Anyone mind explaining why everyone hates the jews? Is it just a meme?
Anyone mind explaining why everyone hates the jews? Is it just a meme?
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Don't know, have a duckling instead.
No reason really. We're just pretending for giggles.
Because they fucking destroyed my home planet? Just a guess that that has something to do with it.
It's a meme except there are a few literal retards with mental health problems that find refuge here thinking their opinions are seriously considered.
They don't hate the jews. They hate the policies pushed by fake jews abroad. IE not in Israel.
Google Barbara Specter and Emanuel Celler. Jews in western countries want them to be pluralistic so that antisemitism does not rise.
All peoples deserve a homeland
Hello fellow polack
I talked to my therapist, Dr. Rosen, about it, and he suggested that it's probably just jealousy. At first I tried to argue with him, but he convinced me that he has a point.
These are jews.
And this is a moron.
What do you mean by "Jews"?
Hello Honduras
Don't shit post like the Mexicans and we'll get along just fine
It is a common enemy, user. All the weak minded need a common enemy for the sake of easy arguments and a false sense of unity.
pol is satire but pol is always right
> Part of it is that it's just a meme
> Part of it is that people hate globalist shitbags like George Soros and Sheldon Adelson who are disproportionately Jewish, so they start stereotyping all Jews because of it, which is stupid since Zionism is the opposite of globalism
> Part of it is that being Jewish is awesome, and people hate us cause they aint us. Sorry not sorry we get free trips to Israel, have hot girls, and have easy access to money whenever we need it. Pick a better religion next time haters.
What do you mean by this?
What did you mean by this?
How is the country doing OP? I went to a private school there for three years, last time I went Tegucigalpa was a shithole. Also it isn't a meme, kike last names are popular among liberal "news"
They are Machiavellian to the nth degree.
They justify lying stealing and, in general, being shit people in order to fulfill some bullshit.
They love nepotism & act as if they are above any and all rules.
Parasitic sand people brainwashed by a schizo child-murderer.
: ')
If it's a meme it might be the oldest and most wide spread meme of all time.
Or maybe jews are just fucking assholes.
It Was Just A Prank Bro
>pick a better religion
I would have, if Judaism wasn't an ethno-religion
Thanks a lot, G-D
>t. Jew
Fuck off kike
Cool looking fish
btw i'm Salvadorean, this is why i'm being friendly to you
anyway it's a complicated answer, just remember to hide your power level at all times, especially around powerful people.
Does someone know what this means?
Its doing better i guess? We have a new MP that makes a better job at keeping the gangs at bay. Also Tegucigalpa is developing pretty nicely with new bridges and modern buildings.
What does "power level" mean?
Jews are overrepresented in positions of power compared to their presence in the general population.
This in and of itself isn't necessarily a problem, until...
So, do I hate the jews just inside Sup Forums or outside Sup Forums too?
Until what?
Jews have been historically oppressed, whats new?
I think half of it is memeing and half of it is real, like everything on Sup Forums now a days
Pretty much
You can convert bro
>Is it just a meme?
It's 2000 years of experience.
You're not supposed to write "God" and/or any name of His down in a place where the text will be destroyed in the Jewish tradition
What did he mean by this
I personally believe its the ultimate move of submission to admit another group controls you.
The Jews don't control everything. Sure a lot of the super rich are Jewish, but that doesn't negate all the super rich white folks.
To say a group with such a small number of people control everything is the ultimate cuckoldry.
Its known that Jews do fairer business with eachother, but that's just in-group preference.
Nothing to worry about in terms of them, they're just liberal cucks, if you dislike it, then don't associate with them.
Fact is, there are no jews. It is a Babylonian sect of cast aways that basically ripped off all their so called religious traditions from others. Now, it is just a racially inferior dogshit race of spiritless meglomaniacs and sociopaths... I suppose nothing has changed.
So, it makes no sense the say "jew" and refer to a people. They are not people, as demonstrated by their every action.
weez jus dum antisemites!
They're lefty faggots that have no actual ties to the nation they're in, and will work against the interests of the people of the host nation for some weird fucking reason (probably the leftist faggot part); it fucks the country up in time
The Muslims are their religious fundamentalist brothers that are equally shit and have no ties to the nation, just the religion, which fucks the country up all the same in time
This is the truth
I know, leaf. Even jew canadians are dense. Wtf?
>Why everyone hates the jews?
Hmm, how much time do you have buddy ?
Why are you even asking this question ?
No it's not a meme now go back to israel.
lol, I've made a lot of memes and jokes here about le happy merchant and whatever, but I don't actually hate jews tbqh.
in fact I probably support israel because they're pretty cool and also I hate muslims a lot more.
no one here takes it seriously except stupid, humorless stormfags who seriously ruin this board with their terrible posting.
I will continue to make fun of jews and say stuff about them IRL because it gets people riled up.
> Zionism is the opposite of globalism
Globalism is the prelude to Zionism you idiot. Israel's walls are only going to get taller, while the goyim collectively get dumber and more subdued under cultural marxism.
Because they are outwardly liberal, but inwardly conservative. They want every white country to open its borders, adopt socialism and embrace multiculturalism and inclusion. But within their own communities they are extremely nepotistic to the point of monopolizing entire industries, and Israel can't accept immigrants because THEY have to preserve their demographics.
Also they use the Holocaust as both their sword and shield with everything they do, and they likely will until the end of time.
>i get to shoot my friends guard mTar
I just really thought Sup Forums hated the jews, sorry i was wrong
Isn't that from Schindler's List?
>but I don't actually hate jews tbqh
Faggot! Isnt there a pastor hagee television show you should be watching right now?
israel is showing the Honduras government how to take gang turf just like they do to Palestine.
Whoa, JIDF doing overtimes tonight...
Yes, that user was making a point by using that image.
> have hot girls
tip top kek
Pic related OP