We need better outreach. How do we expose this site to as many people as possible in order to further our narrative?
Let brainstorm how we can get more normies on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
We're abandoning this shithole immediately after the election. Who cares?
We're only here right now because it's an essential front for the war.
Abandoning it for what? What will we replace it with?
Fucking lol
Cant wait for the election to be over so you faggots fuck off
Wherever we go next can we still worship Kek?
so pol can back to a shitty /x/ 2spooby4me conspiracy shit hole?
Make stickers from Sup Forums memes, put 'Sup Forums' in the picture. Plaster them everywhere.
Reply to every intelligent comment on other sites with "go back to /pol".
A lot better than a US election battle ground. Its getting fucking boring.
Give me back daily happening threads, at least those were fun.
Fuck normfags trashing our site we can just slip into their sites and redpill them from the inside out
just keep your eyes open. It's been discussed on Sup Forums and if you're a regular on Sup Forums, you'll know what it is when you see it.
We're handling migration differently this time so we don't end up like 7/8ch
Put pepe every where, people will research the "nazi" frogs and find the source, by the time they spend a month or two reading the information here the seed is planted, the redpill does the rest of the work. They will never be able to go back.
Shit man i havent even heard of this yet were the hell could we possibly go i mean a good chunk of Sup Forums has gone to shit but Sup Forums is more pure than any other chat site i have ever visited
Dude what?
I don't want to have to waste around other places like I did after Sup Forums webt to shit. Where we going to?
>Sup Forums
You're seriously overestimating this shithole and its inhabitants
Speak for yourself, chump.
If it's already been discussed just tell me. I'm on here everyday and I haven't seen anything about it.
>spread the truth
>reportedly dead FBI agent, 65yr old male
>found trying to bypass security at trump tower
in possession of unmarked pistol (custom not serialized) with a silencer.
glyphy. a mediaboard with html formatting for posts so you can make posts that look like articles, newspaper covers, or just typical images, webms, and memes. It's going to have a minimalist layout, so don't worry about it being reddick web 2.0 fag shit.
write that name down if you're worried about forgetting it, but honestly you'll know when it happens. No one is pleased with what's been happening here, so you'll see the movement for yourself.
Please tell me there will be no accounts or any of that sort.
Im almost exited.
yeah, anonymous.
some of the things I haven't worked out yet. Permanent boards, or youtube style tags? both?
I've got until November to test it.
>you forget not only summerfags in here
What about flags and IDs
Also I'm not sure that's going to work out, I'd venture that part of Sup Forums's success stems from it simplicity.
Leave now normies!
Good point, I guess I'll have to use permanent boards so flags are viable.
You can clearly see my thought process. Sup Forums isn't being reinvented or anything. Just formatting posts is the only major change apart from being a place that isn't compromised by the democratic party.
I can literally promise it will not grow beyond minimalistic japanese design ala Sup Forums.
>i need muh safe space
You're pathetic if you can only hold on to your views in a safe space
How do you plan on keeping it un infiltrated?
Nothing wrong with not wanting 15 anti trump threads going at the same time
Will Kek still be out patron saint? This is very important to me.
It's more about making threads that are dynamic. clickable links, formatted text, positioned images like an article, since the future of media is in anonymous forums. Journalism is dead, and out of the ashes, we will rise.
I mean, you can focus on the sly bannings of 4channers trying to fight CTR, but you're not upsetting me.
I don't. Sup Forums would be fine if mods didn't actively choose sides. Despite what the non-country has to say, I don't mind a bit of chaos.
But wielding power against your userbase to manipulate them is fucking unacceptable. I have been beyond disgusted lately, and I realize I had been taking Sup Forums for granted. It used to be beautiful.
If I turned my back on holy integers, do you think I'd be able to live? I would be struck down for blasphemy. praise kek
>Willfully inviting normalfags
The better question is when do you kiddies go back to school?
I can't wait for you r/efugees to fuck off, too. Good riddance.
Well sign me up. Only thing still bothering me is that theres some software out there called Glyphy on github
Is there? Fuck them.
We need less normie fuck bags as it is, all they'll try to do is take their degenerate fucking filth and try to it popular and cool, when we will never be such degenerates. Like trying to fucking make rap racially aware and Jew wise and then push us out as losers because "Oh they always knew that duh you fucking moron, let's go fuck some bitches and smoke some weed man with this 'cool' black guy who is not a nigger bro"
Fucking disgusting douche bag fucking parasites.
make it popular and cool*
Our movement will never be fashionable in this world because we are not fucking degenerate and wicked.
I'm in! You said this should be up in November? I can't wait! Will you make a thread about it here once it's up?
Please don't throw those beaners traitors here! we will kill them, do you want blood in your hand's? You could send them to africa when you start deporting the nigger
enemy of the long curved noses?
Maybe I'll buy an ad here...
There were some girls in the park yesterday drawing pepes. They looked very very Parisian left wing
exactly you will also look for le edgiest ideology because the whole point is for you to find something to hate chad thundercock with.
but what is your narrative beyond being edgy? stormweenies should fuck off back to stormfront, at least libtards werent as retarded.
Kek some faggot in here advertising his own alternative to Sup Forums
Still time to vote with Wayn3
>more normies = increase in faggotry
>more normies = possible new targets to redpill and spread message bringing more normies
Oh Kek, prolly better to screw the normies
The Store Front captcha is actually a secret way to promote stormfront
Are you happy with how Sup Forums is right now? Most of 4chans charms are gone. I'm ready for something new.
Then go try Deleddit and don't fuck it up for the rest of us.
Fuck it up for you how?
We are here, you just don't believe we're not CTR.
It's funny to watch the neo-nazi monkeys in their containment-board zoo.
>get more normies on Sup Forums
Create a Diversity Department with the sole purpose of inviting and integrating more minorities, women and commies into Sup Forums
That's how it's done
More like cripplechan, faggot. But hey, congrats on outing yourself as a reddit shill.
At that point, just send them to Reddit. Normies don't belong here. Anybody who's ever posted on here on any board has massive problems.
Speak for yourself. Some of us are just dodging censorship.
Keep telling yourself that.
/pol wasn't always alt right, this used to be a libertarian board. It will change in the future as well.
Keep telling that yourself faggot. You will be no different from the other refugee chans. All of you retards thought that your website and community was better than Sup Forums when in fact you were just a cancer of the highest degree. I'm pretty sure that a few months after you flee to your website will fall victim to the in-fighting and whenever it gets DDoS'ed you smug faggots will be crawling back here saying 'I wouldn't have to deal with this shitty place if muh refugee chan wasn't down' bullshit whenever someone disagrees with you.
Anyway I'll be glad to see you gone even if it's for just a couple of months.
It's true though. I say here what I can't say on normiebook and get a b&
You've got a point there, I go to infinity but never stopped coming here. The visitor volume alone makes it worth it. 8ch is a damn desert in comparison.