Would you allow a Dunmer refugee family to take shelter your country after their homeland was ravaged by a volcanic eruption?
Would you allow a Dunmer refugee family to take shelter your country after their homeland was ravaged by a volcanic...
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Swedim belong to the nords
Funny thing is I actually would ethnic cleanse all the Dunmer from all towns. I was basically the elder scrolls version of the SS.
And yes I was always the master race (IMPERIAL)
I went to Morrowind once. It's a third world shithole where everyone is an asshole. Normal people would call me N'wah and just be rude, guards were corrupt and I got mugged by drugged up shits constantly.
Fuck the Dunmer and their backwards religion.
Bosmer are the fucking creepiest race. Just creep factor 11 and no one talks about it at all. They shouldn't even be playable.
>It's a lusty Argonian maid episode
Yes, I would shelter a family personally because I like them. I would never open up the floodgates and put the onus on my fellow citizens, especially if I was insulated from any negative effects of massive immigration by being a cosmopolitan "citizen of the world" with no roots.
I'd let them sleep on my farm until they can get money to go where they want.
Are they going to start volcanoing people on the side of the street or are they peaceful dunmer?
They're also fucking cannibals
Owners of Hope Farm in Cato Ridge, Andrew and Rae Wartnaby, were yesterday forced to evacuate their 10 children from their farm house in fear that they would be attacked or used as “bargaining tools”.
This, after a group of the foreign nationals they are housing on their farm attacked their home in the early hours of yesterday morning and threatened to kill Andrew.
Yes, Skyrim doesn't actually belong to the Nords, it belongs to the elves who we killed and treated unjustly, we are all immigrants, we have no right to deny others especially not any elves a place in Skyrim.
>master race
Dunmer are not niggers or sand niggers. You're thinking of Redguard or Orcs.
Why doesn't the Dominion want to take in any Dunmer even though they're all elves?
No, they are the most based elves
imperials by definition are a conglomerate of many sects and nationalitys. you take a country, it becomes part of the empire, its people become your citizens. empire is the antithesis of nationalism.
I would, because they are actual refugees from an actual natural disaster. Of course, we would have to find them a new homeland to resettle in, perhaps in the part of Vvardenfell not obliterated by bad writing.
only cute ones
>Not Redgaurds
>playing as anything other than Khajit
Nords should mix with red guards.
Imperials should mix with argonians.
Summer should mix with orcs.
Prove me wrong.
>Thread full of snowmonkeys
The Dunmer are actually the most based race in the entire series. They're one of two (along with the khajiit) that survive Landfall (the end of Nirn itself). They also produced 3 mortal gods, enslaved other races, and resisted imperial rule for thousands of years.
I'd say the next "best" race would be imperials, for they fucked up the entire continent and created a God.
This isn't even to mention their advances in magic, actually managing to survive and thrive in a fucking volcano wasteland, and the fact that their entire way of life is a gigantic middle finger to the High Elves.
>>tl;dr: snow monkeys go back to your caves
>most based elves
>still live in mudhuts
>traditional Dunmeri dress is a loin cloth and bad smell
If by mudhuts you mean insect carapaces and mushroom houses, yes.
this one would never allow such a thing
>not developing literacy and commerce before the Ayleid
Are you kidding me, in Elder Scrolls lore the Imperials are the cucks. The entire premise of Skyrim was the Imperials trying to force diversity onto the nords and the nords rejecting it.
On the topic of accepting a dunmer refugee family, fucken oath... Dunmer are the master race.
Dunmer are not Arabs. Khajit are Arabs. Dunmer are Russians.
All elves shoud be killed, no excepton.
Bosmer cannibals
High Elves arrogant cunts who think ther are gods in human form
Dunmer shit skins so such traitors that they doomed themselves.
All useles all degenerate, must be purged and replaced with healthy Human population.
Not if you're pure Nibenese, and not one of the dirty mutts that came from Atmora.
Also, Ulfric was a sleeper agent of the Altmer. The Empire was only outwardly abiding by the treaty long enough to reunite the Men and strike back.
Elder Scrolls without the imperials means Elven hegemony throughout the continent.
Dunmer are literally jews.
No, high elevs are Jews. Have you even played any of the games?
Would they pay for your clothes, food, housing, heating, plumbing, send your kids to school, providing language lessons etc... if your homeland was ravaged by a volcano.
>Ulfric wants to deport this
Dominon considers every Mer that isn't an Altmer to be corrupted and to purge them. They're purging the Bosmer in Skyrim, which you learn about when you have to sneak into an Dominion Party.
Plus the Dunmer broke off from the Altmer in a bloody civil war back when they were Chimer. Azura cursed their race to have ashen grey skin & firey red eyes after the Tribunal turned against Idoril Nerevar and lead the Chimer people against Azura. So to the Dominion they're demon worshippers, not fit to live.
Serves them right for being retardedly naive
>Invite hundreds of illiterate Africans onto your farm
>They abuse their hosts hospitality and straight up go into "gibsmedat" mode when they are asked to leave
>How could thing go so wrong?
Well looking at the lore with Atmer being the first born we can view Atmer as the Hebrews. But there is a schism with the Dunmer trying to become gods themselves. So Dunmer are cursed. I would view Dunmer as talmudic jews. Fallen I suppose.
Dwemer are definitely atheists. Possibly Atlanteans.
Khajit are definitely arabs what with their moon worship and moon sugar.
Argonians are the chinese. Their borders never change and they live in a place no one is interested in really.
Bretons are white ppl and nords are nordic ppl
Redguards are SJW themed blacks (good at things, independent, not ruining everything)
Bosmer are...monsters.
Same thing is happening in Germany. They invite millions of illiterate "women & children" but end up with over 80% of fighting age men.
The purge you are talking about was a leadership purge of Bosmer not loyal to the Dominion. The Dominion believes they can reverse the Daedric influence on the Bosmer and Khajit and return them to Aldmer
>Master Race