows he's talking to Babs, not to Batgirl

Im not Sup Forums enough to know if shes just spouting bullshit or not but i am Sup Forums enough to know that if she is its auctualy believable sounding bullshit unlike most of this sort of stuff.

my pleasure friend-o

>a server farm that size
No fucking way she had time time to properly wipe all the data. deletion sure but all the stuff after that she would have had to just blow the place up.

Oh she got the data anyway nevermind i guess.

I think its great when people storytime the lesser stuff because sometimes an issue turns out truely amazing or at least storytimeworthy.

It's comic books written by someone with a poor understanding of tech. Just assume they're using SSDs. Wipe speed per can be measured in seconds.

Yep none of stupid trust angst again

>and....purple person
Ok, I chuckled.

Seems alot better than the first couple of issues. Babs nose still looks a bit weird in some shots but on the whole a huge improvement.

Did Dick not tell Batman about Helena? Thought he would want to know about the purple woman murdering mobsters? It's not like she's shy about mentioning Dick ( teehee).

Batman apparently next page knows her name and all about her suddenly.

Oh yeah the huntress part. But I guess that means that neither he or Dick know that huntress in Spyral Helena.

Either the writers are awful and can't stay consistent or Batman is playing Huntress.
I expect that Dick told Batman basically everything about her.

I actually remembered that in Nightwing rebirth Dick wanted to tell Helena goodbye but she wouldn't see him cause she was wearing her outfit. I don't think Dick or Batman know she became Huntress.

Yeah, I think that's the case. I hope the reveal is a good one, they seem to building to it.

I really liked this issue, and I've really been liking the series. I'm a bit surprised that with a monthly they had to have a backup artist for some finishing work - hope this doesn't foreshadow future difficulties, as I really like Roe's art.

I'm a little torn on the reveal and her and Dick meeting again. As much as I like the book, I think I'd rather have it occur in Nightwing so Seeley could handle it. Bonus points if Marcus to art.

This is Dick Grayson. You really think he wouldn't recognize Helena, in or out of any costume?

Yes but if it's done in BoP we get to see Barbara's face when she figures it out.

But he hasn't seen her in costume yet is all I'm saying

>This is Dick Grayson
No. Not that Dick Grayson. People are clearly talking about main line continuity Dick Grayson.

Dammit now I'm torn between my love for drama and my love for Seeley

This issue gives me renewed hope in this comic. The banter has improved, it fits in time for characters to bond, and Barbara is especially better written compared to last issue.

I liked it. Thanks for the storytime.

This is Dick Grayson as in we're talking about Dick Grayson.
New 52 Dick Grayson figured out Batman's secret identity right after meeting him by reading his body language.

The picture doesn't matter, it's just an example.

Freaking yes. I would love a Marcus To drawn New Huntress! (Of course, I love a Marcus To drawn EVERYTHING).

Ok you won me over this book it is.

Really like how Canary doesn't always take Babs side and tries to be reasonable with Helena. Nobody is incompetent or much better than anyone either which I was scared of with Batgirl in front of he title.

Thank you

Gordon knows, he just doesn't want to admit it, he knows what its like to be batman after all

Me to.


Goddamn those Black Canary abs

I love the thick black outlines, and the muscles on the girls!

>maybe you should start hiring women

ha, classic le batgirl

>book starts getting more Sup Forumsmblr
>Sup Forums starts liking it

Um, dude, Birds of Prey has always been Girl Power-tastic - what do you want from it? From Dixon onwards.

They brought him up in the first issue

Dixon's a conservative, he didn't write a bunch of insecure "this is because I'm a girl" dialogue. I don't believe Simone did either.

>single throwaway gag from batgirl about hiring women

The conversation with Jim as well.

Dick can't even tell that his partner in the Owls is playing him. He knows nothing

>He'll live

>But you'll stay scared, won't you, punk?

Higgins changed that the next time he wrote Dick's origin to Bruce telling him.

Thank you so much

Aww good bonding. Also why not mention Dick? Also when did a canary meet him?

It reads exactly like a dad lecturing his daughter

I don't read this as insecure, either. Some of the stuff in today's Superwoman was edging on Sup Forumsmblr-style philosophical framework (much as the "toxic ideas about masculinity" two weeks ago for Wondygal, much as I'm loving that title), but this one just felt like a modern, fun, tv-style story and characters.

They're 20 feet away, what the fuck does he need binoculars for?

When is this story supposed to take place, in regard to Green Arrow's current run?

Is Huntress now a nigger?

Maybe. Babs is mad at him?

Where have you been for two years?

so Batgirl doesn't have the same hangups about using guns that Bruce does?

okay he has to know its Barbara

Of course not. I mean her dads a cop


He'll challenge them to a gunpla battle.

Is that Lady Viper? These writers did their research.

Yes it is

The writers have family longboxes they love to read.

Something about Batmans face in that last panel is hilarious.

>that nose
I thought huntress was italian?

bats' expression is great here, even if some of the other faces have been wonky

When is huntress gonna rub her making out with Dick in Babs face. We need more of that and less girl bonding

Gross user.