Chinese Millionaire Migrants

The Asian Canadian/Australian memes are founded on a reality. Both Australia and Canada are experiencing a rather recent increase in extremely wealthy Chinese migrants.

Is it good for the host economies/societies?

Is it really a matter of wealth and not race?


Other urls found in this thread: Ritzy Richmond neighbourhood where many poor/11136169/story.html

>120,000 rich people

well they wont be violent and rapey. but dont expect them to give a damn about your country or any sort of loyalty. also house prices will skyrocket. cons outweigh the pros

Australia is fine, we tax them hard and yeah land value starts to suck, but eventually they'll start selling when they realise they're not going to get a return anymore.

Vancouver is being overrun because the Canadian government isn't taxing them appropriately and leaving loopholes open for them.

free market bitch

They've destroyed the local economy here in Vancouver, they drive up rent prices in both commercial and residential zones, causing shops to close, hell there are places downtown that used to be thriving that are now a ghost town, whole neighbourhoods are ghost towns now as well, they don't pay any taxes, infact many of them sit and collect welfare while living in their multi-million dollar homes, (see the oakridge area of Vancouver) since they don't report their over seas earnings. In short they are killing my city and I can't do anything to stop it.

When's that going to happen though, in a generation or two?

Couple months ago my old neighbours moved out and the place was bought out by a Chinese family.

Haven't heard them speak English once, although it isn't too bad, they aren't noisy or intrusive. Just feels weird to be a minority in your own country.

Just another NWO globalist scheme. Native Canadians and Australians get priced out of the housing market and have even more competition for jobs. It's all a race to the bottom.

Chinks are worse than niggers

Buying property is already hard for first home buyers in Australia because of all the old fucks that own 5 houses, last thing we need is spoiled chinks coming in and buying shit.

BC housing market just crashed because the Canucks tried to impose a tax on real estate transactions.

Honestly, investor fuelled markets grow and fall based on sentiment and emotions, which are impossible to predict. If there's conflict with China, you'll see all the Chinese pulling out, selling, and then our house prices will collapse. If there's not, they'll randomly realise some other country is cheaper with better growth (probably in Africa) and start buying up there.

>weird to be a minority
Only in the CBD.

Land bankers don't actually live in their homes, they rent apartments in the city and spend their parent's (the real investors) money by ordering 30$ glasses of booze at the places that have a 3 piece suit entrance requirement.

No. The situation is deforming the Canadian economy dramatically (I don't know about Australia but I hear it's similar.)

China has the strictest rules on exporting capital in the industrialized world. THIS is what is causing severe bubbles to pop up. They don't care if they pay 10% too much for real estate, because they're only buying it as a way to export capital out of China into the West. It's a tax on money laundering, as far as they're concerned.

What are some of the bubbles?

1. Real estate. Prices are spiking for land and buildings that aren't even serving a public use. The only purpose they have is to serve as a "bank account" outside of China. Actual productive (hell, even just PRESENT) members of society are being priced out of the market by phantom buyers.

2. Bitcoin. It's another way to export get around capital controls. A lot of people are going to be seriously fucked up when Chinese yank their money out of it, which is an inevitability.

There are more but I'm hungry.

It's not good. It's incredibly bad and the people getting high off cheap Chinese money will regret this.

>many of them sit and collect welfare while living in their multi-million dollar homes

any articles about this or is this just your impression of things

Yeah i lol'd at this sob story in the paper of how this "poor" ubc student has to pay 87k up front ontop of her 56k deposit her parents barley scraped together :,( like boo fucking who god damn zipperheads

Korean American here. It's already happening in New York city.

Apartments with 2 bedrooms used to be ~$200-300K until a few years back, but the Chinese are literally buying everything. They are choking the market. We have to impose a law that will tax foreign buyers but no law is being passed.

Now the same apartments are over $500K. They are driving everyone out, and I'm afraid it's becoming Vancouver 2.0 already

Pls send help.

It's not a secret, we're just too cucked as a country to get mad about it.

>selling out your country because of muh invisible hand
Off yourself, nigger

They're gona take over and are far more dangerous than any Mudislike or niggers. They don't need to nuke or ape like chimp niggers. The Chinks are jews essentially

Communist millionaires.

Jesus Christ, what a time to live.

The city of Richmond is 70% Chinese, and has one of the highest "poverty" rates in the province. It's because the average reported income is like 50k a year, despite all the houses being in the millions with ferrari's in the driveway. Ritzy Richmond neighbourhood where many poor/11136169/story.html

They're making millions, and paying pretty much no taxes. And as they're Chinese, they're happily collecting the government low income tax checks that come every 3 months or so.

They arent investing as much as laundering money.
The australian and canadian governments are clever for attracting these people

Koreatown is right next to chinatown, plus many of the Chinese people that buy out often rent for cheaper illegal priced to other chinese and Korean immigrants, my boyfriend is korean and he lives in flushing and shares an apartment with a Chink? Tell me why this is bad again cause I can't see it harming asians like you

The capital they put in is sooo much more than their few k every year. The literally drop millions on assets they cant move

The thing is the only reason these Chinese are buying houses overseas is because their money is from corruption and graft in the state-owned industries and they're trying to get it out of the reach of China's anti-corruption campaign.

So not only is it Chinese pricing whitey out of his own cities, they're CRIMINAL Chinese who are guaranteed to bring their corrupt practices with them to what were formerly well-governed incorrupt cities.

> tfw actually suffering from yellow guilt

>quebec at 18:00
Haha cucks

they said once they take our food away that we will rise up.

but im sseing alot of displacement.

taking land is warfare plain and simple.
this is just an economic battlefield.

you can't egage in battle on the stock exchange any more becuase of how self correcting it is; or seems to be.

the next best battlefield is real estate,
any econ fag knows this.
and desu we used all our millionaires during NAFTA.
I think we are just getting our comeuppance.

want to invade a country, just send your wealtiest citizens on a "humanitarian" effort to go over seas, get naturalized and buy up as much property as possible.

and addition to that why don't you send over a few sycophants that can pass the real estate exam, and only sell to your kind.

this is the future we chose gents.

thanks for the links

weird situation -- they need an entirely different tax category

although the government does not seem to be complaining much about their property tax revenue

Well I don't have a problem with those that share apartments illegally. I heard some homes have three Chinese families living in one apartment.

The problem is that the foreign Chinese buyers are making a ton of money by doing this crowded rent scheme, and their rabid purchasing routine is making the prices explode. New people simply cannot afford an apartment, and decent people don't share apartments.

Also, Chinatown is squeezing out Koreatown as we speak. If you are a local, which I assume you are, "Koreatown" used to extend to at least ASSI plaza past Main Street, but now they are dominated by the Chinese, and Korean businesses are being aggressively driven out. Look, I have no problems with the Chinese themselves, but cmon.

Was planning to settle down in NYC but now I'm considering Texas.

Since when have Australian private citizens been buying up Chinese land?

These fuckers are the reason a minuscule apartment anywhere in Vancouver costs $600k+. Fuck all of them.

The only way you can get rich in China in the first place is if you have connections with the government.

Causing us huge problems by buying up property. Outbidding locals using BoC funds, then renting the property out to those locals they outbid. Profits all returning to China.

Makes no sense that our government allows this to happen. How could they not realise how out of hand it was going to get?

The mayor of Vancouver is dating a chink from China, I expect all the politicians are also getting bribes to not do anything. The tax that was just implemented won't do anything to curb this problem as well, it's just the government going, "See we did something." due to the people getting close to lynching them.

The taxes are a lot though.
This is literally every country ever. You have a lot of money, they want you to a resident there and buy up assets.

Immigration is a one-way street. No one in the Anglosphere wants to move anywhere other than the Anglosphere (except weabos who want to move to East Asia).

so in the socialist communist paradise "welfare" where we take money from EVERYONE and give it to the SUPREMELY NEEDY has been metagamed out to:

lazy blacks who refuse to work and have many kids to keep their gibmedats
rich foreigners who play the system with no consequence and enjoy fat stacks while getting extra income for shits and giggles.

the real people who would benefit from welfare and use it and raise themselves up will never see a dime and probably have never seen a dime.

the socialist communistic welfare state of nirvana and paradise is a LIE because people are exploitative, manipulative and SELFISH.

Humans are the problem not the system. Every system fails because of humans and every system will fail because of humans.

blood is thicker than ideology

how do you people complain about net capital inflow? you think your economy would be better closed?

>itt we name the yellow merchant

we should have taiwan's rule desu. you can buy in my country if i can buy in yours (nobody can buy land in mainland china, even citizens only get a 70 year lease)

Fuck the chinks. They dump trash all over the place here. Even in national parks they just throw it all over the place with no regard to the park. They should be shot.

Yes, because having your dirty money create ghost towns ruins local shops, which puts people out of work, which makes people poorer, which makes it harder for people to afford housing, which has also been driven up by your corrupt shits. A closed economy in real estate would be far more beneficial for our economies.

People who can't afford it don't need to live there. There are plenty of other towns. Get over it.

>social welfare state
Wut. This thread is about capitalism. Buying up houses in some other country is pure capitalism.
The general rule of capitalism is dont be poir.

>visit mountain park thing in china
>looks clean, buildings and walkways and shit are all tidy
>look behind one
>fucking rubbish strewn down the mountainside

for cunts who go batshit nationalist every time someone names the chink they sure do seem to care dearly for their motherland...

They're idealistic xenophobes.

They assume that if they closed off the economy that a sedentary population with 0 work ethic would suddenly produce things.

We aren't okay seceding our cities to foreigners, a concept Germany seems to have forgotten.

>complaining because you dont benefit
Sure youre own government gave you the finger over some dirty chinese money, but you really expect any government in 2016 to do otherwise?

They ruined California

>Money laundering
>Arrogant as fuck, but look like skinny Kpop models in Yesstyle shit, yet are skittish if you stand up for yourself
>Drive the housing costs up like mad
>Fuel nepotism by pushing their "package deal" businesses/shops for low-tier Cantonese shits
>Abuse the university systems and get it for nothing because Chinese (There's an express lane for Chinese people at universities in San Francisco)
>Bring over more chink relatives
>Organized crime and weapons trafficking
>Never assimilate

Bay Area chinks are horrible.

muslim detected

thats because your OWN country sold you out. ottawa pimped out the provinces with the foreign investor act. once hong kong reverted back to china and canada passed that measure, all those slant eyed fuckers moved to BC...guh bye affordability...hullo vacant condo towers.....

Not arguing that our shitty government didn't sell us out, I'm arguing we should do something about it.

if you canadians and americans go to the metropolitan areas of your cities, you'd see that chinese people buy all your luxury goods, ie watches, bags, clothes. your companies couldn't clear inventory unless they exported to asia
maybe if u guys weren't all country hicks living in newfoundland or ohio, you'd see how most of your people need this capital

did you have any sudden revelations about becoming the new Canadian Indians?

There's a huge fucking difference between Chinese in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Chinese in Vancouver/Sydney.

The Bay Area has a pretty strong balance between wealthy and poor Chinese, and the Asian American Chinese run the region. In Vancouver, the Chinese foreigners are mostly wealthy, thanks to the investor program laundering scheme that Christy Clark and all the other BC idiots adored, and they run the city.

>selling out basic necessities to make a family to rich foreigners so some jews can make some money
>making it extremely difficult for a man to buy a house and therefore raise a family
>damaging society and the future of your country for some rich kike/chink

hurr my free market, lol chinks arent bad immigrants xD

Same thing here desu

your money is fake, thats why you're buying shit with cash so when china hits the shit and the yuon is worthless, you people still have valuable assets.

Not just Vancouver anymore Toronto is the same thing and other cities will likely be taken as well. Might as well just sell China this Marxist shithole. A positive a do see from it are the young Chinese in Toronto are very positive about the way the west lives they all want to stay and escape communism.

It's better to shack up with a bunch of people than live on the streets. I'd rather work a shitty Chinese kitchen job than have no job. The average Chink involved in this seedy shit isn't making millions, but at least has a package deal life instead of living on the streets.

I thought it was Silicon Valley companies.

Memes aside, B.C would enter a recession if the Chinese left. The amount of construction, plumbing, electrical, and painting jobs created by all the newly built houses are holding up a big chunk of the provincial economy. Chinks lose interest in investing in the housing market, then it might as well be Alberta, sans the Quebec-tier delusion of being useful nationally.

The economy in Vancouver hasn't really changed, it's still a city based on a service economy with low wages, with it's wealth being propped up by real estate alone. Locals continue to make the same they've been making since the 90's, thus getting forced out of the lower mainland. A few industries have benefited from the foreign wealth, like real estate and luxury car dealers, but that's about it.

Chinese also don't integrate or learn English, and bring their shady behavior and psychopathy over with them when they buy their way into the country through Quebec. Not a day goes by where they aren't doing shady, outright psychopathic shit, committing hit and runs, or shoplifting from grocery stores despite their wealth.

>chinese people buy all your luxury goods
we only opened up those stores to milk you yellow merchants for shekels

of course it's easier to just bus you fuckwits to the nearest casino and exploit your genetic weakness for gambling

Germany under Hitler
Spain under Franco
German Democratic Republic
South Africa after sanctions

These are examples of succesful closed economies. 'Muh capitalism' isn't the only alternative.

Chinese are stealth Jews. Jews are big on pride and power and publicity and fame (Hollywood). Jews want to be in control and want everyone to know it.

Chinese are stealth jews. They don't want any fame and they don't *really* want to enslave you. But they want to take everything you have and exterminate you when the time is right. But they will never inform you.

Jews corrupt a society and let everyone in. They are the first and most dangerous of the Jews. The second Jew is the negro jew. This is the Jew that is the BEST victim. It is too stupid to know why it's wrong to murder, steal and rape. And you're mean for not letting it. Give of yourself and help until you are poor and then it will come for your daughters and bash your head in with a rock.

The third jew is the asian Jew. While nobody is looking, the asian jew takes what it can from everything. The best of what's left. Utilizes all the systems, climbs to the top ferociously with no one looking. Presents no threat, raises no fuss, gets along with everyone. But secretly they are looting you clean.

Fourth is the Arab Jew. The Arab Jew moves in once everything good is gone and proclaims themselves masters with their massive birth rates and their endless desert hordes. They don't want anything but land. Not even good land. Just more land and more muslims. None of the other Jews (except the black Jew) cares, everything good is gone.

jews i forgot to mention: mexicans and nameless white beta jews.

They're basically colonizing the place from what I read.

>fake money
>stupid chinks
do yourselves a favor and just die, i can't deal with dumb white people

The poor and wealthy Chinese in San Francisco are still in the same operation. The rich ones are buying up all the property, just like in Vancouver, and literally giving or renting them to the poor Chinese if they work for them.

>Rich chink comes along
>Gives a package deal to poor chink where he's GIVEN a restaurant to manage and work at, even the food is part of the deal (why all the food is the same)
>Chink hires his family and friends, giving them guaranteed jobs and a household income
>Young chinks now have a future
>Meanwhile, Americans are looking for anything, and end up working at McDick's, if lucky.
>Most can't get an apartment.

Also, those apartments the Chinese in San Francisco live in aren't terrible. They are what you make of them. Also, they're conveniently located by many resources in SF, as well as plenty of clientele.

Well, would you rather have poverty shitskin refugees or the cream of the ccp?
I know you rather live in your little white bubble but theres still plenty of land for you to do that in america/canada

Problem with the western welfare state is that it simply doesn't work for Asian family structures which are very tight knit.

In the welfare state, if you make no money, you get welfare, regardless of the familial support you may receive.

So naturally what happens is all the elders give all their assets to their children, thus qualifying for welfare, while the children still take care of their parents. This can, of course, backfire on the parents spectacularly but it's rare enough that it doesn't actually discourage anyone.

It's kind of like black people and child support, the system won't work if the guy has ten kids.

>it's wealth being propped up by real estate alone. Locals continue to make the same they've been making since the 90's

I'm wondering -- why can't locals work harder in school and get advanced degrees -- create companies and services that compete with the Chinese?

I live in Maine in the U.S. Families could care less about education. The economy is so bad 1/3 to 1/4 of the people are on state assistance at any given time.

Is it about the "natives" not working hard enough? That's the case where I live. The governor says that the state is a great place for high tech companies to move into, but our labor force can't support the technical demands because -- well -- not smart or motivated enough -- too many backwoods 4x4 driving townies that focus on hunting and smoking pot and not a thought about higher education, or even finishing high school.

nice post faggot

t. Chang Wang Ping Wing

its too late. i hear BC is trying to get a foreign investor tax passed that would add 15 percent on the price of real estate transaction. they should have done that shit 15 years ago. dont worry, dirty chinese people are turning up in the states too. were getting "anonymous" all cash offers for median priced homes that are outbidding first time, hard working american buyers. it sucks. so our own neighbors are selling us out. i live in portland. we dont have yor real estate woes but its getting pretty expensive by u.s. standards. maybe you should move to spokane or something...

>Arab Jew

Replace that with the Indian Jew. They do the EXACT same thing the Chinese do, but not on a grand mobbed-up level. More on an individual family level. That's why you never see high school or college-aged kids working at 7-11, a Motel, etc. unless it's in bumfuck nowhere.

The west needs to get it's shit together and either stop immigration.


Put together a massive military, take over like 2-3 countries in Africa, 2-3 coutnries in Asia (including India)... 2-3 countries in South America.... and just deem them western colonies.

In 30-50 years they will basically be like Australia or Britain, and the immigrants will flock there and it will be fine. The people over there will love us for it in the end. (Despite how much their leaders will 'whine' about muh colonisation).

Dumb gook

>Just deal with it. Let them take it. Move on. It's 2016

This is our home. We don't want to leave our homes.


Maybe you should work harder, or smarter, and stop blaming other people for your shortcomings and mental health disturbances.

I have yet to hear something negative about vancouver. Is vancouver a multicultural success story?

>accusing others of fabricating money

>In the welfare state, if you make no money, you get welfare, regardless of the familial support you may receive.

That doesn't work. You're not allowed to be dependent on anyone in order to receive welfare.

Well, you already have a headstart, so i dont see the butthurt.

Neither help the country.

Of course you don't say you're dependent on your kids, you say you're on your own.

Can Mr Wang handle the banter?

Let's assume that they're not just investing all this money incase their country goes up in flames (because they're not confident in its stability)

It's still bad for us that they can buy land here, yet we can't buy land in theirs

What else?

Then you haven't done any research.

> I'm wondering -- why can't locals work harder in school and get advanced degrees -- create companies and services that compete with the Chinese?

By the sweat of his brow, the Anglo of the 1900s creates the conditions and societies in which his descendents may live a comfortable life.
Fast forwards to 2016: "You lazy! Stop living the comfortable life! Work yourself into an early grave to keep up with these corrupt foreigners we imported!"
I can certainly understand why this series of events is unattractive for Leafs / Kangaroos.

bellevue, wa here.

if my mom didn't own land that has appreciated by millions of dollars because of these chinks i would be very angry about it

Elect officials who will stop allowing foreign investors to buy land. It's that straightforward.

I would rather we take people we actually need like we did a long ass time ago. not poor shitskins, not rich corrupt chinks.

maybe a non white who excels at biology or whatever field of study we are lacking.

I visited Canada once.

Instead of nigs and mexicans you had streetshitters, indians, and asians.

It was strange.

>The third jew is the asian Jew. While nobody is looking, the asian jew takes what it can from everything.
They are literally a tribe of scavengers. Look at chinese food even. Its basically a lot of reclaimed bits and pieces thrown together. They reclaim the shit fat, they scavenge for metal through recycled crud.

Not demeaning them. It just seems to be a reality. Canada and Australia are ready to be scavenged. bet the true natives of both of those are real happy they kept voting for the communists instead of healing it with the conservatives.

The Anglo of the 1900s was busy conducting genocide wars against the North American indigenous nations.

My son goes to a college in Washington state and it was just in the 1870s that the local Indians were sort of scooted off to an arid reservation and left to die, more or less.

Karma or something, going on.

There are literally 0 pros. 0. nada. none. All they do is hike up the housing prices. They don't create any jobs and they only spend money on high-end designer products and high-end restaurants

>weakness exposed


Really all that matters at this point is that they put out and like white guys. This is good for Canada.

T. Chink fucker. Ever wipe your dick on an Hermes scarf? Fucking nice.