Alexander Jahans /general/

Fellow Esoteric Jahanists report in.

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>By ballot or by bullet, I will destroy UKIP.

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I figured him out, Sup Forums. He's pro-White deep down, wants his race to survive, but is such a self loathing self hating cuck that he thinks his own feelings are stupid/are shit/don't matter. He feels guilty for his own natural feelings, fucking tragic.

>Watch from 57:00 - 1:05:00

Doesn't this shitbag know every race prefers its own? It's totally natural, you moron, you don't have to feel guilty for biology you pathetic shitbag! Your White guilt is equally mentally retarded,


Bump the shit out of this thread so Alex sees this, and has a chance to repent. He often goes on threads about him.


Is this a fucking man or what? Im serious. I cant get an answer anywhere!

Oh... Please?

He's a 24 yr old genetic fuckup who began puberty at 23. He had more estrogen than the average woman until he began taking monthly testosterone shots, last year.

Explains why he's such a cuck.


Thank you. It was driving me crazy.

Please stop the publicity stunt Alex. It's not our fault no one watches your shitty videos.

No problem, comrade. Jahanism marches on


Every Jahans thread routinely gets a bunch of people coming in here and talking about Sup Forums's pet lolcow, the living meme himself- ALEXANDER GORDON JAHANS.

You're not amused by it? Don't post here. We /are/ amused.

Jahan 2020


>bullying the guy with issues

Pls no bully

holy shit I wonder how weird he'll be by 2020.....

Well, if he just hit puberty, then he might redpill within that time. It will, of course, be followed by a mad scramble to delete all past web activity.

We're not, we're having fun. He puts his vids out and we react. None of us actually want to hurt the guy.

Someone better be fucking downloading his complete works so we have a timeless study tool !


you know you wants chu

No worries famalam. I've got everything so far.

he's boring as fuck

why aren't we trolling the fuck out of him

Where you gonna upload it?

This collection of autistic fuckery is just too good to lose

implying he doesn't frequently get linked to these threads and sperg the fuck out and post about it

that's not trolling. we need an international consortium on the scale of the Chris Chan trolls for this son of a bitch.


He'll just take his channel down if he becomes extremely well known. What's happening is a steady stream of lols

Go to sleep Alex.

Which mental disability does this young man have? Sad!

"Alt" right lol.

Theres a video where he takes his shirt off. He's got like full on tits!

I'll upload it when it's convenient and lulz worthy to do so, and probably just jewtube


Kalmann's syndrome meaning he never started puberty until 23 when he began testosterone shots

Some other shit I don't remember

And aspergers

this vid fam1l1a

Fellow jahanist reporting in. Any bulls in the Indianapolis area need a new cuck? Slightly chubby as well as my wife. Please we are desperate. My small cock does not satisfy her not that she's interested anyway. I always prep and eat the creampie as well. Will father your children.

This tbqh Jahanist family

Exactly. Esoteric Jahanism is approximately 8-9 times funnier than Ted Cruz "DAHHHHNOLD"


Jahanism is about winning, not being a cuck. JAHANS is evolving, he only S33MS like a cuck now

Just you wait famalamb

I'm with HIM

What exactly are the principles of Jahanism? What is required to convert?

upload this meme to the FB //The-Esoteric-Jahanists-1632589203718400/ group

That way we can get sound for that. I'm an admin on that page, and I'll approve your upload

Jahanists --- what actually is the purple drink of choice?
Is it this brand?
I want tits too.

I vomited.

That's our holy drink, we drink it once a week in a special ritual to cleanse our souls of TORYISM

A short video was created to answer such questions. Assuming the message resonates with you, consider converting to Jahanism, for that is the only way we conquer its esoteric status.

I assume it is the Tesco home brand variety?
I really want to get the correct product here.

i legitimately like and respect jahans
I would chill with him

As a libertarian I used to like his videos and speeches, to bad he went full neo-nazi White supremacist.

My apologies, fellow Jahanist, but I do not employ FB.

I'd assume, although I might have to do more Jahanic research to be absolutely certain

Wanting to hang out with a closedminded autist who said it's ok to kill rightwingers.


I'm thinking it may be apple and blackcurrent.
We need to get the canon right if we are to worship in the correct fashion

No. This is gay. We need him to shove a medallion up his ass and drive really far or something. Just spamming his fat, hideous face isn't enough.

To love Jahans you must first hate him, this is the first teaching.

What is the sound of one squash lapping? If a Doctor Who fan falls in the forest, is that something we should be concerned about?


Well if right wing philosophy (lol) demands the subjugation of the working masses, and especially those who fall outside the white male paradigm, in order to benefit a handful of capitalists why is it wrong to kill the oppressor?

It's self defense, isn't it?

There are many Jahanic paths, go make your path, fellow Jahanist, there are no divisions among believers in the Jah

Kek. I actually like the shig face he makes in this.

stop making threads about this weird looking person. kill yourself autist

Can we have a second law of Jahans to exclude all leaf posts? Just anything anti leaf... Anything!

Alexander Jahans
Alexander Jones


thats what they said about reviewbrah, now he has to keep moving

Life is transient

Go to Dr. Who conventions and write terrible fanfic like in my pic related

Jahansalamu akbar

He's clearly having you all on. He's faking outrage for 'ironic' views. Get a fucking grip. Look how much he's been shilled by the same person for about a week.

Fuck off gord, it' s become obvious

so he admits whites are superior

No he's not, he's legitimately just an angry liberal who wants someone to rage against. He associates rightwingers with bullies from his past. When he is attacking us, he's attacking them subconsciously.

All spiritual laws are accepted within the Jahanic wisdom. Carve out your own path IN THE NAME OF JAHANS


I think its "ameme"

I've been watching him for years. It is as clear as day. He's made many mentions how he only makes these vids for money and how it is working. Kys

Explain the esoteric nature of man boobs, please?

Don't give him views until he does something really autistic at Chris Chan level. Have him fuck a blow up doll.

hes XXY right?

he was in the Donald Discord today trying to shill, we called him out and we also figured out he edits the pitch of his voice in videos. His voice is still the same whiny pitch as before.

WE called him out, i posted in the chat his videos and the people who didnt know who he was and they tore him a new. He then admitted it was him after quoting his intro in the same voice (pre edit voice) and then left.

I remember the daily shoah from back in the Darrin Wilson days. Thats fuckin funny!

Thought as much! He's been clearly shilling for views after being told where most his viewer base comes from

They are part of the grand spectrum of time and the multiverse, obviously.

He never said he's ONLY DOING IT FOR MONEY RETARD. He would never talk about getting money if he were literally trolling FOR MONEY.

He said he's doing it as a form of therapy AND for money.

I wouldn't even want to see that. Too weird. No thanks lol

Look how triggered the gord shill has gotten when questioning his motives. I wonder what "user" has to gain from defending him so furiously? Hmmm

Jahans is a fucking retarded, he-she fuckwit, fatass that is trolling for money and IG he wants more of our clicks he needs to seriously step his game up.

The guy's an idiot, I don't know why you'rebothering with him, even for internet jokes.


He amuses us. If you don't get amused by him, then don't post here. Simple lol

>Shock jokes and pranks are just dickish.

Remember the 9th, you dickish plebs!

What did the ascended master say?

I'm now covered in my own sick, thank you.

gordon should be prime minister

oi oi oi oi oi oi oi m888



>It's the [current year]

what in the actual lilly livered fuck is this shit, this is some brand new insanity or CTR retardation again?

What is CTR?


Correct the record.



but he is our wisdom

We rely on Jahans to know how to live

Just another fat slob projecting his own personal pain and failure into political discourse.

T. Fatso

Praise prophet Jahans

Esoteric Techno-Jahanism is the new Alt-Right

fuck that's brutal

>Capitalism: Too much of the wealth is in the hands of too few.

Keep this in mind for a moment, as this is their chief objection.

Communism works like this:

1. Private parties will not cede their property willingly, so a government must be constituted and empowered with the necessary resources to seize all wealth.

2. Governments, by their nature, exist to centralized power in the hands of the few (for the purposes of efficiency, as a national vote on EVERY ISSUE by a direct democracy would not be an effective government). So, to constitute the government, you must centralize all power and authority to the a few elite people who will be charged with directing the national police/military forces as all wealth is seized.

3. Once all of the wealth is seized, all power is centralized, and a massive police/military force is organized and deployed to seize all wealth and to ensure that only the state (the elite few) have control of it all........ the state is then supposed to redistribute it "equally."

The problem is that they never redistribute it, as they control not only the means of production, the means of confiscation, but also the means of redistribution (force of arms). It always ends the same way, with the same complaint that communists originally had with capitalism:

>Communism: Too much of the wealth is in the hands of too few.

this vid is a must see for any new jahanist

What would you achieve by doing that? He is a fine specimen in the petri-dish of modern twenty first century life.

This is the product of the UK education system. He certainly has the ability to form an opinion and the sad thing is he appears to be concerned and thinking about day to day politics, and stuff, more than the average person.


But does everybody need a job? We have an overproduction on food and energy, so people won't starve and it shouldn't be to expensive to supply the few people who don't want to work with a small flat. We also have things like public libraries, so the people wouldn't get to bored.
So why does pol think that everybody needs a job?



Pardon that Americuck's lack of refinement and empirical rigor. There are among we Americans some who can appreciate the finer esoteric and academic discipline of Jahanism that is coming out of Britain.

Truly this is the greatest British cultural transplant since Shakespeare.

Well, that is the main reason why the "wellfare state" model, as it currently is working in several western nations, is even working out.

The problem is, as soon as your own hard work gives no materialistic achievement, your productivity slows down. Not like you never heard about the DDR quotas, right? And how, if you were dumb enough to fullfill them, you were just given more work? And, if you were stupid enough to do even that, then, at some point, you were given a freaking medal. Oh boy. So worth it. /s

>implying anyone other than white males actually work

>Overproduction of food

At a local level. not even close at a global level. and even if we did, the even distribution of resources across the world is neigh impossible.

>Overproduction of energy

probably true. but again, distribution is an issue, and the sustainability of this is questionable even with renewable resources, especially if you're pushing for a "not-everybody-has-to-work" model. Again, it's also location dependent.

>We also have things like public libraries, so the people wouldn't get to bored.

No. we have the internet where people masturbate. that's all they would do and you know it. at which point they are truly useless. no self improvement, no benefit for society.

all of this begs the question - why would the working majority ever tolerate this model? given that, even with adequate food production, there would never be even distribution, there would inevitably be animosity between the "worker" class and the "masturbator" class, which would lead to strife and warfare.

so, to summarize a bit, everyone would need to work, for the image of it if nothing else, or the ones who didn't would be killed or forced to work anyway.

I'm sounding a bit communist here, and that's sort of the point - the communism/socialism circlejerk you seem to subscribe to is, at it's roots, ruthlessly utilitarian in every-form, real or ideal, so I'm not sure where all of NEET's get off trying to justify your no-work lifestyles using these ideologies.

>devoting a whole thread to some fat autistic faggot.

lets get this thread back to jahanism thank you!!!