Texas will soon be blue if Hillary wins. She will import Mexicans and Syrians into the inner cities that will have give the democrats Texas for generations to come. It will be similar to Illinois, New York, and California where the cities alone make those states blue. Kiss red Texas goodbye.
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Texas is the only real threat to an organized revolution in this country. Dems know that and will take action to make it blue.
Does it become blue or we pull away from the states and become our own country
Well, the Country of Texas would be a dumping ground for mexicans. So ... it would probably just join Mexico.
sad to see this
Only way to curb this is going to be red pilling Mexican Texans. There are already a lot of based ones but the illegals and California transplants are fucking everything up.
#Texit will happen before it goes blue and sure as hell will happen if Hillary gets "elected" and does some dumb pinko shit like BHO
a large portion of dems are californians. they fucked up cally and, are going to do the same to texas.
but the illegal ones can't vote...
Would Bernie do that too?
Mass amnesty will happen under Clinton. Mass amnesty with no border protection. Think about it.
No shit. And whites will be a minority in the US within 25 years, so we'll be a one party state. What's your point?
Followed by the gang of eight bill increasing legal immigration to 3 million per year.
How people don't realize how this is a coordinated invasion with the intent to replace white voters with uneducated, left-leaning beaners is beyond me.
Mass amnesty will happen under Trump as well. You're delusional if you think he'll deport anywhere near most of the illegals. He'll pull some 'well, the illegals already here and doing jobs which cause wages to go down can stay because reasons, except they won't be citizens.' And a few years after that, the left will argue that they're second class citizens and should be able to vote/etc. In the end, regardless of party, the US will turn brown.
The only real hope for the white race is to go back to Europe and cleanse every non-Christian non-White from their lands and get serious about survival. Since we know that won't happen and the white race will die off, what's the fucking point to anything anymore?
The biggest error was never forcing people to learn English.
Born too late to experience the golden era
Born too early for the racewar
Born just in time to see Texas turn blue
>and the white race will die off,
There's still Poland, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Serbia, and especially Belarus to contend with. I really don't think they're going anywhere anytime soon.
That is a rather heavy handed option. I think lots of self deportation will occur if Trump wins. If Clinton wins, I think ethnic conflict will actually grow and racial tension will become even more apparent. I dont think the U.S. will survive past the 2030s maybe the 2050s if Trump gets elected. All he does is create a hurdle, if he is in for 8 years and has a great gop replacement the U.S could survive longer. As far as amnesty is concerned some can be legalized but many cant they must be deported, especially criminals.
It is the language in which our Declaration of Independence and Constitution were written. It is our official language.
But the biggest error was universal suffrage. You shouldn't be allowed to vote if you don't pay taxes. It's what made America something other than a British colony (no taxation without representation.)
We never would've had the Immigration Act of 1965 which opened the borders to a spic invasion. The Democratic party would've died off and in its place would've risen a Libertarian party.
And they will be overrun with muslims and arabs.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
By the year 2100, the world's population is expected to be 11 billion. 6 billion of them will be sub-saharan.
* overrun with muslims and niggers
No. These countries have militaries. There will be no "overrunning" like what's happening in the West.
>The whole Mexico border is blue
I wonder why....
As somebody who just moved from Arizona to Texas 3 weeks ago, can confirm liberal hell hole is coming.
This place used to be awesome. People from california and mexico move here because its so free then they pass laws that fuck it up.
>My feels going from the 10th to the 28th freest state
its like you can see the disease spreading...
>There will be no "overrunning" like what's happening in the West.
Sure. Whatever you say.
Texas is a bastion of cuckservative Christcucks, uninformed Libertarian edgelords, illegal beaners and out of state California liberals. This place is absolutely fucked.
OP 512 here. Its terrible. You?
Why the fuck cant we stop feeding Africa? If they ever get to the point of total world control ie world is completely black about 90% would die. Theres not enough food or water on earth to sustain them. I honestly think whites are going to abandon earth, its fucking gone. Now its about being smart or lucky enough to get on a ship off the planet if we can develop them that is.
Fuck off. California may be libcucked, but never in my life would I rather live in scorching Arizona. You guys are basically sandniggers, I'm expecting a full scale Islamic Revolution in the four corners.
>would be a dumping ground for mexicans
You can say "we're full" if you are independant.
Happening sooner than any Drumpf man babies can imagine.
Sup Forums btfo
512 as well. Moving out of this over-crowded place once I get my first two years in so I can get my med-surg and chemo certs. Probably going to Ft. Worth. This place has grown too fast. I've been here for nine years and it's finally gotten too much.
Yeah the DNC email leaks showed the democrats using Mexicans to turn Texas "reliably blue". Fucking leftists destroy everything.
>thinking this absolutely retarded forced meme has any effect.
It won't happen m8. I literally hold down New Braunfels.
I have been WAITING for shitskins to make their way out here. Nothin but wildlife, rivers, and forests out here. Lots of places to duck in and out of... Just a warning. I dream about this shit.
Remember this image, pol.
This is our future.