This man is the most based motherfucker on the planet. Prove me wrong
>protip: you can't
This man is the most based motherfucker on the planet. Prove me wrong
>protip: you can't
Pretty based for a Fillip
Best quotes from the based "MOST POWERFUL RACE" man
Duterte: To all Roman Catholics, listen to your bishop. Dont vote for me or you will go to hell
Duterte: "If you don’t like my style because it sounds dictatorial, then, vote for Poe, Binay, Santiago, forget all about me."
Duterte further said: “I will recommend to Congress the restoration of death penalty by hanging in public.”
Duterte: "I didn't become the president to protect the criminals."
Duterte: "If I go to hell, I will bring all of these criminals with me"
100% based fascist
What a fucking legend . Italy needs someone like him to erase mafia and corrupt fuckers
For once, proud of my mixed heritage
Punishments like this work in Philippines and Singapore
if we step out game up we can kill all niggers legally.
>Prove me wrong
>>protip: you can't
He's a Filipino.
Who gave him dominion over men?
i smoke weed and would be gunned down in a day
>Rodrigo Duterte: "If I go to hell, I will bring all of these criminals with me"
>Rodrigo Duterte: "I do not care if I burn in hell, for as long as the people I serve live in paradise."
These quotes are hardcore.
Tired of hearing about this stupid fuck, shut up.
This guy simply does not fuck around.
think he plays this game on a daily basis?
>wants to get out of UN
>will ally with China and Africa
I bet he just want to kill more niggers and chinks
I'm all for eradicating the drug problem but couldn't he do it in a more legal fashion? Human rights usually include the abolition of the death penalty and going soft on crime. Screw that. I'm thinking more along the lines of due process and the respect for the rule of law. I don't like that he is encouraging civilians to murder suspected drug dealers.
Thid guy is going to be dead soon, we can only hope he does enough to fix something long term
I like his style, but precisely that style makes me doubt he'll achieve a lot.
How do you feel about Rodrigo Duterte? Did you vote for or against him? Are the Western mainstream reports accurate? Anything you would like Sup Forums to know about the situation?
No one, he took it.
>legal fashion
>due process
drug lords have swimming pools, women, drugs, gadgets, Jacuzzis, private gym and even a music room inside a maximum security prison
Fuck due process, might as well purge them 2bh
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
Killing a few drug dealers is way better than the alternative
>kill a few lowlifes, piss off western bleeding heart lefties
>become a narco state like Mexico
lots people here support him except for liberal drug dealers and lawyers cause their clients are dead.
>pic related is a female DJ drug dealing liberal.
>Duterte: "I didn't become the president to protect the criminals."
That's actually an amazing quote.
Saying "I don't care about human rights" is not based. How fucking retarded are the people on this board.
If we go soft on druggies, we'll have the same equivalent of BLM causing traffic and destruction in already crumbling neighborhoods.
Human rights was a mistake.
People abuse it on the expense of those who need it.
BLM run rampant because they know they can do shit and get away with it.
Take away their protection and what do they have?
They're out-gunned and out-sympathized.
My uncle married a flip. She doesn't care about politics in general but her father will talk in broken English Tagalog for hours about death to the drug dealers.
If yellow niggers aren't already the most powerful race in the world, they will be
Human rights are a social construct.
since when drugs were a human right?
Better than the past ones imo. A bit tactless to be honest but i like him more because of that
Might makes right.
If you act against societies well being, you forfeit any "rights" it permitted you.
Oh wow that a great quote
>muh humanity
no one will care when you die
>Hurr lets arrest weed smoking fucktoys and start a national scare campaign against drugs instead of acknowledging that corruption is what is fucking the country up
This is why your girls are jumping on our cocks
That and the fat wallet, but thats just women being women
liberals say that drug dealers and criminals have human rights. In a perfect world,human rights is universal but this world is far from perfect
>and lawyers cause their clients are dead
Sup Forums is isolating human rights with concepts like the abolition of the death penalty and physical punishment like whipping while ignoring that due process is also part of human rights.
If the Filipinos want to give the death penalty to the drug pushers, fine. It's their country, and it would send a message that people will never forget it. At least do it under the law.
In b4 he's really a massive drug lord himself and just wants to take out all the competition
Corruption is also being addressed, it just doesnt make it on the headlines
If their law says it's ok to kill drug dealers, how is killing them not "under the law"? Checkmate.
Budget documents the President has submitted to Congress show that he reduced the Department of Health’s (DOH) budget from P125 billion this year to P94 billion next year, or by a whopping P31 billion.
>But the additional money for the police and the military do not include funding requirements for Duterte’s promise to double the salaries of soldiers and policemen.
Well shit
But I guess the former doesn't mean much as P31 Billion probably mysteriously disappeared every year in the DOH
But the latter means probably "rip dutdut"
Protip: he is corrupt
You cannot trust a source of corruption to point out other sources of corruption
He's just taking out his opponents
Fuck off, cuck.
>tfw our media did a story on how ruthless and bad he is
>hoardes of Filippinos BTFOing them in the comments with hundreds of likes
Pretty crazy how popular he is despite the media backlash, I wonder if more shit about Clinton's health/corruption leaks and we get Trump then it'll be a similar situation
what a madman
the only reason he isn't getting more press is due to how impossible it is to argue with the results
Nah, Davao is one of the safest places on Earth.
Everyone is. At least hr has a better track record and is entertaining compared to the rest
>side with China in Eastern Sea dispute
that thing alone can prove that he is a total faggot
once he's cleaned the place up, i might take a vacation there. i hear Palawan is a paradise
Yeah, from all the interviews I've seen of him he really seems about destroying the drug culture.
But, you never know.
South America has had leaders that purport to do the same, yet end up twisting the system more than when they began.
Either way, if the pinoys like it, the west better fucking not butt into it.
>Despite the media backlash
More like because of the media backlash
Doesn't make your opinion invalid, just funnier.
Bureaucracy takes a million years in the Philippines, not just for criminals but for everyone and everything. There's also a lot of corruption at all levels of government, which clogs the system up even further. I'm hoping his approach is just a short-term thing, but the more I hear about him, the more it seems like he doesn't plan on changing his plans any time soon.
At least his people are happy, I guess. Approval rating's over 90% and everyone says they feel significantly safer, so there's that.
Duterte is exactly what the Philippines needs right now, and that's why he easily won the election. Filipinos are tired of corrupt cunts who get nothing done. Now Duterte just needs to follow through on his promises.
>More legal fashion
Yeah...You know he's running the Philippines right?
This IS about as legal as they can get and still get something done.
>fuck you China, I will go to that island by myself and plant a huge ass fucking flag there. What are you gonna do about it?
>hehe can we be good friends? I can suck your dick too if you want.
A Southeast Asian country talking shit about the UN is fucking ridiculous. Vigilante justice is one thing, but the UN is the only fucking thing we have going.
Obongo-mqwanga could learn a thing or two from him
This guy is literally the dude from HATRED
>Don't take this as a joke. I'm not making you laugh, Son of a bitch, I will kill you.
This game was fucking awesome.
Also it should be Sup Forums approved, literally gunning down degenerates.
That. Also lucifer
>the UN is the only fucking thing we have going
what was berlusconi like? only seen one italian on Sup Forums talk about him and he liked him and compared him to italian trump.
isn't he banned from italian politics now because of bunga bunga parties?
Obongo would assassinate him if he ever got a chance. Duterte represents everything Obongo hates.
Shitty countries full of shitskins like Ireland really do think like that.
He was garbage
>That post
Please don't tell me you're drunk at 8AM on a Tuesday mornin
>Phil says that Duterte is a commie before election.
>Turnout him is a right after the election.
Would be good if he has ironhand with those ISIS Muslims in Mindanao but not.
>tfw his nickname is 'The Punisher'
>runs death squads
when he was running for president he told everyone he would kill up to 100,000 people
nigga's based af
That's not based
I like duterte... But the mob boss drug dealers you described use all that money to either leave or protect themselves. The guys getting killed are the low level dealers.
He even has death squads.
Why aren't these fucking LEAFS banned already?
Criminals are just a sign of a shit system. Just like the police. Nobody needs the death penalty. But we just gotta judge people. Remember when Philippines was Catholic? Maybe because they're Catholic did this lefty Stalin come along. I don't criticise lefties often
You're right, Leaf. By killing every one of his enemies, he's lost to all of them. Really makes you think, huh
>le if you kill your enemies they win
won't be no crime if you kill all the criminals tyrone
Satan will probably murder your ass 50 times anyways
why was he garbage leafo? did he say honor killings were barbaric?
>That's not based
apparently the filipinos disagree
Did he create isis? I dont care. See ya bronies
>Duterte: "If I go to hell, I will bring all of these criminals with me"
how many criminals are in the Philippines anyway?
mexico needs him so badly he might move there after he is done cleaning up
By find such person guilty through the courts and respecting their legal rights, i.e., due process.
Kek calm down, you're free to be a drunkard and smoke in proper places.
Thanks war on drugs
And if the law of the land gives them no right to a day in court or due process?
Ofcourse Sup Forums would like executions without trial, nigger mentality right there, you fucks are hypocrites
Where was the legal rights and due process for Gaddafi, mart sharter?
Oh right, human rights don't matter when you're doing it to destabilize entire countries.
>being a druggie
He's a communist dictator, I don't know why foreigners in Sup Forums keep shilling for him.
It's even more hilarious that I keep seeing Americans keep posting about him when he's extremely anti-American and is a China shill.
I'd rather go to hell to get his autograph if I can't get it irl
What do you expect from a non country?
Weed addict sympathizing with his fellow lowlifes. You euros are as degenerate as always.
Plz no subvert, jew-senpai.
It's not hypocrisy, it's sociopathy
perfectly logically consistant
>implying everyone getting killed is a druggie
Naive retard