Post Your Country's Greatest Ally
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Will you support the fall of Trudeau if we make it happen?
I'd string the rope myself, friend
I concur.
Help Quebec and the Maritimes break free of Le Torontoman and we'll give you our hydroelectricity, gold and lumber.
Nazi Germany.
Poland i think
>some people here are unironically socialist
Nah bro, straya
Aww, Thank you Australia.
senpai noticed me
this triggers me
>are you kidding me?
what has Israel Ever done for US?
We protect Israel, they are no allie they are a foothold in the middle east, what do they do for us? We gave them air defense missles to protect against scary Iran. Beleieve it or not but our best allies are probably the shitty Brits or China depending on how you look at it.
Israel is the only democracy in the entire middle-east and they helped us destroy Iraqs nuclear program and they also provide us with alot of intelligence and technology, what has any of our allies done for US really?
>forced us to end preferential trade with the empire
>destroyed the Japanese Navy entirely rather than sue for peace,so they could focus on dominating the Royal Navy in the atlantic
>publicly denounced the British Raj leading to it's collapse
>publicly denounced British troops being stationed in the Suez
>activley supported the IRA with arms
you are not our Allies
Technically yeah, they contribute most to our economy. People always say we're to Australia what Canada is to America though so we might aswell embrace our diverse and loving leafbros. :^)
Based anglos, since the Treaty of Windsor
U.K. Has always been, and will always be our greatest ally.
Only uneducated Americans who have never read a history book thinks Britain is our ally
tfw no allies
You don't have a choice when it comes to dealing with America m8. t. American soldier stationed in Germany
Love you to :3
>U.K. Has always been, and will always be our greatest ally.
the hell are jew lovers doing on my neo-nazi gun-slinging imageboard
t. Blairite
i dont have friends
This is a political board not a neo-nazi board, cant you read?
The UK, kikes should be gassed.
Palestine doesn't have the right to exist because arabs are subhuman, not that I can tell the difference between them and jews, its just that the Jews win. America loves a winner and it loves underdogs. An underdog that wins makes our dick harder than diamonds.
אתה רוצה שזה יהיה רק 6 מיליון אם אתה מוכר טילים שלי שוב .
The British they've helped us kill quite a few muslims. Israelis just antagonize the muslims and expect us to clean up the mess.
Gimme your women then !
I claim Germany!
The British have also statistically caused the Most American deaths with the Revolutionary war, War of 1812 and their various embargo's of America, they are shit tier ally's
We're shit tier allies?
We weren't allied with you while we acted against your interests, unlike the United States and her covert second world war goals
Israel wouldn't dare bite the hand that feeds it.
probably, only spaniards will understand
The USA saved your entire country, you guys were getting BTFO by the Nazis if it wasn't for America the UK probably wouldn't even exist, show some appreciation
I didn't know the USAF won the battle of Britain?
Winning to the US was a far worse outcome than a stalemate with Germany or Soviet Victory
>Israel depends on the billions of Aid payments the USA gives them
>Sells sensitive information to enemies
>USA shares military technology with Israel
>Israel turns around and sells it to enemies of America
>Israel destroys USS liberty trying to frame Egypt as the attackers and draw the US in to another war
are you all kikes? There are hundreds more of these incidents, Any American who supports Israel is a blue pilled, Israel is a leech that provides absolutely nothing and noy only takes everything it can but feels entitled to it.
Do you realise how much better off America would be without its Jewish parasite?
this ?
fuck off USA you stole the jews from my country, give em BACK.
Ma nigga
IDK. Bobby Fisher was pretty based
Unless football
The SAA needs you.
Tudeau is from le belle province
remove leaf.
dumb leaf
only in a dream. imagined if we got along. oh the technology we could've made.
israel is the world's greatest ally
We have three greatest allies.
Only uneducated Americans take their understanding of history from a shitty fucking Mel Gibson movie.
UK or Australia
i think they are inseparable at this point. does the usa even exist beyond an animated corpse at this point or is its brain completely replaced by the jewish structure?