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yikes...i am now officially for her!
why the turk flag thoe
Consider the record corrected OP.
Hillary 2016!!
The platform should be a gasenwagen
Wtf I hate political comics now
I agree. What did the artist mean by that?
>Hitler in crowd
>Monkeys in crowd
>Robot and clowns in crowd
Wow, really makes me think.
This is way better than most political cartoons, but still pretty dumb
it's also self-defeating
>condemn candidate for bullying people, lying, and spreading fear and hate
>do all of those things in your condemnation
im the robot with the sign
it's good to see GG Allen and Hitler hanging out again
Trump will make National deathpunk Socialism real
I call the skeleton
Fuck off back to le reddit
I'm angry fist man
Dicks out
>drew black republicans as literal monkeys
>i-it's not racist when democrats do it!
>no blacks in the crowd
>several chimps in the crowd
what did he mean by this?
is th artist refering blacks who support trump as monkeys?
wtf i'm gay now
I'm confused. Is it saying that, because Trump is standing on policies that prevent Mexicans and Turks from coming into America freely that he's really just lying to the American public and his supporters? And that no, he's actually pro-Mexican and pro-Turk? What?
>Supported by Turkey and Italy
I thought Libshits liked Turks and Hated Russia?
Also, what the fuck does Italy have to do with fucking ANYTHING?
I'm not sure I understand his point. I get that:
1. Trump is supposed to be a narcissist
2. Trump is supposed to be misleading his audience
3. The crowd is full of weirdos
4. The platform is "oppressing" (Turks???) brown people
It seems sort of disjointed though. It doesn't form a coherent argument about Trump and a lot of the symbols are really stretching it. He knew what he wanted his points to be, but he failed to communicate them effectively. They're just thrown in there haphazardly.
This cartoon reads like a blog post.
and why are the caged people (I'm assuming they are Mexicans) pulling Trump's plug?
The closest I can figure is that Trump is pro Russia and therefor anti-Turk, which I don't understand from the Liberal's perspective.
Sure, Russia is anti-gay for the most part, but Turkey's even worse. Why do they like Turkey more than Russia?
no user, that's trump standing on the mexican flag and the "islamic" flag, which is just the flag of turkey since there is no islamic flag
he's saying he hates mexicans and muslims
>Why do they like Turkey more than Russia?
because we should expect turkish immigrants coming in. the natural opposition of the crowd he is rallying.
>because we should expect turkish immigrants coming in
Fuck that.
No Roaches. Not until Poli has been liberated
Have no idea m9
Nice try Paco - were not letting mexico out of this. Oh wait im Ausfag what do i care
good, get upset, that's exactly what obama is doing right now, en masse. just free flights to america on our debt.
this is an attack. this is not in peace.
>turk flag
I know what you meant by this propaganda piece, CIA.
Hilariously ironic.
Wait....he's wearing a diaper. Because he's a baby? LOL
>build ma dong 20ft long #harambe
>say crap about Trump
>expect Sup Forums to care
Pick one.
You must be new.
>reportedly dead FBI agent, 65yr old male
>found trying to bypass security at trump tower
in possession of unmarked pistol (custom not serialized) with a silencer.
whoa look at those poor poor illegals...
Wow i never knew mexicans were so small
No wonder they are sneaking over the border
Really makes you think
The Islamic flag is green
Fucking lies.
There's no way the POTUS would just let fucking roaches into the US with no Concessions on their part.
Not even admitting to the Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian Holocausts ?
The irony in this is that I have a so-called self proclaimed muslm in /sg/ supposedly living in the middle east telling me that the star and crescent in turkey's flag isn't islamic.
artist self insert
The point is that you goyim need to be more tolerant and accept millions of illiterate mudslimes and spics into your countries to being crime and rape white wimmins. It's like annuda shoah, now stop being so racist.
>Why do they like Turkey more than Russia?
Because White people are evil genociders of history and Brown People can do literally nothing wrong, even if their beliefs are diametrically opposed to what libs want
Seemingly this particular author seems to think the only wrong thing a brown person can do is attend a Trump rally
that's pretty racist to paint our black voters in such a way.
>Monkeys in crowd
They're called "African Americans" you fucking racist
My thoughts exactly
such a diverse and massive crowd.
it is like the libs are subcontiously stumping themselves. again and again.
dont worry thought. the only thing you will ever be able to brag about is that you got paid to shitpost.