WTF i #likemike now

WTF i #likemike now




This is our genetic future
And Im kind of OK with it.

Bro are you gonna eat mashed potatoes and gravy with your fingers like an animal? This is the Pencedom we're talking about, not a bunch of peasants.

Pence is the only reason I support Trump. The guy will make a great president when the CIA assassinate Trump.



>Trump bought Pence a PRIVATE PLANE and a lifetime supply of KFC

I bet that cocksucker Kasich regrets being a MUH PRINCIPLES pozzcuckold and rejectinmg Trump's VP offer.

Who's the Jew he's eating with?

Such a wonderful person, who can hurt a puppy face like that?

Fat and Fatter 2016

fuck that burger looks tasty

Which Pences are these two?

It is. McDonald's is fucking good no matter how many virtue signalling shitlibs whine about MUH SUPERSIZE ME XDDDD. The McDouble is literally the perfect meal.

I bet it tastes like freedom

Is this why amerisharts shart so much? Too much fried chicken? Seems like all the politicians love that sweet advertising sheckle

As far as health goes, its fucking horrendous.

But nothing beats that sweet, succulent taste.

Why would anyone care about the opinions of a beaner?

Build Wall you intellectual

Trump btfo now. This is it.

Is it?
They advertise it as 100% beef
Is it really bad for you?

Bro you have pleb tier tastes. Yeah, it's good, but this is America. We have Whataburger, which CRUSHES Mcshit.

It is 100% beef, but its stocked with a metric shitton of preservatives, sodium, HFCS and sugar.

Still fucking spot on tho.

Kasich is definitely an "undercover" pole smoking fugats.

>Using the world undercover VERY loosely

Thank you. Not to mention Cookout which is by far the best value or these others : Steak N Shake (kind of) Carl's JR (NOT HARDEES *puke*) In & Out, Wendy's

I have tasted Wendy's and Carl's Jr., they are too expensive and get tiring fast, the McDouble doesn't. It's simple, cheap and it just werks.

that is the odd thing about mcdonalds. about once every 2 or 3 weeks i'll get a craving for a mcdouble and a coke. 3 buck lunch. also, for some reason the coke at the fountain in mcdonalds tastes best

Lmao no it isn't you nogains low-test betamax

400kcal, tons of protein and $1.70? Fuck outta here. I bulk on a half dozen of those a day.

You don't even lift because you're a twink bitch

Pence is the man. I honestly like him more than Trump, and I really like Trump.

I can't wait to see him eat what's left of Tim Kaine's soul when they debate.

Pence is moe as fuck.

Imagine hanging out with him 1 on 1. He's probably a lot more interesting than you'd think.

Commit suicide

I bet he spins a great yarn

>Not wanting to be a qt femboi

Come on leafanon, get with the times.

i only go to a local place for burgers called diggers diner

Goddammit mike.
you cant look at a smiling mike pence and not smile right back.
Seems like such a happy guy


Mike Pence smiles like a kid going to bed on Christmas Eve.

More people should use disposable gloves for foods that require hands? I've tried it and not a single grease got on my hands when I took them off.

well tom seems to be enjoying himself

Maybe he's allergic to crab?

more people shouldnt eat dogs, dont you agree?

>vietnam poster

nevermind. enkoy your fine monkey brain cuisine.

lmao he is actually eating that shit unlike Trump who just pretends.


still sore about that wall paco? 10 feet higher now.


Why do they keep posing with KFC? Are they subliminally trying to attract black voters?

nothing wrong with getting a lot of sodium and carbohydrates if you actually burn them or sweat them off.

>McDouble is literally the perfect meal.
Not so fast Pablo

What a warm and wonderful man Pence is. Why do the ones that the left hate so much always look so happy in photos; especially when they are with their families?