Holy shit. Is the economy about to collapse? I just spent £620k (borrowed £465k) on a 2-bed in Clapham, with a 25% deposit and a 3 year fixed rate. Did I get memed? Please tell me this isn't true.
Holy shit. Is the economy about to collapse? >>>/biz/1459554
Its okay, its fixed rate
>buying at the top of the market
Someone has to I guess. Enjoy negative equity.
Fuck. Should I sell it right now?
If I can get out quickly, I can rent somewhere and wait for the prices to fall and then buy again cheap, right? Fuck, I had no idea they'd gone up that much. All of my friends are settling down and buying places now that they can afford it so I thought it would make sense to do it too. What have I done?
But it expires in 2018, is the rate going to be higher then? I can just about afford to make the payments at the moment, but I have about £300 left at the end of the month. I don't know if I can take much of an increase. They're not going to go up, right?
If you're confident in your job security then a housing bubble shouldn't have any effect on you - ride it out, keep paying your mortgage, and eventually you'll have your home. Of course it's worse than buying when it's cheap but that ship has sailed
My wife is going to kill me
My job should be fine, I think. I work for Deutsche Bank. Back office, IT. I never paid any attention to the financial stuff. Maybe I should have, fuck sake.
Deutsche Bank is safe, right? It's a really big bank. There's no way it could get in trouble, it's huge.
>I work for Deutsche Bank
this is bait
he got me
>Deutsche Bank is safe, right?
Try harder next time
What's wrong with Deutsche Bank? Don't fuck with me.
>a thread about the next downturn, poor economic decisions and housing bubbles
>I work for Deutsche
Whilst that would be a hilarious coincidence I do believe people would go on the internet and tell lies.
>My job should be fine, I think. I work for Deutsche Bank
OP, a simple question...
Did you intend to buy a house or a home?
If you intended to buy a house that you'll sell in a few years then it's anyone's guess. Good luck.
If you intended to buy a home then as long as you can make the payments then who gives a shit. You have to live somewhere and if the economy does crash then rents will go up as property speculators will need to also pay higher rates anyway.
Don't sweat it, I live in a place with sky high property. My house went up in 10% in 3 years. It doesn't mean anything because if I sold I'd pay the inflated price for exactly the same. It's my home and I'm not interested in moving.
Anyway, come to think about it you won't have a problem because usury isn't allowed in Islamic countries.
What? I'm serious. How big is this thing going to be?
Test what?
>/biz/ won't take my post seriously
>maybe Sup Forums will
Pathetic desu
There's no way this isn't bait.