Would one redpilled man from 2016 who woke up in the 1950s be able to do anything to stop the degeneration of Western...

Would one redpilled man from 2016 who woke up in the 1950s be able to do anything to stop the degeneration of Western society?

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yeah maybe. stopping involvement in Vietnam or at least media coverage of it would be crucial as that's when the public started turning against the republican government and started all the counterculture/liberal university shit

No. Send me back to 1850.

One does not simply "Stop the Vietnam War"

Maybe, if you went back with some serious knowledge of how it started and could get the key players to listen to you by providing some seriously valuable intelligence.

Ehhh too close to the war
Send me to 1817

Sup Forums is the most bluepilled board on Sup Forums

are you implying that the end of slavery is the turning point because that's not true at all

I always have the fantasy of meeting important people and telling them things about their lives to prove that I'm a time-traveler, then influencing the course of history.

Imagine meeting Hitler in 1936 and handing him a copy of Mein Kampf printed in modern times to prove you're legit, then becoming his right hand man. Hitler is an easy choice but there's hundreds of people that would be cool to travel back and meet. Of course you'd remove a lot of the drama/poetry of history by preventing stuff like assassinations/mistakes.

Cultural Marxism had already infiltrated universities both in Europe & America.

The whole idea of that movement was that Jewish infiltration and propaganda was not needed anymore since the gentiles would train their own "Jewish prophets" in the universities that would help the zionist cause.

We have been heading for this direction since the times of Bolshevism, the education system that was infiltrated long ago is to blame.

On second thought, I want to go back after and save Lincoln. This whole federalism thing might have worked if he had lived and sent the niggers away.

Yeah the post WW2 administration was so rabidly anti-communist I doubt much could be done to stop it. but i think if you could just stop that you'd have a different United States today

yeah, Jews had been popularized in art and media already by then, guess it was too late.

When in the 1950s? By 1954 it was already too late.

This, it was already too late by 1950. Hell 1850 might not even be enough.

If you stop WW1, you could stop alot of the academic kikery (frankfort school, modern art, etc.) that lead to our current situation.

"Modern art" was already in motion by the industrial era. Writing and painting had already become disenfranchised pre-WW1

Once life gets as easy as it is today there is no way a society can be held to such rigid standards as it was in the past. Decadence is an unavoidable human flaw, because once we get an easy enough life we naturally want to be an individual, not part of a collective

Elect this man

Already far too late. Maybe if you went back to the 16th century and stopped the Reformation.

>there is no way a society can be held to such rigid standards as it was in the past
Well, I'd say a society with today's technology could be held to very rigid standards if it's under a totalitarian regime that would control most aspects of daily living, which is probably how today would be if the Nazis won

Save the Rockwell, save the world.


They would not belive him that humanety can fall so far.

Your country is the product of that Reformation. A penal colony of the British Empire but still a colony. If the Reformation exterminated the filthy Papist perhaps the world would have been a much better place. All one has to do is look around at the Papal states today, complete and utter degeneracy almost back to the dark ages already which is of course the only place a entity like the Papacy can thrive.

Protestantism and Communism are one and the same. Once you start questioning authority, you can't stop. One moment you're pointing out the corruption of the Church, the next moment your 8-year-old son is rejecting patriarchy and getting his dick chopped off.

stop the formation of israel is my guess. once the jews tasted how easily fooled america is, they sunk their teeth in and are bleeding us dry.

Wrong. Send me back to 4004 bc.

Shart in the name of freedom

Jewish infiltration started before the 40s. In any case, you come close to the truth, but then you miss the mark.

>how easily fooled america is

This is the problem. It's not the strength of the Jews that should worry you, but rather the weakness of the whites. WASPs formed the ruling elite of America for generations, and they kept the Jews out for decades, but then they seemed to just sort of give up for whatever reason, and the Jews completely took over. The question is, what happened to the WASPs? Why did they become so weak?

What if your actions to stop the degeneracy actually caused it, creating the need to travel back in time to stop it?

come to think of it, maybe israel is a good thing. the fact that jews are responsible for mass immigration in europe which is pushing jews abroad to israel, they'll all be in a centralized location. perfect for whenever iran finally finishes up their nuclear icbm and glasses israel for good. i thought jews were smart, but they're actually bringing about their own destruction.

Catholic church - Jesuits - invented communism in South America - Paraguay. They were called reductions and the mines built the degenerate Spanish Empire. Learn some real history You dirty Kangaroo fucker.

>start off a colony of criminal exiles
>everyone bands together and reforms when faced with common threats
>builds 1'st world society

The world wishes it could be so white.

Samson defence will snowball the world out of control if that happen.

Europe is probably lost for now.

>keep track of big stocks
>invest in them all
>become multi-billionaire
>launch an all-out campaign against George Soros and the Rockefeller Skank
>defeat them and shape the world as you please

Nope. I would find a beautiful girl and marry her, start a family, buy a home in the 'burbs and settle down.

Yes, nuke Israel

There are no sovereign countries in South America. Anything revolution or reaction there has its cause to the North.

The disagreement between the Roy Wilkins and Barry Goldwater is the kind of forum we need to revive in today's democracy. It's possible to disagree with someone's political stance without construing them with political strawmen such as inherent racism or privilege.

For the record, I think civil rights were necessary up to a point. Without them, we would still have segregation and social conditions that would lead to genuine forms of discrimination (attacks in the street, refusal of service, and bullying).

I believe such discussions are only possible when the people is on an intellectual level to actually see that the current debates are strawmen debates.

however. given the past 50 years of welfare state and immigration from mexico, the intellectual capabilities of the population has significantly decreased since 1964. discussions as you mentioned will therefore not be useful to influence the people.

remember that it is not actual politics that decide how a country is run, but the people who vote for it. thats why africa is shit while scandinavia is, or used to be, fine. thats why america used to be great and mexico shit. thats why dom rep is better than haiti.

and in the US 2016, the winner will be the one who promises the most gibsmedats - because this is what the population wants.

Life is so easy today because it is built on the rigid standards of the past. The erosion of those standards will inevitably cause society to collapse. It happens to every empire that survives for so long.

>refusal of service
Consumers have the right to boycott businesses. Businesses should have the right to boycott consumers in kind.

Absolutely not. You would be locked up in an insane asylum if you tell those people what's coming. Nobody would believe you, and chances are you will not be able to reproduce any modern technology to convince the people. You probably are even worse off if you go further back in time, because you will not even remember the historic events going back say 1000 years. In the 1950s, you may remember some dates. TL;DR, nobody would believe you.

Calling everyone communist = redpilled

Jesus is this what Sup Forums actually believes?

What do you think happens to everyone else who has done this through history?

They get thrown into a loony bin and sedated.

People don't want to hear things they aren't willing to believe.

Yes provided they allow you to charge your iPad. Take a shit ton of digital documentation (videos - pdf files - downloaded websites) with you and work your way to the Pentagon.

Some government spooks would detain you upon hearing about your miracle tech, and they would literally torture you and try to reverse engineer your Ipad. They would only care about the Ipad, and think you are a Russian spy. That would make the government even crazier and more paranoid. You may cause a nuclear war with the Soviet Union, because the US government will believe the Russians possess a superior technology. Ipad is your death warrant, plus you would be tortured, because they will not believe you are from the future.

>they will not believe you are from the future.
I mean they might, the 1950s was the most optimistic time in history when it comes to future technology so they might believe a time machine exists in the future

They will think its Soviet propaganda before they even consider you being from the future. Occam's razor in play here. If you infiltrate Pentagon, it's going to be even worse. You will be deemed a red spy.

Look, people don't believe the bad shit will happen even if follows logically from what we know now. You want the people from the past to suspend their common sense and believe that you are from the future, and shit is fucked there, and it looks a lot like a soviet state on steroids (SJW, and all the modern day rhetoric is extreme even for the communists in SU at the time).

You will be put in a loony bin if you have no proofs, with the proofs, they will kill you and deem you a spy.

Send them all back.
