I only want to learn intellectuals' language

I only want to learn intellectuals' language
What should I learn



Very high IQ language.

Learn English first since you're so god fucking awful at it you nipponese monkey


Latin or Ancient Greek. ALso


French would be ok too but it's too common to be considered something elitist,

German has the best literature



French or Germany encompass equally sizable amounts of scholarly works, so both are good choices. It's all a matter of preference.


Mexican spanish

Imma beat you up

German is the only choice.

>Literature and culture

Rest have no intellectual value.

I've never agreed so hard with a post

this so much

Except Russian literature is way better than French.

This is the correct answer

Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Classical Chinese, Classical Arabic. For modern stuff, German and French.

the others are useless

>Russian literature

Like what? Russia has never produced any literature worth reading.

What drugs are you?
Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Nabokov, Gogol, Solzhenitsyn, Pushkin, Turgenev, Bulgakov, etc.

No it's not "way better"
Could be considered on par though

Shut the fuck up Igor Ben Abdallah Ben Goldstein

>No it's not "way better"
>Could be considered on par though
Not way better, but it's better. Name one Frenchie that wrote anything comparable to Tolstoy. Don't get me wrong, France comes straight after the Russians. In my opinion.


Fr*nch is so overrated.

Finish learning English before you jump into another language.

Old Irish

French is usefull because some african countries (besides france) still use french so it's probably more usefull than german.

Easy, Balzac.

Inferior copies of European literary tradition. Actual russian literature doesn't exist.

Linguam latinam disce, animal

Every single one of those people wrote with a uniquely Russian psychology and style. You're obviously some self-hating cuck, so you're essentially worthless and I have nothing else to say to you.

>wanting to speak to literal subhumans

>African intellectuals.jpg

If we did'nt make this effort, you'd have nobody to speak to Jimmy John.

learn to stop making up fake warcrimes first

What about them?

You are some kind of libtard, aren't you?

Remember 1932?
Remember the emus?
Never forget
No pasaran

>not realizing that he's asian and he'll sooner or later enslave them for his company


It doesn't compare to the sparrow war of 1960


Ukrainian, of course

I have to disagree m8. As do most literary critics and writers, that's why you'll find Nabokov, Tolstoy, and Dostoevsky in all the best literature lists, and not Balzac. I suspect the opinion in France is different, so I can only speak for the anglo-centric world.
I'd rate Flaubert more btw.


Why does he smell his finger?
>african intellectuals

>Why does he smell his finger?
He was wondering how your mum's pussy smelled like

you should learn hungarian, not some shitty indo-eu*opean language


TEAMKILLER! xXx_baguette420boy_xXx ╾━╤デ╦︻ honhonlenoob


Please don't respond to the churkas. They're just envious.


>wasting time and energy by learning languages nobody fucking speaks anymore
not very intellectual