How will Trump deal with the leaf epidemic?
How will Trump deal with the leaf epidemic?
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Hopefully like this
just fuck my shit up senpai
He won't, he's a Hillary plant
Nothing. Canadians are glass cannons, except they don't do any real damage or give lasting impacts.
They just get the feel good of shitposting on an anime imageboard while Muhammad fucks their wives at home
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The cunts don't even have the proper flag. The red ensign is the correct flag for Canada. They drive on the wrong side of the road, and I have suspicions that they don't respect Her Majesty.
Canadians make me a bit nervous. Be on your guard, Ausmate. Be alert to those cunts.
Trump will build a place and create a hoax around it saying millions of canadians died there even though its not impossible to do so?
fugg I meant "not possible"
Wtf, I hate myself now.
You're an idiot kid we flew the Union Flag for the first century of confederation we only got rid of it because your shit tier government invaded
Egypt without even giving us a heads up and then got their asses handed to them by the Americans and the Russians. Everyone outside of the UK knows that you fuckers abandoned all of your colonies and looked inward and to Europe.
The red ensign was only used on merchant ships and during war. We were the British Empire right up until 1982 when we patriated our constitution (we did this because again you said fuck you to use and Australia and gave Europe better immigration/diplomacy than your own colonies). Now you voted out of the EU realized you fucked up and want all your old friends back. We're still here but we're not going to treat you the same as we did in the 1950's.
Still angry we got rid of the cuck stamp eh?
Literally he'll just tell us what to do like every American president has since WWII, we're just a puppet state of America in reality.
its too bad that instead of just straight up patriating the constitution we had Pierre Trudeau almost single handedly write a new one. we would be near perfect otherwise
Found the French faggot. Truth is we've been the winner of every major deal we've signed with the USA and we even told them to take their petro dollar and stuff it. We only sell in CAD now and a vassal would never be able to pull such a move. The only slave to an anglo overlord are you French open borders Trudeau family cucks.
You're a maple plant.
We arent a puppet state to the USA exactly but if you dont know that our whole government system is a puppet and (((who))) pulls the strings you need to open your eyes
Who creates this kind of shit? Such high quality, that takes dedication to shitposting, I'm seriously lauding this right now
our current flag looks too boring
excuse the crooked lines. 3 minutes in photoshop
A little more background on this because so many people here don't know what happened. After WWII our Generals and leadership wanted a free Germany and for all of us to get the fuck out continental Europe. People in Canada rightly or wrongly truly believed that world peace could be achieved after the war and we made rather admirable strides (peacekeeping, mine bans, etc) to make this happen. Then a retarded UK government that flew the exact same flag we did (we didn't adopt an official flag to replace the union flag like the aussies and zealanders) invaded Egypt for Israel and not only destroyed all mena foreign investment but flew the same flag we flew above our parliament building. We had to find out about this conflict via the American news media there wasn't so much as a warning. UK got smacked down by the USSR and the USA destroyed any attempts at peace in the region so our government made the decision that since we had zero representation or even a courtesy call on BE foreign relations we needed to develop our own.
Obviously we all regret that this drift happened but it wasn't the fault of Canada or any other colony.
we still should try and come up with a better flag design. we have plenty of time now and it would be cool just to see what people come up with
My only regret is that it is liberal red. It should have been red white and blue. Perhaps included the three pillars of foundation the anglos, french and the indians not a leaf that only grows a relatively small part of the country.
I watched the CPC go from grassroots reform party to internationalist controlled neocon kike lovers less than five years even though the majority of members were redpilling and fighting it. You're absolutely right and now after the Green Israel fiasco i'm almost fully convinced democracy is a failed idea and will always be controlled.
Aye. Alright. I know the British Empire fucked up.
I'm half Rhodesian. That country is wrecked.
I think it was two world wars that destroyed UK.
Germany fucking Europe up. Again.
Better, but the Leaf needs to go
>democracy will always be controlled
Ok now you may not like Hitler and im not claiming one way or the other but if you would just watch this i thunk he hits it more or less perfectly just adjust things like newspaper to mean also TV,internet,etc and he explains the situatiuon perfectly:
now canada in itself... I am convinced the only way to "fix" our system is through revolution not necessarily violent but the one thing is clear: There is no democracy here it is just a show and there is no hope to change the system by working through or in the system
* Thunk=think
fuck rubber dome keyboards.